Which video game is most likely to radicalize me into the far right extremism?

Which video game is most likely to radicalize me into the far right extremism?

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mario galaxy

metal gear rising... probably...

Any FPS with voice chat enabled

Apparently on platforms where only the winning team or player gets rewarded, the dogma of equality dies.

Far cry 5


devfag here
I'll quit my cushy AAA job to work for a "far" right dev any day. Getting tired of pozzed bluhairs in every meeting. They contribute exactly what you'd think.

Far right these days is just fucking femboys that still have a dick.

Well, poltards seem to all be nintendo shills

from the article
>Newhouse said it was relatively easy to find signs of neo-Nazi, and far right fascist groups on Roblox, Discord, games marketplace Steam and other platforms.

Any shit that uses PC "progressive" agenda for marketing.

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we already had this thread and bunker trannys raided it.

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Puzzle games.
Logic thinking and common sense will push you to far right.
Because the left are all about muh feelings.

I'm pretty sure none of the posts on this website I don't post myself are by real people because I get deja vu every time I come here.

The same threads the same posts over and over forever

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Yeah, those AI porn nerds spend half their time feeding replies from their AI textbot.

pretty sure I’m real bro

But i bet you can radicalize frustrated gamers like sega and commodore fanboys.

I'm a gamer and I hate women!

Oh here we go again... And now the gas lighting and false flags start.

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They've become so desperate that they are trying to manufacture Gamer Gate v.2 themselves. Prepare for gas lighting.

You know too little user just look at the word analytics done to this site. Yea Forums as a whole has been an ai testing grounds for a while and now that tech is getting better these posts seem human but repetitive.
So remember if someone tells you your favorite game is shit it's probably an ai who doesn't even play video games

>I gassed an entire space station while reading erotic fanfic over the intercom
God I love SS13

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>increase in forced diversity, hamfisted wokeness, brown people, fags and troons in video games
>wonder why far right is on the rise

Why did it have to come to this? I just wanted to play video games.

The radical left wants total control and compliance of all media. This isn't a secret.

You're not supposed to agree with Armstrong

TF2 and Postal(2)

you're vastly underestimating the amount of autists with free time on their hands who can and will spend entire days arguing over stupid nonsensical shit on the internet
bots are for manufacturing consensus and overwhelming algorithms

>forced diversity
good point
>hamfisted wokeness
good point
>brown people
good point
Ultimately I think you should think more critically and value the individual over the collective

I didn't when it came out, but in hindsight, America absolutely needs to burn down. Utterly.

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There is no such thing as the individual, a collective enforces its will and culture on everyone in it.

The game expresses a lot of politics progressives are against with regards to corporate power and some other stuff

>murica needs to burn down
That can be thought of from any perspective. "far right" can mean many things, but if you believe it from a tribalistic far right perspective then you should kill yourself.

>you’re only allowed to take one approved message from a piece of art, stop thinking for yourself

Remember when the entertainment industry was about making cool things that people enjoy instead of being bland sterile wish fulfillment for gay, mentally ill self-inserters on twitter.

>value the individual over the collective
Man of culture. Fuck masses.

This, people are a hive mind no matter how much of an individual they think they are.

Shit tier is debatable. I'm all for an evil villain who's evil just because it's funny. 2deep4u villains are the absolute worst.

Not if you break the memes. Any collective that impinges upon an individual's freedom should die.
I don't care if I have to become a hypocrite. I don't even care if I have to form a collective to end collectives.
Maybe Armstrong was onto something after all...

LibArts graduates trying to force a market so the companies would pay them for their "services" as "consultants"?

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Maybe leave my bread and circuses alone and I won’t become your enemy:

Stargroom Valley

here’s a mindblow, entertainment was always intended to promote cultural hegemony
making cool things was only a byproduct

I did not say bots I said AI. Here's the best way I can explain: life and the rise of intelligence at it's simplest is purely mechanical. As we are able to create better mechanical facsimiles to aid with ai they become more human but they lack that spark; similar to an autist.
TL;DL AI has been created and we made them autistic

>You're not supposed to agree with the one who's right

Somebody stop this man, he has seen past the veil!

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That's prison, user.

Paw Patrol probably

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>Self insert wish fulfillment

Congratulations, you figured out civilization.


You mean society right?

Gotta homogenize all those settings in our M-rated games that may cause dissent.

I hate spanish speaking players because of FPS games. They always play a pussy rogue type character with invisibility/snipers/blades and never push when it’s time to be aggressive. In games where I don’t match with them I assume every objective based match just ends in a 0-0 stalemate.

Even all those 60/70 and black & white silly shows?

So just give up? LDAR? Anything I believe I can will into existence, as my perception is existence.

Neither side is correct. Armstrong's boss music even spells it out for you.

Like almost every nippon action story, the moral is "violence is bad" while glorifying it in every way possible.

world of warcraft like 10 or 15 years ago. every other word people would say was a racial slur, sexism was everywhere, and steve bannon was the head of ige, the leading gold selling company.

"cool" as in socially dominant and "cool" as in entertaining are two different things. Only colony insect brains conflate the two.
Many old media were created with the purpose of enforcing social hegemony, however.

They are the worse in L4D2

If you're against all censorship, so does the right.

>arguing semantics
nice pilpul kikefaggot

Only if you let it be!


The bunker trannies make them user

The ones that are doing the radicalizing are the SJW faggots who keep shoving their ideological shit in videogames and make a constant effort to destroy shit in the name of progress. It's makes people hate them and want to do shit just to spite them, and it drives people right into the arms of actual extremists because spite is a powerful thing.

tl;dr if it wasn't for gamergate trump would have lost in 2016

>immediately assume programmed bad guy group
Colony insect brain.

Another nugget of wisdom from Boom Knuckles.

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Paw Patrol is litearlly THE most leftist thing imaginable
>A highly cordinated civil service that all report to a single head and are dispatched only in the specific amounts that they require
>No civil service has more power than the other
>A black woman is the mayor
>The evil mayor who lives with cars is white
>the most respected townsfolk are a greek baker, two french scientists, and a mixed raced farming couple

Any game made by a non-diversity team. If the studio included a straight white male in any position, is a right wing game for sure.

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If you make it not prison then you're not in prison. Only subhuman tribalists keep it as a prison and are still happy.

I can prove I’m not a bot by telling you something you’ve never heard before:
I love you and you are appreciated, keep up the good work.

>they're deliberately creating contrarians to drive a social schism!
No shit.
Guess what's next?
Guess (((who))) benefits from the chaos and inevitable balkanization?

Equality and progress has been made so people make shit up to feel important. Same thing with science except to make real progress takes too much work.

There was news articles saying how paw patrol was alt right propaganda.

>Americans are LITERALLY so retarded that a bunch of anti-social gamers being mad that someone sucked dick for a good review in a magazine radicalized the entirety of the country into voting for a populist government that supported the populace getting even more retarded than they already are

You can't make this shit up, folks.

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A collective is a group of individuals. When you harm the individual, you necessarily harm the collective. Corporations are not people

>Guess (((who))) benefits from the chaos and inevitable balkanization?
It's boomers. Boomers enabled all of this and I don't care how many goldbergs you point to.

>news articles
You mean clickbait? There was a point in time when people knew what clickbait looked like. Those articles were literally crying about how one of the dogs was a cop, when he had been turned into a detective/spy 3 seasons prior.