Was the remake good?

was the remake good?

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I didn't even know there WAS a remake!

No, it didn't fix the awful levels. Why is there so many sonic threads lately? This is getting annoying.

You mean Sonic Colors?
Yeah, it was good.

Yep, but had some issues of its own. Console/pc port forced a blur filter for some reason.

The movie released, Origins got a date. Deal with it, SonicGODS own the board.

not video games
just a rom collection with paid dlc for main menu art

The original wasn't even good cuck.
Sega lost Mario is dabbing on blue rat's corpse looking forward to Mario movie release next year.

Literally no reason to play the original over the 2011 version. The 2011 version doesn't the vocals for the Japanese songs, but literally everything else is improved.

>rom collection
You are retarded.

What awful levels? there's only one questionable zone that is wacky workbench, the rest is perfectly fine and playable.

It's the definitive version of a game that has mixed reception. It was my first Sonic game when I was young and has a special place in my heart for the insanely good opening and ending cinematics and great music.

Despite what people say there isn't one way to get the good ending. You can play it like an adventure game and search for the robot generators and metal sonic holograms to get the good ending. That is the issue that most people take with it, and it's a valid criticism. People wanna go fast in sanic so that doesn't resonate with everyone. This was the second game that was made so there wasn't really a series precedent yet

You can also totally play the game rushing and going fast. As long as you collect 50 rings and do the special stage afterwards getting time stones, you can unlock the good ending that way too. This is how I play on my playthroughs now. I also think the special stages are about on par with blue spheres once you get a feel for the depth perception.

The levels are a rough yeah, but they are nowhere near as bad as sonic 1, and the remaster also has a time trial mode that has a quick restart so you can learn them pretty quickly. It's honestly one of highlights of the game.
It's almost like a movie that features a video game character might make people wanna talk about the games.

You know what? The US music is pretty good. Beyond just Sonic Boom, too.


This is just legitimately nice. Don't tell me it's not "Sonic" either, otherwise the Mystic Ruins theme in SA1 isn't Sonic.

Added that useless shit Tails and fixed the special stages so they run way better. No idea what the fuck it does better than the original besides that.

I will always prefer the Japanese soundtrack, the the US soundtrack has some undeniable bangers.



>Replaced Sonic 1 physics with Sonic 2's (bad because it fucks with some time travel spots that are now impossible or creates new easy ones)
>Fixed Special Stage lag (good)
>Timer doesn't reset after time travel (really bad)
>SEGA was retarded again and lost the rights to the lyrics of the opening and ending songs (lol)

Overall is was alright, it was Taxman's first remake and it shows but it also introduced a lot of people into this wonderful game so there's that.

>Replaced Sonic 1 physics with Sonic 2's
Source? I heard a lot of people say this was just spreading that online. Taxman made his own engine for the remakes and said he matched CDs physics spot on. I've played the OG PC release for a long time and I can't feel a difference.

You can really tell in the pinball boss.
There's also this spot in Quartz Quadrant where you can time travel by just bouncing in the upwards conveyor wheel and that wasn't possible before.

Sonic CD is such a stellar game and I will never understand why people hate on it, is it anti-sonic bias, is it modern vs classic wars, is it 2 and 3K picking on the black sheep, I don't know but CD is easily the highlight of the series and the best in the classic series if you consider 3K two separate games. The remake is good

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On a technical level? Yeah, it's a pretty good remake.
But you can't fix a trash game.

It's because nobody owned a Sega CD at the time. Anyone who played it almost definitely played it on PC (was the case with people I knew) as it was easy to run for the current hardware at the time.

Then it didn't get a re release for like a decade and a half and people touted it as the secret hidden best game in the series, saying it was the best of them all. It was the hidden secret unobtainable Sonic game.

In reality it was only pretty good and introduced a lot of unique ideas, great music and animation. But people were promised something that would blow their mind, not something that was made before Sonic 2 and got upset.

It was probably this way because people who played it liked it and told others that they liked it, but it generally didn't reach a large enough audience for people to be autistically critical. If It got released on the genesis somehow as is, it probably wouldn't be so divicine.

Remember the "Sonic was never good" meme?
it's literally the same shit but with "Muh level design" even though there's nothing wrong with it.

>People didn't have realistic expectations when reading about people online who thought a thing was fun
>A 1993 genesis styled sonic game no less

Big surprise

>It's because nobody owned a Sega CD
Basically this, no one had access to play it, and something that is unobtainable is immediately seen as mysterious and interesting. People had unrealistic expectations

Sonic website

Only problem is that there are no lyrics for intro and outro, and the time warp needs a bit more time to do
You can remove the filter in settings

Stop watching e-celeb faggotry. Sonic CD sold 1,5 million copies in the Sega CD and other than S3&K, it was the only one to get a PC port. Almost every 2d fangame(not romhacks) used CD sprites and assets(see Taxmans Sonic Nexus)

>Sonic CD sold 1,5 million copies in the Sega CD

Sonic 1 was a pack in, and Sonic 2 sold 7.5 million copies on the Genesis. CD wasn't like, hyper obscure, but across the world, 1.5 million means it wasn't something every kid had.

I first played CD on an emulator before the remake was even a thing.
Anyone who tells you CD was obscure and hard to play is full of shit lmao.

So you first played it 15 years after it came out?

>its ok when Elden Ring does it
>its ok when Starfield does it
>its ok when kingdom hearts 4 does it

You're such a fucking newfag holy shit.

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I literally said the game was good but people had insane expectations. They literally still do. I don't watch e celeb shit, but you can't ignore the fact that everyone who thought the game was the best the series ever had heard someone online say that.

Sonic 2 also sold like 8 million opposed to CDs 1.5. A lot of those people probably got one sonic game in the early 90s and didn't become diehard fans talking about it 30 years later. There is no dispute that comparably less people played it. My Childhood PC copy was from my brother who had me downed it to me and doesn't even remember owning it when I talk to him.

I had the pc version of Sonic 3 long before I ever got to play the originals and I knew a guy who had the pc version as well. People who claim >muh jewish tricks in regards to Lock on or Sega CD were obviously poorfags.


>On an emulator

Yeah, hey buddy, maybe don't use wrong words for what you're talking about? Can you just not do that?

I'm just showing you that it was available in a lot of different platforms even before the 2011 remake came out.

It was fucking obscure you retard the only way to play it before the remake was Sonic Gems Collection which at the time I didn't even know existed until I walked into a rental store and the other way was having a genesis with a CD add-on which was overpriced as fuck during its relevancy and also not worth it for its price point at the time. It definitely wasn't hard to play though all you needed was 50 rings for special stages and all the time stones to get the good ending.

I'm aware of the PC port. That is not the conversation we are having here.

>only way to play it before the remake was Sonic Gems Collection which at the time
Already wrong Kindly kill yourself

both are special in their own ways, JP just has this out-of-reach nostalgia factor for me and I adore the general mood and aesthetic of it with the forced samples and poppy 80s trash funk sound that I think I like a lot more overall, but I played the US version of the game on my family's computer back in the late 90s/early 00s so I had that version of the soundtrack burned into my head right next to the bruce faulconer DBZ music

I wish they had gone for either a more "fun" sound in the US version for their bad future tracks like the JP palmtree panic
or done more with the kind of industrial approach like the US boss theme

Apparently the US soundtrack was written in like, seven weeks.

Cope, retard.

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wow shit I got some reading to do, I guess that's somehow not surprising though

The longstanding rumor for why it even existed is that Sega USA had a new recording studio in their office, and nothing to use it for, so some higher up just said: "make some Sonic music."

No faggot. You're posting the fucking PC port when the CD itself only sold a measly 1.5mil so the PC port in 96 couldn't have sold anything worth a damn. you're being disingenuous at best suck a cock.

>Claim that the only way to play CD before remake was the gems collection
>When we had emulators
>When we had a PC port since fucking 1996

Nigga just take the L already, this is beyond pathetic.

I played it on gems collection because it was the only normal game included. It's worse than Sonic R and Sonic the Fighters

>Sonic R

God, I wish Sonic R was a better game. Its aesthetics are choice. Visuals. Music. Top. Tier. Shit.

C'mon not even you believe that one, work on your shitposts son

It's just a recreation on a fan engine, it's not different enough to have merit as a remake but too different to have merit as a port. Just play the original. Except don't because CD isn't very good

>This dude thinks we got had a good sega CD emulator in 2005
>This dude thinks that you could pop in a CD rom from 1993 into a windows XP computer and it would work fine

Not him, but holy shit gems collection might has well have been the only way to play it. It's not that it was impossible to find, but it wasn't a common game and people weren't internet shopping a lot back then.

People weren't gonna come across them in stores in person very often at all. Retro game stores weren't really a thing they were just game stores. If you think that shit was easily accessible to most people back then who had a passing interest in Sonic you're off you're fucking rocker or a zoomer.

I'm talking about legit you gay bastard and even if I humored that idea it definitely still wasn't anything to say it wasn't obscure the goddamn lifetime sales overall whether it be original or remake totals to (original, Gems, and Taxman included from both mobile and consoles/PC) is 2.11mil and I can't find anything on the PC numbers exclusively but fuck off if you're even going to try to worm your way out of this

Soundtrack ratings


You can do anything - good (basically copy of Sonic 2 Green hills MS)

Palmtree Panic - very good
Collision Chaos - nice
Tidal Tempest - kino
Quartz Quadrant - kino
Wacky Workbench - nice
Stardust Speedway - kino
Metallic Madness - meh
Final Fever - kino
Cosmic Eternity - holy kino


Sonic Boom - very good

Palmtree Panic - kino
Collision Chaos - okay (sounds much better ingame)
Tidal Tempest - good
Quartz Quadrant - good
Wacky Workbench - nice
Both Stardust Speedway and Metallic Madness sound unfinished
Boss music - too scary

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Sonic the Fighters and Sonic R are soul incarnate, have better graphics, better music, and better gameplay

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>I'm talking about legit
Oh look, he's retarded.
I'll humour you for 2 seconds and prove you wrong like this BAM, fuck off now.

>people weren't internet shopping a lot back then.
People were pirating left and right. I'm starting to believe you didn't even have internet before 2010 because you sound like an underage who has never experienced life before cellphones.

Oh they are very soulful, but better as games? hell no.

Quartz Quadrant Present JP is one of my favourite vidya songs ever, it's incredible.

sonic cd is really great but it has a lot more jank than the other genesis games
even on the remake i end up on the middle of a wall when going 2 fast or flying with tails or time travelling
the time travel also hasn't aged really well but thats due to limitations of the original hardware, with mods you can make it instantaneous
other than that yeah its a very nice game

You are beyond retarded kill yourself you're objectively wrong and playing the role as a retard to save face for irony at this point fuck off and its the last (You) you're getting

I'm literally 30. People had internet shopping yeah, but it was the days of eBay scams. Who would wanna risk buying an entire sega CD console that would probably get fucked in shipping. Most people including myself just chose to avoid it. Still didn't really cover any of my other valid points but okay.

Like I said we didn't have a good Sega CD emulator. You either bought an entire Sega CD and paid a good amount or that was it. Emulators were not good and the PC port did not play well with XP.

Lmao, I'll gladly take that as your humilliating defeat.
Take it easy man

Has anyone made a mod of CD that has original arrangements for the US soundtrack's past areas? That's one rumor about Sonic Origins I'm hoping for. Tee Lopes 'completing' the US OST.

>but better as games? hell no
I would replay Fighters or R before replaying CD original

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>we didn't have a good Sega CD emulator.
Stop shitposting already

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>Pirate a game that you can hardly play on a mostly non working emulator
yeah man sure got him

It's free information on the internet anyone in here can see you're a retard so I dunno what you're talking about

Bro if you think that shit worked well on most peoples windows XP computer at the time you are dumb as hell.

he said good lol

I'm so sorry for your shit taste.
>google sanic cd
>put funny rom in emu
>play le obscure gaem before remake comes out

Like how anyone can see that you keep getting BTFO by me? like how anyone can check the release date for the PC version and immediately dismiss you as a retard?

It worked fine on my "WIndows XP machine" thank you very much.

Crazy how easily and accessible to everyone it was yet somehow nobody played it.

>nobody played it.
I love this one, so you're saying that the entire romhacking community using assets from CD and that infamous jumping sound didn't play the game?

>It worked fine on my "WIndows XP machine"
sure it did ;)

It's worse than roms. Its shitty android ports with dlc as art. But don't worry sonic will die again once the social parasite normies realize le quirky gen x retro game reviewer lied to them about old sonic being good

How did anyone manage to play Sonic 1 before the mobile remake?
That game fucking sucked and people only liked it because it was obscure and you needed a sega genesis or a poorly coded emulator to play it.

You're nothing but a liar. Literally every single Sonicfag in here knows you're a liar you aren't proving shit to anybody besides how much of a faggot retard you are. kill. your. self.

That shit should have been called Sonic, Knuckles, Baku Baku & Garfield pack lmao

Take your meds already

>the fucking sonic romhacking community makes up the whole community of people who played it
What is this fucking argument, look at the sales and compare the numbers.
A million copies worldwide is not a lot of sales. Lots of people missed out on it. Look at sonic 2. There is a nearly 7 million difference in sales between the two.

Do I think people who worked on romhacks that have nothing to do with the game itself played it? Probably fucking not honestly. You don't need to play a game to use assets. If you think Sonic CD was a popular release you're retarded. It was popular for the Sega CD maybe but that's it.

If you picked up loads of lives in Green Hill and don't play Labyrinth like an impatient retard it's actually a pretty easy game.

>muh sales
Nigga this wasn't a steam game, this was the mid 00s and everyone was using emulator and pirating left and right.
Fucking kill yourself for even trying to get away with this in such a newfag way.
Unironically lurk moar or stop pretending.

I don't take meds because there's nothing wrong with me. Keep projecting more of your dumbass lies. I dunno why you're even still in this thread

>there's nothing wrong with me
>keeps constantly replying after getting buck broken

CD was never a smash hit, ever. There's a reason it was put in gems collection and not mega collection.
CD is lesser to 3D Blast, Mean Bean Machine, and Spinball

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>its ok if I reply but not you!
you're such a dumb faggot dude

>CD was never a smash hit, ever.
And? nobody said it was.
>CD is lesser to 3D Blast, Mean Bean Machine, and Spinball
What even is your point here? CD was never meant to be a big title to begin with, otherwise it'd have been called Sonic 2.
Funnily enough it ended up being a more faithful and soulful sequel to Sonic 1 than the actual 2 was.

>y-you're d-dumb
Wow I'm so hurt bro pls don't do that :(
I also have feelings you know