Clearly make a blonde blue eyed white woman

>Clearly make a blonde blue eyed white woman
>Give her a Japanese name and make her Japanese
Why are devs like this?

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Gacha is objectively a scam, it's a great reset-style "you will own nothing" scheme that sucks money out of your wallet in perpetuity and leaves you with nothing to show for it when the servers shut down. it's a predatory business model built on exploiting the mentally ill. anyone who shills for it should be ashamed of themselves.

japs will never ever have sex with white women so they cope by putting them in games

Who does she date

Certainly not discord spammers. A nice guy with her same cultural and ethnic background who will treat her right though, that's what she wants.

Dark skinned criminals, like all hot girls.

I actually just read a hentai where a blonde Japanese chick was getting fucked by black guys and one of them was like "Wait ain't Japs suppose to have black hair?" And then someone else just told him who fucking cares

where is the.. you know..

You already know

What is this cope. You clearly don't know who she is, retard.
She'll date anyone no matter who he is or what he looks like as long as he's her sensei. Jap, gook, black, white, you name it.

On her butt cheek

Why are you retards spamming this girl again? Who cares?

Non-white men

>he spends all day jerking off with other guys on a cuck fetish Discord
That's fucking pathetic.

I can see the tatoo

give us a break trannies

She is our Queen ;)

Queen of...?

Spades, duh

Yea Forums
Also this

She was built for my big east Asian cock

>east Asian
face reality and fuck off to your drawing board and keep pumping out that blacked porn

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Ruggarell has a tiny penis and his real name is Joshua.

Stop spamming your shitty waifu

He doesn't even like her, it's just /blacked/ and a Discord raid spamming her en masse
Asuna is the perfect blacked/NTR bait so they won't let up for a while


Of course he doesn't like her, it's blank slate gachashit only coombrains care about and project their headcanon on

Asuna's main appeal is for undesirable retards and cuckolds who treat her like she's something new and unique when you can find a big booba blonde bunny girl anywhere lol
Fucking pathetic coomers

Pretty based ngl

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I jerked off 3 times with blAsuna today.

Because it's just a cartoon.

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these threads should be deleted as fast as vidya butts if not faster

t. insecure whiteboi soon to be sissy

The mods don't care
They want Yea Forums full of cringey weeb coomers

Which pics?

Good thing the devs already went ahead and told your shit fetish "Never ever" in the tutorial of the game

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You will NEVER be a woman


Asunafags are always the worst.
>obnoxious coomer retards if they actually do play the game

Good, why would i want to be one? Meanwhile you will NEVER not be mentally ill for wanting someone else to fuck your lover and will forever be outcast because of it

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Her children will be black

they still have the body and facial shapes of asians. (or closer to that than white) aside from blown up boobs that is.

Op here
I actually wanted to talk about the whole white woman but Japanese thing. I just used Asuna as an example since she is one but I now regret it since it brought in the wrong crowd

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Impossible retard, try playing the game. But with the way you reply I can see reading is hard for you

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It's saddening that both Japan and the Yea Forums mods are pushing for the cuck shit now.

What happens in it?

Asuna was never even white you retard, so go ahead and fuck off.

Maybe next time don't post fotm shit.
>not blonde
>not white
You deserved your thread turning out this way. Kill yourself.

(You) basically get pulled from another world in which only schoolgirls, robots, and shiba-people live that is constantly under threat. (You) begin leading an institution to teach and train the girls, thus you are the only human male in the world and surrounded by schoolgirls all day everyday

She is clearly blonde

Fanart makes her way blonder than she actually is
If it's blonde then it's borderline dirty blonde, not pure blonde like her shitty art often makes her

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>the wrong crowd

No. Appealing to that crowd is the intention of the character. Japan started all of this. It's their fault.

Did you miss where raiders have been using her all day to cuckpost?


The chibis in this game are so cute

>only human male
but then how does sex work for them?
or did there use to be males and now they're gone?

Where is the spade? I need to see it.....

It's very uncertain because alot of the girls aren't listed as human, they're listed as demons and angles and possibly more. Hence each girl having a halo and many having wings or animal features

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