Okay so how long should it take to finish the main quest?

Okay so how long should it take to finish the main quest?

No I don’t want to walk around or look around or kill this, climb that, etc etc.

Can I just do the main quest? Or do I really need to grind this shit?

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30 mins.

I think you can go do the 4 divine beasts from the getgo and even those might be optional, then you do Ganon's castle, maybe 10+ hours to beat this game?

Depends, you can finish the game by running straight to the castle or explore and take hours

divine beasts are optional

You may as well not play the game.

The game 100% sucks if you treat it as "go here and do x".

>No I don’t want to walk around or look around or kill this, climb that, etc etc.
then dont play the game idiot nigger, because that's the entire game

This is what I am asking. Can I just run to the main quest?

Can someone explain why this game is so beloved? I gave into the hype and just finished it a little bit ago. The story was pathetic and the open world and sidequests were really empty in a post RDR2 world. Where's all the praise coming from. I feel like I've been gaslit.

Nah I’ll do that after finishing the story.
Maybe it’s autism but i feel like I’m wasting time not doing the main quest

Botw relies on the fact that you've never played an open world game.

There’s no grinding in BOTW.

Google says the story takes 50 hours.. wtf.

>In a post RDR2 world

Because you get sidetracked, if you focus on the main story it's not that long.

Thanks. I hope you are right

>implying rdr2 was actually a good game

There's a reason why everyone stopped talking about it soon after release.

>Okay so how long should it take to finish the main quest?
You can literally walk straight to the final boss after getting the glider. Whether or not you can make it depends 100% on your skill level.

Yes, there's not been THIS open game since the STALKER trilogy.

Literally does not exist.
That being said, if you absolutely hate the idea of open-ended ADVENTURE where your own curiosity and desire for exploration are the main fuels, then you are literally playing the wrong game.

t. went to see the last boss for the first time at around 80 h mark, before even starting any of the story "missions". I ultimately failed and returned at around ~120h.
Afterwards, I 100% shrines and shit and got the true ending at approximately 220 hour mark. I've since played the game another 100+ hours on PC, just for fun.

Your attitude sucks man.
Go play literally any other game. This masterpiece's most likely wasted on your kind.

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If you go looking for all the memories+master sword+tarrey town+divine beasts and whatever the hell else to get every possible interaction and cutscene then sure 50 hours sounds reasonable.

The shrines just boost your health and stamina. You don't really need to, but you'll probably want to.
Completing all four 'dungeons' cripples the already piss-easy final boss and unlocks the quest to unlock the quests that unlock the most Zelda-like dungeon in the game if you have the DLC.
The Master Sword is strong-ish, I guess. Gets double damage while in Hyrule Castle and/or fighting Guardians. You need to beat a DLC campaign to unlock permanent max damage.
If any of that sounds unappealing/pointless, you can skip it and fight the Blight gauntlet before repeatedly kicking Phantom Ganon in the testicles.

>Can someone explain why this game is so beloved?
Unrivaled freedom, married with some of the most detailed integration of underlying systems that enable almost endless amounts of emerging gameplay to happen.
It's literally one of the truly most open-ended AAA games ever created, with as many ways to play it as there are people. I still keep learning of new stuff to this day.

Story-fags obviously hate the game because it's 100% a pure video game, loved for its gameplay.
Souls-homos loathe it because it's not a sado-masochistic grind of inching through patter-memorization bosses 24/7, and actually has more options for combat that rolling + waving a pointy stick. Also more GAMEPLAY than combat, which honestly is very secondary aspect in BotW if you ask me.

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>Go play literally any other game. This masterpiece's most likely wasted on your kind.
Slogging through the copypasted "content" is what made me get bored and burnt out with this game, I'd strongly recommend anyone to just beeline for the divine beasts and then beat the final boss.

Minimum (beeline straight to the final boss):
>30 min for speedrunners
>probably 3-4 hours for you

Semi-minimal (Kakariko -> Hateno (optional) -> every divine beast):
>2-3 hours for speedrunners
>10-12 hours for someone focused on just the essentials
>30 hours for players who let themselves get sidetracked

Normal (every town, all beasts, ~30-40 shrines, master sword)
>4 hours for speedrunners
>50 hours otherwise

Numbers are rough guesses of course, but there's very, very little that BotW "requires" you to do.

>Slogging through the copypasted "content" is what made me get bored and burnt out with this game,
Lemme guess, you're referring to "muh shrines & koroks!!" ?
Like said, this game is wasted on ADHD fags like you.

The first 70 hours before checking out any of the Beast quest lines are easily some of the most memorable fun I've had with vidya since early 00s.

Op here so I got the glider and I’m on my way to see the old lady but after looking at some videos I realized I never got the blue outfit the old man gives you after you cook.
Did I fuck up?
I have 0 food and 0 swords. What should I fucking do????

people have beat it in like 8 minutes bypassing the glider and getting to gannon. while impressive i doubt most have the skill and all youre really doing is fighting 1 boss and saying you beat the game. its doubly bizzaar because zeldas are puzzle games not combat games.

pick up sticks nigger, explore, and have fun?

If you already got the paraglider you don't need to worry about the sweater. You'll get better warm armor later.

What does ADHD have to do with the fact that there's copypaste content in the game? The fans of this game are bizarre. But yeah, like you said, there's not much to do other than clear out the same skull/treetrunk Bokoblin camps and grind shrines (many of these just have a robot standing in an empty room) and do the same 10 different Korok puzzles over and over again. It feels like a proof of concept prototype and I'm curious if Botw2 will be an actual game.

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>but after looking at some videos
Don't look up videos, just play the game. This is the kind of game to play at your own pace, it is not at all the sort of game to follow a guide for as that misses the point entirely (exploration is the highlight of the game)

Sure, it'll probably take like 20 hours.

Exploration is the name of the game. Ignore your "must finish main objective" autism, let loose and enjoy your freedom.
If you're still worried about missing out regarding the shirt, you should find it in his cabin.

A casual player might take 2 hours to finish the great plataeu if you don't care to explore.
From there you can run straight to Hyrule Castle. If you take a horse and learn to dodge the guardians it takes you about 30 minutes to get there.
You can climb the side of the castle without fighting anything. However, you still need to raid the place for plenty of weapons, shields and arrows. Might take about 1-2 hours.
Then you have to fight the gauntlet which unless you're a god gamer you're gonna die with only 3-4 hearts a lot. If you're not a scrub I'd say about 3 hours tops, maybe 2.

Casuals can beat BotW in 4-8 hours depending on skill without touching any of the quests except Destroy Ganon.

Make another post here.

You can also just buy one at Hateno iirc

Thank you.
How do I get good weapons?


Play on PC so you can disable rain and weapon durability.

>people have beat it in like 8 minutes bypassing the glider and getting to gannon.
Oh shit, how? Some kinda wrong warp? Last I heard everything outside the plateau was covered in a gigantic death zone before you get the glider.

I can understand durability, but you're a fool if you disable rain. It helps you far more than it hinders you.

>What does ADHD have to do with the fact that there's copypaste content in the game?
The simple fact that all you're whining about is a literal (You)-issue, and you're outright dismissing the plethora of content, including the whole exploration and survival aspects of the game.
It's a trademark sign of ADHD people to seek instant gratification and only prioritize combat and tangible benefits of collectibles / tasks in games. They have no understanding of any kind of slow-burn material in any media.

When I look back to my experience with BotW, I don't even recall any Korok or Shrine moments, no matter that I've hunted down all of them.
I first remember my almost futile yet ultimately triumphant survival in the harsh Gerudo Valley mountain range, packing nothing but the early game rags and 3 hearts. I still recall the feeling of awe of accidentally discovering stray fairies and suddenly being "invulnerable" to the numerous insta-kill elements, or the sheer joy of taking down a Hinox on the bridge with nothing but the stick and stone toys you get from the Plateau.
I remember the amazing feeling of joy and tranquility when I caught my first horse and tamed it. The game really should've had a full-blown stable simulator elements.
I'm still outright mindblown that you could buy a fucking HOUSE in the game and decorate it with your shit. And as if that wouldn't been enough, succeeding with that neat feat rewards you with a chance of establishing a brand new TOWN.

All that is just the tip of the iceberg of the massive adventure that was BotW.

I play on PC exclusively these days, and I would never EVER do such idiotic changes to the game.
Rain is literally a non-issue, and has actually numerous tactical advantages.
Durability only improves the game. Yeah, I said it: breaking weapons = good. You need to be an absolutely 1-digit IQ brainlett to ever run out of weapons and ammo in BotW, but then again the casual fags can only wave a blade these days.

I could maybe understand disabling *slipping* in the rain, but disabling rain itself would be silly.

The game kinda breaks down without durability. What BotW needs isn't removing durability, it's improved QoL features to ease up the pain points introduced by durability (namely excessive menuing and inventory management).

>No I don’t want to walk around or look around or kill this, climb that, etc etc.
then go play a different game

It's 24 minutes but the glitch is pretty funny

>I first remember my almost futile yet ultimately triumphant survival in the harsh Gerudo Valley mountain range, packing nothing but the early game rags and 3 hearts.
first videogame?
>I still recall the feeling of awe of accidentally discovering stray fairies and suddenly being "invulnerable" to the numerous insta-kill elements, or the sheer joy of taking down a Hinox on the bridge with nothing but the stick and stone toys you get from the Plateau.
Again, sounds pretty much what you'd expect from any zelda game so not exactly a new amazing thing.
>I remember the amazing feeling of joy and tranquility when I caught my first horse and tamed it. The game really should've had a full-blown stable simulator elements.
RDR did make that fun, especially having to lasso the horse to stop it running and try calm it down- oh wait you mean the low effort taming in botw nevermind.
>I'm still outright mindblown that you could buy a fucking HOUSE in the game and decorate it with your shit.
Ok so I was right it's your first videogame because you could even do that shit 20 years ago.

So basically all the "amazing" experiences you've had in BotW are stuff everyone's done a dozen times before in other games and aren't impressed with anymore.

If you just use your strongest weapons all the time, menuing stops being a huge problem. Menuing becomes a problem if you try to conserve resources because the game dumps weapons on you with the assumption that you won't be carefully managing them.

Not saying the UI couldn't be improved, but there really isn't that much menuing if you don't want there to be.

That is LITERALLY what that post is saying.

>first videogame?
Was unironically Super Mario Bros. 1 in the late 1980s.

>sounds pretty much what you'd expect from any zelda game
Is this your first Zelda game by any chance?

>RDR did make that fun,
And now you reveal your true colors.
RDR is absolute garbage. Literally just a GTA in West, with stupid Ubishit-restrictions and terrible gameplay. I got memed into playing that shit already back in the day, and I literally returned it to the shop the very next morning.

>Ok so I was right it's your first videogame because you could even do that shit 20 years ago.
So now the argument is that if any game did it before, it's instantly invalid and shit?
Nice topic change and goal-post moving.

>So basically all the "amazing" experiences you've had in BotW are stuff everyone's done a dozen times before in other games and aren't impressed with anymore.
BotW simply goes against all the modern tropes and for once provided a satisfying, un-patronizing exploration experience, packing hefty amount of fancy gaming TECHNOLOGY to make the adventure even more fun.

I'm sorry that you are NPC incapable of immersion and imagination, always looking for "tasks" (or fights) instead of actually living.

>namely excessive menuing and inventory management
Since when has any of that ever been an "issue", in any game?
This is exactly why I call the zoomies ADHD: they get "triggered" by the idea of opening a pause menu and changing gear. In a pseudo-survival oriented adventure game!

Not to mention if you NEED to constantly change weapons, you're literally playing the game worse than a 5-year old. Maybe if you're still roaming around the Plateau this could happen, but with all the options like Sheika tools, bows, arrow types, elemental interactions, stealth, slomo aiming...? Just a weird complain.

Same thing with the rain and slipping.
3x Climbing gear, and I climbed the 100 feet wall behind Zora's domain like a champ, during the nonstop rain.

Attached: Angry-Joe-BotW-review--9-10---subtitled.gif (533x300, 3.22M)

>If you just use your strongest weapons all the time, menuing stops being a huge problem.
I mean... your weapons will break no matter what, and a broken weapon means a trip to the inventory screen to equip a new one. And any time your inventory's full and you see a weapon/bow/shield that's better than something in your inventory, that's another trip. It's going to happen fairly often whether you have a hoarder's mentality or not.

>Since when has any of that ever been an "issue", in any game?
Depending on the frequency/length, yeah, it can be quite an annoyance. You're acting like it's impossible for menus or inventory management to be poorly designed, when lots of games have been dragged down by this.

>Can I just do the main quest? Or do I really need to grind this shit?
"Main story" means finding all the memories + all champions. Unless you know exactly where they are that could take you dozens of hours. You can run directly to the castle but good luck doing that without prior knowledge and understanding of how to maximize your output on the Royal weapons so you don't run out mid-battle.

Funny, because if you've actually been playing games since then you'd not be "amazed" by such simple things.
>Is this your first Zelda game by any chance?
Is this YOURS? OoT has you fight a fucking giant spider with a stick. Fairy magic has made you invulnerable in several games, and then there was the whole bridge fight in Twilight princess.
>RDR is absolute garbage. Literally just a GTA in West
It isn't great no, but you know what? It has a more filled out world with more shit to do than BotW and unironically using the lasso to grab horses and people was a fun mechanic that BotW doesn't have anything to match.
>So now the argument is that if any game did it before, it's instantly invalid and shit?
Nice topic change and goal-post moving.
No, my point is that what's so amazing about it? The goalpost was "This thing is amazing" My point is "What's so amazing about something done to death?"
BotW simply goes against all the modern tropes and for once provided a satisfying, un-patronizing exploration experience, packing hefty amount of fancy gaming TECHNOLOGY to make the adventure even more fun.
Are you ok user? BotW doesn't go against ANY modern tropes. It also provides a patronizing exploration experience by having absolutely nothing worth exploring. "But you don't need an item reward for exploration to be rewarding" No, you don't, but that doesn't mean because there's an item reward the exploration is invalidated as "exploration".
The "Fancy gaming" technology is sure impressive, ripping off mechanics and features from other games and blending it together into a laggy mess.

>I'm sorry that you are NPC incapable of immersion and imagination, always looking for "tasks" (or fights) instead of actually living.
You shit on RDR right? but I had fun seeing how many people I could tie up in a town before dying, or seeing how far I could take an NPC on horseback hostage. Stuff completely unrelated to tasks in the game but require immersion to enjoy.

what actually happens if you run out of weapons in a boss battle? do you just have to slowly bomb it to death (or die trying), or is there some kind of safety mechanic?

>"Main story" means finding all the memories + all champions.
The memories are a side quest. It's not something you go in the game being told, it's a side quest given by impa or whatever.

You seem to be impressed real easily, the problem here is that people have been playing games for 30 years and have experienced all of those things a dozen times already.

It's part of the Sheikah Slate and required in order to get something if I remember right. It's a side quest but I'd argue it's main story personally.

>what actually happens if you run out of weapons in a boss battle?
That will never, ever happen. You would have to purposely throw every single item you have away for the hell of it. You will always have like 5+ backup weapons in any fight, even against Lynels. Even Lynels only take like two or three higher tier weapons.

>"I literally returned RDR2 to the shop the very next morning"
>calls other people ADHD for not understanding some made up "slowburn" aspect of Botw that's all in your own head
Botw is the opposite of slowburn, it starts and you get to control Link and play the game immediately, barely any story, cutscenes or restrictions, it's pure gameplay. If something is slowburn it's the previous Zelda games.

>if you've actually been playing games since then you'd not be "amazed" by such simple things.
On what grounds exactly?
It's like your kind would have totally missed the extreme decline of gaming that started in the mid-00s, all while being totally oblivious to the idea of immersion. Not to mention the intoxicating level of innovative experimentation and discovery the game allows thanks to its respectful gameplay-first approach.

BotW is one of the few rare games from the past decade that outright reminded me WHY I fell in love with video games in the first place.
It's pure, unadulterated medicine to the numerous cancers of modern day AAA industry.

>has a more filled out world with more shit to do
Correction: it has more useless features and static filler landmass that's not utilized in the gameplay in any reasonable manner, while recycling the same issues that have been plaguing the open world titles since the late 00s.
I was already done with that shit the moment I got a big fat "GAME OVER! YOU LEFT THE MISSION ZONE!!!" the moment I stepped out of the train.

>BotW doesn't go against ANY modern tropes.
Incorrect once more.
It goes against ALL of them.
You have NO obligatory check-list items you need to deal with in order to proceed forward in the game. There is no single-solution challenges in the game, which alone is almost unheard of in modern games.

But lemme use the language you speak:
the breaking weapons. Instant turn-off for all the casual ADHD zoomies that only care about killing shit, because they can't just Google the location of the best mega-sword and hold on to it.
This clever system does to any other (regular, functional) human being is that it encourages smarter, more innovative gameplay. Do you NEED to take down that pack of foes? Is it okay to attack now, or maybe wait for a better situation? Can I non-directly eliminate the threat? List goes on.

Making weapons into "consumables" also makes EVERY weapon a literal reward.

>what actually happens if you run out of weapons in a boss battle? do you just have to slowly bomb it to death (or die trying)
Yes, that's literally what happens.
There is no "safety mechanisms". If you suck, you die or reload previous save.

t. Happened to me. Went in without any Beast upgrades and only Knight-tier gear (at best), and I used everything I had on me + the random loot on the castle grounds.

I ALMOST got it, but the last quarter of the boss' HP was simply undoable.

That's only if you're attacking Hyrule Castle at the start of the game though. He's asking a general "What do you do?" when in 99.9% of cases that will never happen. You will always have Knight/Royal Knight/Dragonbone/Some form of Lynel gear/Guardian on you to carry you and some lower tier stuff if you don't want to waste durability on that.

>haha BotW is one of RARE games that allow IMMERSION
The fact you believe this, in and of itself, shows you aren't able to get immersed in games. In fact what you have is not immersion but the desire to play games back when they were more simple.

> was already done with that shit the moment I got a big fat "GAME OVER! YOU LEFT THE MISSION ZONE!!!"
I bet you quit and returned that super mario bros from the 80's when you jumped in a pit and died too right?

>You have NO obligatory check-list items you need to deal with in order to proceed forward in the game
Yes you do, the check-list is just a shortlist.
>You need the bomb magic from shrine A
>You need magnetic magic from shrine B
>You need time stop magic from shrine C
>You NEED the glider to leave this area
It exists. You haven't played BotW otherwise you'd know that the first half hour of the game is EXTREMELY railroaded. Then when you get the glider?
>Go to the village and talk to NPC#3
It is EXACTLY like every other open world game.

>the breaking weapons. Instant turn-off for all the casual ADHD zoomies that only care about killing shit, because they can't just Google the location of the best mega-sword and hold on to it.
I've played MMOs from an era before wikipedia existed with weapon durability. I understand immersion, I understand the wonder in exploration. That's why I understand how LACKING BotW is with it.

>Making weapons into "consumables" also makes EVERY weapon a literal reward.
I have 10 copies of the highest damage sword weapon in my save of BotW and just use it constantly. The game literally throws you the best gear, Them being consumable means nothing.

no that user was the scenario I was thinking of; walking straight to the final boss with minimum inventory size and not getting optimum weapons first. I sort of expected that answer but I figured there was a small chance the game gives you some sort of mercy.

Divine beasts ruins the view with permanent lasers in the sky

Ah, well in that case that's because you're expected to go the intended story path. Actually going to Hyrule Castle is intended for advanced players who want to do a challenge run because you have to know the side routes or you're forced into several Lynel fights, you have to know where the Royal equips are for the boss fight, and you have to know the patterns in general because every enemy is a one-shot with no mercy.

I will never understand speed runners. It has to be even more removed from the concept of playing games for fun than zoomers who just watch other people playing games online. It's like, "I want to play the game for some reason, but the idea of actually playing the game seems repulsive to me". What the fuck are you even doing with your life?

It's not hard to understand speed runners with something like breath of the wild though.
The game is very casual and easy, rushing right to ganon is the only hard thing you can do in the game.