Why are games so boring now

Why are games so boring now

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Look at the state of the industry and you'll find your answers

Stop being a faggot

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you're probably a neet

western game industry unironically went down the shitter, I guess it's time to take the weebpill


People expect high quality presentation.
This causes games to take longer to make and cost more to finish, which causes less games to come out as a whole.
So they want you to keep playing the same game for much longer than ever before. Add that with the fact that non-competitive mulriplayer games are dying out due to higher playerbases that ever before equates to a disastrous state for people who played video games 20+ years ago.

Y'all just got old, games are fun, they always are.

I had fun with the Crash and Spyro remakes but Crash 4 reminded me of how no one knows how to make enjoyable vidya anymore

Lmao stop playing boring AAA shit.
There are so many good games out there and still coming.
And if you are not a console retard you have thousands of great older games that still there for you to enjoy.
Don't be a faggot

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not employed, in education or training.

Maybe your dopamine receptors finally gave out

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You got old because the ideas that give newer generations hours of fun no longer work with your older and jaded brain, those remakes were that, remakes, they gave you nostalgia, as we all on this board.
>"Old thing good, New thing bad"
because we are old.

If you are a zoomer you have decades worth of emulation at your fingertips

Try being me, who is 38 and played every single good game under the sun, and not even a catalog of thousands of old retro games will I find something fun again.

Did that manga go back to being good yet

you are just old.


>played every single good game under the sun
big doubt

how would that make games boring

>tfw dad is old and going to die eventually

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You grown out of video games yet refuse to do something else with your time/money. Because you've built your whole life, personality, and self image off your fucking hobby.

You are a "GAMER", if you don't game you are nothing.
Many such cases, SAD!

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>$3000 setup
>no monitor arms

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I'm old and still enjoy vidya. These people are just depressed and retarded.

No you are not, kill yourself fucking nigger.

Seethe harder. I've been a video game enjoyer when you were still a glint in Tyrone's eye, zoom zoom.

you're too young and stupid for me to bother explaining this but it has something to do with the fact that it's probably almost all you do and you have it all the time. start thinking about it and stop replying to me retard

>have a modest GTX 1650 on a build that's on par with a prebuilt
>just sit and enjoy games like FTL and Terraria, maybe emulate some old crap for old times' sake
>spend a bit of time caring for the family, help poor mum pay her bills
>feel as satisfied as ever

Man's gotta have priorities. When I stopped caring about the latest cinematic AAA tripe being shat out of sony's anal cavity, and I stopped caring about the super high def graphics of the latest COWADOODY, I just realized that the best things in life are the simplest. I don't need modernity, I can go back and enjoy something simpler. Try it, OP.

This is the dopamine rush they talk about when people say "money doesn't make you happy"
>speaking of wasting your money

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Fuck video games. Fuck gamers.

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if you're a neet you're saturated in gaming most likely and therefore jaded bc of saturation adn therefore bored.

but i'd still argue these games today really suck compared to 6th gen stuff

I wish my dad never let me buy an xbox. I wish he brought me fishing and hunting and camping more. I wish he made me buy a manual shitbox instead of gifting me a shiny autotragic. I wish he took away my xbox at times.

Games just suck today. If I didn't play every single good game from the 90s and early 2000s I would be so knee deep in quality stuff I wouldn't be posting here.
It's not a matter of "being old" or "dopamine burn out". It's a matter of new games being shit compared to stuff released 20 years ago.

They're not, you're just burned out on them after not doing anything except playing games for god knows how long.
Go outside, touch some grass, get a job, talk to humans outside of Yea Forums. Within a month you'll enjoy games again

>Go outside, touch some grass

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read a book

That's the spirit

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Here comes the airplane user!
Boku No Tsuma Wa Kanjou Ga Nai

>woke agenda pushing
>creatively dead
>quantity over quality

lol im not disagreeing with you. i don't like games of today either. i think they're trash shit and even just trying to get into the game is annoying for me.

i just replay teh same old games i've always liked. but then again i do acknowledge i don't have many hobbies outside of gaming so im saturated by gaming while also being stubborn

That's what you get for being in Toronto.

>buy 3500$ pc with rtx3060 during chip shortage
>thing works like a dream, hand built and all
>no game that isn't shit & woke to play
>end up playing mame and deus ex again

this timeline sucks ass. i blame the marxists.

Millennials are the majority of the work force now and Millennials fucking suck at everything they do.

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You play the same 2-3 things repeatedly and the few times you do expand out you're not getting that instant dopamine because new games are unfamiliar so you go back to the same old games.

This is a huge part of it. The first time I really noticed it was Mass Effect: Andromeda

How can concrete apes live like this?

Jesus this game was so fucking shit and forgettable.

More like there is zero incentive to put in effort, when hard work is usually punished with more work, lazy work gets you put in easier jobs, loyalty is not rewarded and you'll be replaced with a cheaper poopskin at the first opportunity, and only nepotism/networking matters for climbing the ladder. When half your income gets taken away by the state and is used to only make your life worse, why bother doing anything but the bare minimum?

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>blaming millenials for a game made by EA
dude the entire industry is just trying to min/max consumers rn its a massive scam with lootboxes free to play shit etc. its a business model not something to blame millenials for

This image is dumb. This hobby costs tons of money and the only way to support it is to have a job onky way ti reasonably hold your job is to get plenty of sleep. Only thing this gets correct is that most people are fucking dumb.

I grew up a millennial tech geek, spending my days lurking on Tom's Hardware, playing and modding video games, tinkering with code and watching Star Trek. Wherever I looked at the world's problems, more technology seemed to be the answer.

Nowadays I'm a software dev and tech entrepreneur. At best, technology bores me. At worst, it terrifies me. Today's startups are solving the most boring problems imaginable. Gadgets are a snoozfest. Programming languages and frameworks seem to be running in circles.

We seem to be experiencing diminishing returns on tech for the past few years. More tech is no longer necessarily better. Is this just a phase before the next big industrial revolution?

When did this start, and when is the drought going to be over?

>le zoomer wall of text
Try having more than hobbies than just 1 you dumb faggot

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You're getting old and stop playing trash games.

Because you're too cynical for your own good.

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look at the npc's making them

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>oh boy do I love the noise, hustle and tussle of the big city, #newyorklife
I moved out for college not long ago and I already miss the smell of cow shit and loitering wherever I wanted without being robbed.

More like look at the people who supports them

we're just iterating over ourselves until we get to quantum computing/betterAI etc then we'll all be in utopia shitposting B)

end result is the same, isn't it? this is what cultural marxism (jews) look like.

The person who made this shitty comic sounds like an absolutely insufferable faggot.


I had a blast playing ultrakil just recently though

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>tfw job were i almost never work but am "on call"
>Basically live neet life but get sent money

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If you take away the jews those lunatics wouldn't have the money for their shitty projects