Is there a more soulless console than this?
Is there a more soulless console than this?
nah but there is one on par
soul. Looks so good compared to ps5. Loving game pass and playing 360 games.Quick resume is nice. cope
Never forget this gen has only begun and you already lost
Just because you can't afford it doesn't make it soul less
My piss 5. Been two weeks since I’ve turned it on. Was thinking of doing that today cause of the update but I don’t even think ghost of sushi gets vrr support.
ps5 looks like a cleft open axe wound PS xisters call a neovagina
just because you wasted your money doesnt make you rich
>game pass
What the fuck lmao. Are you 12?
dilate at once. Game pass is fantastic
>paying a monthly fee to rent a bunch of shitty games
>$1 is too much for meeee!
Yep, 12
Nintendo Switch. You faggots on this board suck Mario's joycon yet haven't realized your gay yet.
First month is $1 then it's $15. Think about it. That's almost $200 a year for a bunch of shitty games that go on sale anyways. You're literally just laying for games you don't even play.
I'm with you. The Wii-U to switch transition is the biggest example of SOUL being sucked out of a system I've ever seen.
at least ps5 has good exclusives
xbox is just a shittier PC
Name one
>Get thousands worth of free games for a month, then pay for brand new launch titles for 50-95% off
Still no argument
Nintendo releases the same shit over and over again. People buy it over and over again. I get it from a business sense but it lacks SOUL.
Bro. Games are fucking worthless now. They all go on sale for like $10. Just buy games on sale. Stop renting a bunch of shitty games you won't even play lmfaooooo
Nikocado game? Last tranny among us? Ratchet furry game?
I'll stick to MS flight sim and forza on gamepass thanks
bloodborne and spiderman
So you concede so called playstation "games" are only worth $10 years after release. I can accept that
The new ratchet and clank is good. God of War 2 will be good if it's anything like the first. I expect you to reply saying these are shit or whatever but it's genuinely why I won't ever get an Xbox. No one cares about NuHalo or Forza.
>playing MS flight sim
>on console
how poor do you have to be to do this?
ps5 can play ps4 games with better graphics/frame rates, so yea, bloodborne counts
>xbox is just a shittier PC
which is great now that gpus cost like cars
I'm talking about all games you fucking retard. Across all platforms. If you actually pay a monthly fee for games or buy games at full price you're just dumb. Every game goes like 90% off. Fucking Halo infinite was 100% off.
God of War sucks. I used to be a ps4 gamer. Tsushima and Days Gone are the only halfway decent exclusives on PS4 and PS5
>Nikocado game?
It's honestly one of the best consoles I've owned. Really fucking cool if you're into back compat - being able to play Xbox and 360 games in 4k, HDR and increased framerates is awesome. Good price, good performance, good controller large library
My biggest issue with it is the OS/UI. It's not quite steam big picture bad but it's pretty terrible and often times buggy as fuck
an RTX 3070 only costs like $800, what kind of piece of shit car do you drive lol
I have a Pc with a 3070. I like xbox cause its comfy and has backwards compatibility across multiple generations. Now cope
And Xbox has nothing. It's literally just a locked down windows PC.
I used to be an Xbox gamer. 360 was the last good Xbox.
>m-m-muhh game pass
have you heard of torrenting?
oh wait you dont own a good PC in the first place so you're coping
Xbox has the best way to play several 6th and 7th gen games, while having some of the best price to performance ratios for multiplat modern games
you talk like a fag and will never enjoy quick resume or backwards compatibility on series X
crown vic
>b-backwards cumpatoboolity ackross gunuratins
have you heard of emulators
xbox 360 doesnt have any good exclusives anyways outside of ninja gaiden which is perfectly playable on emulator
You're free to be a pirate but don't go spouting your opinion about games and consoles like they matter
I still have my 360. So what's the point of the Series X? I'd literally just be buying a worse version of my PC.
damn what an ugly shitskin mongrel you must be
sorry your ISP doesnt let you torrent AND you're too stupid to use a VPN that costs like $10 a month
also pirate all my shows/movies from bluray rips, u mad?
emulators are trash
Says the subhuman who pays a monthly fee to rent Assassin's Creed 12.
Its comfy and plays both new games and old ones . Physical 360 disc chads get better fps and resolution on series X
I don't give two fucks about you. Almost every 360 game I'd personally want to play is best on series X, same with xbox. My biggest disappointment is no OutRun JSRF
But yeah I don't see any reason to keep a 360 hooked up when I have a series x
you're just too retarded to set one up. that's why you buy the ONE fucking console that gets dunked on by PC in every conceivable way. at least PS5 has their spatial sound shit, dual sense controllers, ultra fast SSD's, GOOD exclusives, etc. PS5/PC is king. xbox is for poorfags
So there is no actual reason to get a series x? Gotcha.
not an argument now go play Playstation tranny movie game #951. That'll be $70 plus tip
I just finished googling and there is no Nikocado game. You all suck for lying to me.
shit looks like a gigantic router
you're a subhuman spic and you will stay poor forever
Dude. You pay Xbox a monthly fee to rent Ubisoft games. It's over for you.
you will never be white and you will never have your foreskin. Now go become a tranny to fulfill your playstation destiny
Same, I've never owned a Playstation anything. But the Series X is just the most non-entity in the history of consoles. More so than the Wii U or something. If you have a decent PC, it's completely redundant altogether.
emulators are for poorfags. putting all that effort to play games with bugs instead of just buying a console and enjoying them on a comfy couch on a big screen the way they were meant to be played
Otomedius (Excellent)
im uncut tho, enjoy your shitty poorfag xbox because you were too retarded to make bank in crypto like i did and now i have a PC/PS5/switch OLED
$70 plus tip for alloy sir pay up
Nice try, those go for $6000+ even for the moderately fucked up ones.
you are literally coping like a poorfag kek. this you?
The way they were meant to be played is 720p 30FPS. I'd rather play the way they weren't meant to be.
lol you'd have to be retarded to play soulcalibur 2 or some shit in shitty 480p when emulators let you upscale it to whatever resolution you want with anti aliasing + 16x anisotropic filtering
you got filtered because you couldnt set up an emulator and probably couldnt even find the ISO's, big deal, shut the fuck up
consumer tranny likes having all the latest toys huh. Now remove the dildo from your ass and apologize to your father for disappointing him.
If you don't have a gaming PC or a console, the Series X is an easy choice over just about any other option unless you're solely into nintendo games. Definitely one of the best bang for your buck options
stay poor
enjoy your input lag and audio delay lol
>xbox 360 doesnt have any good exclusives
thats where you are naive, as long as games continue playing thats all well and done.
if you only play exclusives then I feel sorry for you.
>ultra fast SSD
Is this the blast processing of the 21st century?
you'd have to be retarded to play soulcalibur in the first place
If I had any sort of game development skills I’d make a Nikocado parody of Katamari Damacy or Kirby.
I have a 3070 and still enjoy xbox. Cope you disgusting playstation freak
i dont care about "bang for your buck" because im not a poorfag who still lives in my parents basement like you do. go apologize to your mother for leeching off her
>enjoy your [schizo headcanon]
>xbox 360 doesnt have any good exclusives
>77 replies
>18 posters
Faster than the one in the Xbox Series, which is the only comparison that matters here (I have an SSD faster than the PS5's in my PC, but irrelevant)
>too dumb to notice input and audio delay
I mean I'm not surprised
You're on Yea Forums, land of autistic shut-ins who sniff their mother's panties during the day while she's at work. You are surprised by statistics like that?
You do know you're not the sole individual on earth right? No one cares about you specifically, I mean in general
>I'm all grown up guys
>I have my furbabies, switch oled, PS5, AND PC
lol you probably play on emulators with a million bugs without realizing due to how retarded you are
source your claims and also post your hand, pretty sure I know the color it'd be
>at least ps5 has good exclusives
Those are being ported to PC and Youtube