Fallout 4

How come this game doesn't have diehard fans like FO3 and NV both do? It's really odd. Fallout 4 came out much later the the former yet I almost never see anyone talk about it.

Fallout 4 fans, where are you!?

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BUMP! Where are all my fallout 4 boys at???

It has the best gameplay of all Fallout games. New Vegas is a game I watch the quests on Youtube because the gameplay is that much of a chore


how is the gameplay a chore? the reason i dropped new vegas is because the game was braindead easy. i put it on the hardest difficulty and i could still kill absolutely everything in VATS before they even got a chance to do anything about it

You don't play Fallout for the gunplay, you play it for the roleplaying aspects. Fallout 4 had marginally better gunplay (still shit) but garbage roleplay elements so what's the point? It's by far the most unappealing Fallout game in my eyes.

Because it really is that bad

It's pretty much Fallout 3 with better gunplay and proper crafting. They share the same issues writing and worldbuilding-wise, Fallout 4's biggest sins were ignoring different ammo types and unique models for armors and guns from Vegas.

It is souless compared to NV. This is the first time I have used that term but its true. You can tell the people making it didn't care or have a passion for fallout.

its just kind of boring, i tried replaying it recently and it feels so devoid of any real decision, honestly i think its just how garbage the dialogue is in the game, nothing compelling and everything they try to make engaging just falls flat on its face in typical bethesda fashion
give it a few years, some people who started with it or have nostalgia for it will champion it, it's literally just a matter of time, though you are right, it gets much less attention than 3 or NV, but everyone but our friendly pajeet knows 3 is dogshit.

They may not be very vocal, but I feel 4 is one of the most enduring games in the series, rivaled perhaps only by NV. I still see people somewhat regularly discussing it. I guess it's because most 4fags acknowledge their games flaws, making it hard to use as bait.

intrusive character identity inhibits roleplaying opportunities
female PCs are all used goods sluts
voiced pc was a mistake
story is dogshit and uninteresting
SPECIAL/Perk system is dogshit
the amount of work i'd need to go about modding the game into something playable is too much work - it's not even a good framework to build on

I have played nv, 3, and 2 a bunch of times but I only played 4 twice, it's not good. the minecraft stuff is forced garbage for zoomers, the story is way more linear compared to the rest, the special system is completely fucked, and the argument that it has better combat is only slightly true; it's about as good as the combat in NV or 3 when they first came out. and let's be honest, no one plays bethesda games for the combat.

It's a soulless, disgusting shooting gallery of a game where nothing about it is memorable... and it's even more held together with duct tape than previous bethesda games, which is saying something.

>best gameplay of all Fallout games
>literally downgrade from NV:
>no ammo types
>no proper animation for single loads guns
>no ammo crafting

Its so full of plotholes that if you rub 2 brain cells together while playing youll realize this.

Why they have someone whos job title is "loremaster" and is probably making a decent amount while the average fuckhead hear probably has a better grasp on the lore and canon of the game than someone whos sole fucking job is to make sure it makes sense

>the argument that it has better combat is only slightly true; it's about as good as the combat in NV or 3 when they first came out.
Back when Fallout 3 and Vegas released, their combat was serviceable at best. Fallout 4's was definitely above that when it released and still is almost 7 years later.

It can be a fun sandbox, and sometimes that's good enough.

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Because it wasn't a proper RPG. It felt more of a forgettable shooting game.

>busy work makes the game fun


boring as fuck

i'm doing another playthrough right now. just got to level 71 and doing some far harbour sidequests. after i'm done with FH i'm going to nukaworld, then i'm finishing the main story.
i'm doing a playthrough with a bunch of mods ofc

OK here is basically why:

FNV: Oh man this quest again I love this one! I wonder which ending I should go for
FO4: Wait which quest is this again. None of these options matter anyway I'll just skip through everything

FNV: Hmm this time I'm gonna roleplay as a disgruntled quarry worker who uses a sledgehammer and explosives but only has 1 INT
FO4: Alright well I crafted an overpowered gun time to skip though everything

FNV: I think I'll go through the DLC in this order this time
FO4: I think I will skip all the DLC this time

FNV: NCR seems like the most stable option for the Mojave however Caesar brings up some good points on the other hand House...
FO4: Damn all of these factions seem stupid. Why are there all these androids again? Oh well I'm just gonna skip all this anyway...

FNV: With this list of high quality mods I have crafted a perfect masterpiece
FO4: With this list of mods I will jerk off and take screenshots

Entering VATS and watching it plays out is a chore. It's the same experience as watching quest videos, except I have to sit through 5 more minutes of VATS.

i really liked hardcore mode until the devs totally changed it to be more like that realism modd that was complete dogshit and made the stealth archer playstyle to be the only good one.

>unarmed raiders can block a super sledge attack
Really Todd? webm unrelated, but attacking is now slow as shit and there's no reason to ever do a melee build unless you just spam vats to guarantee the enemy won't block the hit.

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and now compare to 3/NV

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>FNV: Hmm this time I'm gonna roleplay as a disgruntled quarry worker who uses a sledgehammer and explosives but only has 1 INT
holy fucking autism

Whoever they hired mustve looked at 3/nv atlnd thought that its too fast and not practical to swing like that, without think that they probably made melee weapons that fast to compete with the dps of guns

In fallout 4 usung any melee weapon even the fucking knife felt like i was swinging underwater.

Fallout 4's problem is it's too complex and subtle for your average braindead gamer. This is why you get things like the "It's too complex for you to understand" meme. The character never actually says that, they do actually say what they're doing, but what he says is too complex for your average gamer to grasp so they interpret it as that bullshit meme. Remember, your average gamers is borderline an autist so they need things laid out very clearly in longwinded pseudointellectual speeches, ala New Vegas, otherwise they have no idea what the fuck is going on.

There are no fans because it's shit compared to it's predecessors.

Father literally says you wouldnt understand when you ask him why the institute is kidnapping and replacing people and release super mutants into the commonwealth

And even if you side with them and become there leader you still arent told shit


Imagine unironically getting railroaded into a slave trade literally, actually, and canonically called "The Railroad." It wasn't even fucking subtle.

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game catered to casuals instead of autists

>Father literally says you wouldnt understand when you ask him why the institute is kidnapping and replacing people and release super mutants into the commonwealth
He literally does not.

Its funny as fuck the railroad helping synths but not normal robots that are also capable of sentience and more.

Its hilarious when an institute scientists says the railroad should be saving toasters and fridges alongside synths

The modding scene never took off

They fucked with the formula too much, but mostly the blame falls on settlements. while it's a good idea and fun even in practice it becomes boring because settlements are basically the same regardless of where you go but more importantly there is 0 QOL. of you want to make your settlement unique the buggy item placement system and npc interactions basically break the experience. This could have been mitigated with even the tiniest of resources being devoted to making sure things like placing items from your inventory in the overworld wasnt such a buggy mess and is easier to accomplish.

They underestimate the autism of their players wanting to decorate the world and foolishly attempted to package poorly made DLCs to take advantage of this

as a modder meself i can say that f4 sucks in terms of modding, you can't make custom collisions (as far as i'm aware), and it just kills it

You're an idiot if you think this. Or you didn't play the game. The game makes it quite clear the Railroad are ideologues and not objectively correct. The game never actually does make a moral judgement one way or the other in regards to synths. You can treat them as toasters and the game does not give a fuck.

shitty main character
shitty voice acting(it's real bad)
shitty story
shitty companions
shitty factions
shitty map(Aquaboy is required if you want to explore without being radiated constantly)
crits only working while in VATS is fucking stupid
fucking awful mouse smoothing(RAW Input mod is required for proper mouse control)
dialogue feels really stiff not to mention that high charisma basically breaks the entire game.
shitty barebones settlements building

That being said, mods are great for this game, the recently released Sim Settlements 2 is great and I've been replaying the game(ignoring the main storyline) again.
In fact I was just playing it just now.

Now that my child energy levels are at their peak next time I do a fallout 4 playthrough I finally realize that the institute is the true gamer end. They will eat the bugs, and be happy

I fucking hate this phone I swear to god I cant just take a shit and say things like nigger or chud without it auto correcting and the second i turn it off my hands are too big to type properly. piece of shit phone dont pretend nigger or chud isnt a word we both know I've typed it enough

You have to add them to the dictionary. These devices will, correctly, not automatically add misspelling to the dictionary no matter how many times you do it. You have to explicitly say "This is a real word, you stupid machine."

I like fallout 4 a lot but it has huge flaws where your only option is to just ignore them. Liking fallout 4 comes with a caveat unlike new vegas and 3.

Survival mode would be a lot of fun but they fucked up tremendously limiting you to 3 saves.

>Fallout 4 fans, where are you!?
It was sold to normies like that thing your mommy and daddy were talking about
It's not even an RPG at this point
NMA were right about everything

What kills FO4 is the story, it is so bad, the plot hole with Kellogg and following a trail of cigarettes in a nuclear wasteland is retarded. They had to effectively retcon the story in Far Harbour by saying the PC is actually a Synth LMAO. Bethesda games excel in exploration not writing, the world does not compliment the story. Sadly though unlike the charm of the FNV and FO3 visuals, Gamebryo really starts looking dated.

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Fallout 3 had a shittastic story and a worse ending yet pajeets love that game

>the plot hole with Kellogg and following a trail of cigarettes in a nuclear wasteland is retarded
What plothole?
>They had to effectively retcon the story in Far Harbour by saying the PC is actually a Synth LMAO
What the fuck are you talking about? There's like a throwaway line where a character says "Are you a synth? How would you know you're not?" It's in reference to a completely different character's identity crisis. There is no retcon and the player character is not a synth.

Fallout 4 appeals to relatively normal people, hence why it has a high player count, yet is rarely actually discussed on Yea Forums.

Fallout New Vegas appeals to autists, man-children, transsexuals, communists and other social rejects, hence why it's extremely popular here, yet barely has anyone actually playing it.

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I enjoyed FO4 quite a bit, but definitely not for the story or RPG elements. Well, Far Harbor was pretty good I guess, but it wasn't a very high bar to clear. I liked Valentine too. He's no, say, Raul, but I'm a sucker for Noir detective shit. If they ever finish that FO4 NV mod I'll coom my nuts off. (They won't, of course, just saying.) That said I can see why people hate it or find it boring. I guess I just like the world of Fallout enough that I can derive enjoyment from the game.

The mods are cool, but you can say that about literally any Bethesda game.

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>me playing Fallout 76

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>liking a cowboy aesthetic over soulless massachusetts faggotry makes you a tranny
great logic there champ

not even a failget on 4channel.org will save your game

Kellogg was ordered to to take Shaun around the Commonwealth years earlier and yet has perfectly preserved campsites that the dog, that may I remind you is integral to the story whether you bumped into Dogmeat or not, to sniff out where they were. They also make a point to say he can live for a long time to explain why he hasn't aged. Cope more. Throwaway line, bro the whole game is a throwaway line of shit writing

>Kellogg was ordered to to take Shaun around the Commonwealth years earlier
No. He was ordered to hang around Diamond City a few months back with a synth Shaun.
>and yet has perfectly preserved campsites
Okay, it seems you missed a big early hint in the game about what the ending revelation was going to be. Kellog is deliberately leaving a trail for you follow under orders of the Father. It seems, user, that you are very, very stupid and missed this.

Far Harbor alone makes FO4 better than NV and 3, absolute pure distilled kino.

>using autocorrect
there is only one person responsible for your failures

I can't bring myself to play 3 or NV after 4. The gameplay just feels so shit in them.

FNV is just better
Fallout 3 is worse but it's a lot of people's first fallout game, so they have a soft spot for it

Far Harbor is overrated. "Everything is shit" is not inherently good writing.

Two reasons. FO4 is just not that good and quite forgettable. FO3 doesn't have any die hard fans unless you mean that one schizo who's posting soijack edits shitting on New Vegas.

Second reason is that modern zoomer audience doesn't have the same dedication as millennials did. They don't remember not having access to internet and buying physical copies. They don't remember playing one single player game to death for weeks or months before something good came out again. They mostly chase trends dictated by influencers and e-celebrities. The market is so vast and so saturated that you can literally drop games every single day and you still won't have time to play all of them.

>diehard fans like FO3
You mean the two pajeets who spam every Fallout thread?