>Game has hidden timer that determines what ending you get
>No way of knowing until you’ve beaten it
ITT Bad Game Mechanics
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name one video game
The closest thing i can recall is dead cells.
Original Metroid
silent hill 4 has something more or less like that
>Bad Game Mechanics?
No children in open world/sandbox games, i has a sibling and i would love to bash his head in with ma mallet without any full life consequences.
Like smack him atop so the skull is partially submerged into a rib cage.
Any game that poisons you. I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone say, “My favorite part of the game was the poison area with all the poison enemies that poisoned you”
Should have been faster, scrub
Anyways the worst game mechanic is the minimap
It's not really the same. Sure there's a 'timer', but you sure as fuck can take a good guess whether or not you're gonna fuck up.
fast travel
Open world with crafting and "rpg elements".
Open world is mostly empty space with some enemies sprinkled here and there.
Weapon durability.
quest markers for poorly made quests
Escort missions. Bonus if they can’t defend themselves and/or die in a few hits. Even more bonus points if you can’t redo it and have to start the game over if they die.
>Should have been faster, scrub
>Not enjoying the unique environments and enemy designs
T. Stinky speedrunner
>walking speed is slower than the NPC
>sprinting speed is too fast
people say blight town is the best area in dark souls literally every single day on this board
hunger and item durability just for the sake of having it
>weapon repairs
>survival sandbox
i blame fnv for kicking off this trend of autistic not-games
>missable items
>missable quests
>missable unlockables
>missable anything
>add different kinds of debuffs
>bosses are 100% immune to it
see, it's difficult for me because blighttown is right next to the 20-atorey tree full of mushroom people and jank-kino vine parkour
so, as user predicted, i will not claim bloghttown is my favorite area
but it's real close
>crafting sytem
>a material is only used to craft one thing
Then why not just give me the thing you hack kneed frauds? You think I don't see this as the worthless padding it is? The whole fucking point of crafting is so I have to make choices with the limited resources I gather, if there is no choice there is no point
When has anyones opinion on this Chinese basket weaving site ever been right?
>game has required dps checks
water makes you go slow, followed by mandatory paths filled with slowing water
>game doesn’t let you go back for missed items or quests
user claimed nobody ever says that and that's incorrect no matter how little you think the people who say it matter.
literally every time i've posted. blight town is the best area in dark souls, by the way.
>the entire game world, no matter how detailed, must be leashed to the player at all times because some autists might not pull off a 100% playthough
Ya man I love it when the world ending threat just decides to fuck around indefinitely while I fuck around indefinitely. Sure would suck if my choices had ramifications later down the line and I had to commit to my actions
Does ME2 count? It has been a long time since I played, but I vaguely recall the suicide mission plays out differently based on how happy your squad mates were from you doing their sidequests, but doing sidequests meant you "wasted time" and kidnapped NPCs would die
The game tells you there's a sense of urgency but it's one of those games where it wasn't obvious that it was a "real" sense of urgency and not just some flavor-line thrown in without any gameplay ramifications. It has again been a long time since I played and I was like 13 at the time so kinda dumb, but I really don't remember the game at least having some menu to make you realize what was going on. Some autist will say I'm retarded because NPCs certainly talk about a sense of urgency and it's on me for not recognizing that it was a gameplay implication moment, but it's a fucking AAA game published by EA - I don't think it's dumb to expect them to spell it out.
Anyways didn't annoy me or anything, but definitely caught me off guard (in a good way) when some NPCs melted from memory
>reach the final chapter of the game
>Remember in the second village when you turned in the quest to the adventurer guild before talking to the town mayor? No? Good. There was nothing at the time that would have made that decision memorable. BUT NOW IT HAS MULTIPLE CONSEQUENCES.
>Game has really piss poor ‘good and evil’ mechanics
>You can either do the quests and beat then end game boss
>Or you can fail to kill unkillable NPCs and just have everyone attack you on sight forever
Thanks Skyrim
>crafting system
>some materials are limited and you've no way of farming them
>items they craft have durability/consumable
>items aren't gamebreaking
Baldr sky for a few routes, it's pretty retarded since if you want a bad end you have to wait for a bit
Yea, I agree with this for a first playthrough. But it's annoying for playthroughs after that. For Dark Souls 3, I actually made a missable guide that was well received by the community.
there's an ini fix by the way
As much I loved warframe it too often had new shit cause new resources bc the alternative is some people might have everything they need already,and that got so tiresome.
Gameplay mechanics are tied to framerate
I'm sure you got a lot of upvotes for that one champ
>escort walks faster than your walk and slower than your run
>Wipe the floor with a boss
>Cutscene starts and it shows your character cowering/worn down while saying he's too strong
If you don't want your precious faggot developer's pet to lose then don't let me fucking fight them.
Castlevania 64
>Any game that damages you. I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone say, “My favorite part of the game was the regular area with all the enemies that damaged you”
>open a chest
>Oops, now you can't get the Omega Deux Ex God Weapon
11s should burn in hell for this "buy or fucking guide or miss BiS gear" bullshit.
>boss fight is just a QTE that you lose at the end anyway
This is kind of a specific one and not really a mechanic but
>Fake choices
>you wanna do bad thing or good thing
>no ambiguity to choices
>making player aware therefore making the player not be judged for their actions/thought process.
>bosses scale with your stats so if you kill too many mobs or try to powerlevel the bosses can become absurdly over-scaled and impossible to beat
Rat's Quest
Too slow, didn't read
>Boss has invincibility phases
>They don't strategically pressure you, can't be worked against
>Mechanically accidents nothing more than padding the fight time
Now I'm no expert at making vidya but what good is putting can't-fight into a fight?
the entire ending is just a reward for beating the game quickly.
FUCK that hydra in Hades
Respawn. Also, invincibility frames on bosses.
>Trivializes the concept of difficulty and challenge
>Sustains itself as a proof of devs unable to translate their gameplay in a way the player can tackle challenges with the full of extent/control of what the character does
>hurr this is how ridiculous he would sound if he said something completely different than what he said
really negro
when you can repair your weapons as much as you want this is fine. it's good, even. i especially like games where you have to maintain guns.
games where you have to carry around 50 different weapons that all break after 5 hits and can't be repaired are just fucking trash. it adds nothing to the game. there's weapons everywhere so it's not like you have to conserve your 30 cardboard swords. it's just incredibly annoying. it feels absurd.
>completely different
Poison is not a damage now? Are you fucking stoned?
>DLC/expansion gives you a plethora of items that make the game completely trivial right at the start of the game, no new game plus required