Will RTS games ever be fun again?

Will RTS games ever be fun again?

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No. Soibeards and Yea Forumsedditors will complain about "muh compfags" if an RTS has even the slightest hint of complexity

The genre is doomed because every company that tries to make an RTS will be hyper-focused on the autistic comp-fag minority demographic and will fuck up on the things that ACTUALLY make an RTS popular; a good single player story mode and a good map editor. Retarded companies instead ship half-assed or nonexistant single player and don't include any fun crazy overpowered stuff because muh competitive balance.

just had fun with dune


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Emperor: Battle for Dune was the first RTS I ever played. I can still hear the voice lines in my head.

>Mongoose at the ready!
>lets go!

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>a good single player story mode and a good map editor
This, especially the map editor in my view, everyone is always so focused on the

God I miss being a kid sitting in a hot ass computer room playing WC3 custom games till 3AM on summer break. First pornographic image I ever saw was some kind of weird custom server that just hosted slideshow porn pics.

You can get your hands on the original non reforged game installers from Hive Workshop. The original version of the game is still the best in my opinion. Reforged ruined the unit balance in the campaign.

>WC4 releases
>Factions are dragon furries, fox furries, blood eleven, and Night Elves but gray
>Map editor is paid DLC
>Must pay a monthly fee to allow custom games to be hosted on the couch pany server
>single player campaign follow the journey of a transsexuals undead dragon femboy and his quest to boibirth the new dragon king

solid soundtrack

I remember playing some hard ass maze with porn pics as rewards that I couldn't beat so it tried to get the porn in the map editor

It has been Play AoE 2 or 4.

maybe in the NS ethnostate until then, no

I still have the disks lying around someplace, need to dig them up and give them a replay
are there still people playing custom games?

rts games were never fun, retard
play a jrpg instead

RTS gameplay sucks balls
wc3 and sc2 (to a lesser extent) are the only good RTS games solely because of the custom maps (and no not piece of shit dota, im talking about the actual creative ones)

based baitman

Just make your own fun

How do I play WC1, 2, and 3 without giving money to Blizzard and/or getting the shitty updated 3?

yeah, but mostly with the reforged game (with classic graphics on), and w3champions for competitive play

It's crazy that 20ys later people are still making new good mods.

If blizzard just updated the map editor to play nicer with modern OSs, even that would be a BIG deal for the community

are you me? good times, my friend. i'd do line tower wars for hours and hours. i'd play skirmish undead only and go necromancers every game because i was a retard kid. fun days.

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ebay, buy the old cds, and a cdrom

What do you mean? The average RTSfag only plays Starcraft 1 and Age of Empires 2, the weirdos play Command & Conquer and Warcraft 3, and no one else plays the rest of the genre. RTS will be always fun for them because they play the same exact four games over and over again

man I wanna play video game rpg again

>calling ums maps mods

literally this, same with fighting games.

Doesn't booting up WC3 open Battlenet, and therefore force an update to Reforged?

>>calling ums maps mods

Nah, everything has to be the next big "esport" now. At least the old classics are infinitely replayable, so there's that.

Good games are no longer profitable.

i will never not be mad at blizzard for killing wc3
now to play any kind of custom games you need to have an untainted version of the game and use some virtual-LAN tool which 99% of people won't do so they're dead
i mean yeah they were also dead before reforged killed everything for good but now they're deader than dead and not even the autists dedicated to a single custom game are playing anymore

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>Doesn't booting up WC3 open Battlenet, and therefore force an update to Reforged?
only if you use the installer provided by blizzard on their site

Only if you try to go into battlenet

no, you had to click the battlenet button to connect to battlenet

been playing a lot of spellforce 3 versus, its fucking great

Was actually having fun with WC3 like a year or so before the reforged shit, there was still an active community on battle.net and new maps still being made. Then Reforged came and just fucking killed it all, they just hate us there's no other explanation. Salty new age devs and corporate stooges who squeeze dry the work of the actual passionate people from 20+ years ago.

>deader than dead
they took a community of hardcore fans and made it smaller, blizzard is retarded

Bitch you have Granblue for story and DBFZ for overpowered shit. Both are dead because you don't really want that

>aoe 2 or 4

if you mean that dogshit released by micropajeet, then nah.

>now to play any kind of custom games you need to have an untainted version of the game and use some virtual-LAN tool which 99% of people won't do so they're dead
What do you mean? I play custom games fine on the official servers. You don't even need to buy reforged, if you have your old CD key you can still play on the battle.net servers, you just can't use the reforged graphics (which suck anyway and have no soul).

zoom zoom stfu, you are showing your inexperience.

It's not monetizable like MOBA's or other genres

it's pretty much understood as fact that devs at blizzard don't actually like the players, it's been that way for a long time, sadly

kek, holy shit

a fuckton of custom games were broken with the reforged update and the map makers aren't around anymore so they're forever unplayable
YouTD for example requires a specific version of WC3 and a proxy tool

I wish AOE4 was as good.

RTS was never good you just had low standards as a child and are now blinded by nostalgia. Its just like "why cant modern korean MMOs be fun like my favorite web-browser MUD".

The easiest way to recognize a shit genre is if everyone on Yea Forums thinks the best game is the most popular. With an actual quality genre like shmups people will come out of the woodwork with some random untranslated japanese indie arcade that showed up at a comicon booth twice and then was never seen again. Meanwhile you faggots think the best RTS was age of empires or warcraft3 or command and conquer.

>It's not monetizable like MOBA's or other genres

my dude, if they sold custom skins/factions/units/spell effects....
I would buy that shit in a heartbeat
I am a wannabe w3 whale

>and no one else plays the rest of the genre
Pretty sure SC2 averages 200k 1v1 matches a day atm.

No the genre is dead and we have MOBAs to thank for it

>story mode
Having a fun single player is important but it's more important to have good AI you can skirmish against. Everybody plays skirmish, even compfags, it should be the #1 thing you design the game around is just how good the AI is to fight or stomp.

It isn't possible for old WC3 to open battlenet on its own. You have to physically click the button and agree to install a patch.

No, I don't remember MvC2 having a story or single player content or SF2 outside of 39 second endings.
KoF had a story, dead
Evil Zone had a story, dead
Tobal had a ton of single player shit, dead
Same as modern times. Only MK has a ton of single player content, but it also has low engagement and only doubled the sales of the worst SF release for quadruple the effort.

>would host games with the name HOT ASIAN XXX
>when you finally downloaded the map it was a picture of a woman sucking off what appears to be a llama
>get dozens of visitors
life was so simple

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You would kill this hypothetical game because there would inevitably be a 'meta' skinset to buy/use that is confusing to look at or muddles the effects happening on-screen for your opponent. Picture paying for a skin that turns a spell effect into something nearly unrecognizable until it starts doing damage, and these effects came out with the same urgency as MOBA skins. The game would be ruined. There would be a new annoying ass skin everyone would wear to make it as difficult as possible to determine which units were which or what spells were being used.

this has been working for me recently, been playing Hero of the Empire and Eras Zombie Invasion on it with a friend

>y-you're just nostalgia blind, chud! reforged it GOOD, IT WAS HER TURN

get cancer

I might remember that maze
Good times bröther. For me it was wintermaul, gladiators, and then some kind of role playing town where I always rushed to be the banker so I could stack mad money in the vault and buy the nicest shit. Then not interact with everyone else and just drive around in my tank car thing. Good fucking times.

It should be noted that because of Battle.net and SC2's setup: skirmishes count in those 1v1s. There are not 200K 1v1 player matches every day.

Top kek


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Your talking competitive, which I totally get, that should not include weird skins etc.

I'm talking more for custom maps, etc.

You say retarded shit like "why cant modern korean MMOs be fun like my favorite web-browser MUD" but people still make MUD-inspired games today that you can go play for free. So even your own retarded hypothetical breaks down because you're clearly an underaged teen.

Also most people on Yea Forums played Supcom back in the day and there's a Dawn of War thread hitting autosgae right now, neither of which are the most popular but most agree are some of the best, so you can suck a rock.

>starcraft 2 has more single player and casual content than any other rts
>people still complain that it's too esports
the genre is doomed because it only exists as a memory of when you were 12 and nothing any developer does will satisfy you

The only big publisher that still cares about RTS is Microsoft. AoE2 is decades old and going strong with regular updates and expansions. The latest expac is releasing tomorrow.

Proves my point exactly. People properly rated WC3 as the 4/10 game it is once slightly different graphics and animations removed the nostalgia filter. The base gameplay mechanics suddenly became seen properly as a broken buggy mess rather than as rose-tinted "perfect for what it sets out to be".

Warcraft 3 is still to this day the best game to play

>SC2's content shipped unfinished
>Took years to put together over multiple expensive campaigns

>N-no, you just hate it because of compfags
The genre is doomed because of shit like this and the people like you who enable it.


They hated Destiny because he told them the truth.

starcraft 3 would satisfy me
hell starcraft (insert subtitle) would satisfy me
a big problem at blizzard is you have a bunch of prima donna lead devs that want to invent the next big IP

>The latest expac is releasing tomorrow.
shit is it? Which civ?

>campaign/coop progress is region locked
fucking blissard

>he thinks that was the problem

anyone have the list?

Are you even listening to yourself? Do you honestly think that fully 0 RTS games have been released in the past decade, unlike MUDs? I'm making fun of you for poopooing them as not being the same as your nostalgia trip, just like my strawman refuses to recognize that MUDs are also a niche but living genre.

I downloaded someone's mega

Most people don't play RTS for single player. It's boring. It's the multiplayer, like LAN parties back in the day.

I feel those devs who left to form frost giant would be working on a new StarCraft if they had held out until after the Microsoft purchase.

For me? It's Red Alert 2

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its a cool thought for sure, but top expensive management/leads are always pushed out during those acquisitions. For a lot of those guys it was a chance to form a new company, poach some talent, and line up some investors

hell, maybe frostgiant will get an offer to make their RTS game with a blizzard IP

its not like anyone at blizzard knows how to make an RTS anymore

You two have it right
you live in fucking opposite town. fuck you. 2 ENTIRE genres of gaming are permasweaty because of fuckshits like you. I wish I could actually smack you irl.

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>Are you even listening to yourself? Do you honestly think that fully 0 RTS games have been released in the past decade, unlike MUDs?
Here are three MUDs released in the past five years that still have over 100 players:


Here's a MUD that has had over 1K concurrent players for the past 15 years

I'm making fun of you for being an uneducated teen talking shit about something you know nothing about, both RTS games and MUDs. When you mentioned MUDs, I knew immediately that you were an uneducated soiteen fresh off the reddit boat whose balls hadn't dropped yet and just brought up a Genre you thought was dead to compare to korean MMOs.

I defend MUDs not because I play them but because, like RTS games, the only way to declare they're "dead" is if you look at them relative to games like COD. Objectively speaking: there are more RTS players now than ever.

So when you go "RTS WAS NEVER GOOD" I realize "You never knew anything about RTS games and are just repeating shit you heard in some thread full of retards like yourself."

>noobs pretending they know whats best for the genre

if youre not playing multiplayer u have no opinion. single player campaigns are just shitty ai skirmish matches

>lol dood they just hate it cause it looks different!
>No profiles, win/loss records or stats lookup
>No automated tournaments, no tournament rewards
>No ladder, no server rankings, no way to be competitive
>Matchmaking broken on release, games dropped, disconnects, desyncs, lag, battle.net down, etc. Hard to complete long games without half the players dropping at once, long periods at launch without anyone being able to search at all
>EULA rewritten to give blizzard total control over every custom map made in every imaginable way. "you grant to Blizzard an exclusive, perpetual, worldwide, unconditional, royalty free, irrevocable license enabling Blizzard to fully exploit the Custom Games (or any component thereof) for any purpose and in any manner whatsoever" verbatim quote
>HD graphics look awful on the warcraft terrain tiles and are cluttered and hard to differentiate during normal zoomed out gameplay, they don't have basic silhouette and identifiable features like regular WC3, don't follow a consistent art design.
>Non-english voice acting changed completely with no way to restore original VA
>Incredible amount of gameplay / graphical bugs on release. Its barely playable
>breaks compatibility with innumerable maps
>EULA rewritten to ban copyrighted content in custom maps despite being personal use and noncommercial, making many of the most popular custom maps now banned for having IP from non-Blizzard franchises

But there's more!

user specifically said "good" single player content, so SC2 doesn't count.

Has anyone played the new Dune game? Been thinking about picking it up to relive some of that shit

oh yeah, because the starcraft 2 campaign was awesome

>No new gameplay content compared to WC3 / TFT, despite costing $30
>Does not rectify many of the essential features missing in WC3 / TFT like replay rewind, rejoin on disconnect, etc. All the structural limitations of the WC3 engine remain and no fix was even attempted, games are still locked into being a single uninterrupted thread from start to finish.
>Chat interface is completely broken and can't be disabled, you can't use /commands like normal battle.net, can't squelch or whisper or whatever, no chat rooms, no chat bots, etc
>Bait-and-switch advertising with blizzard announcing total remake of the experience, new cinematics, voice acting, high quality animations, etc that were shown at blizzcon, and then removed from the final product. The end result doesn't even resemble the fake advertised stuff.
>UI is absurdly laggy and clumsy, ssignificantly worse than the original
>badly unoptimized, low fps on high end machines
>Lan mode removed, offline multiplayer lobbies removed, can't 1v1 vs friends offline
>no test mode or single player lobbies to test with cheats on or mods.
>Even classic graphics aren't 1:1 with the originals and have missing effects, visibility, etc, and look much worse than they did before the patch.
>RT and AT were inexplicably merged. There is no way to 'solo queue' anymore, you can get placed with arranged team opponents and allies. Going up against a 4 man arranged team with a predetermined strategy while you get 3 random solo queue allies is as unplayable in WC3 as it is in any other team game. And no way to identify if opponents are an AT or RT11
>Even if you don't buy Reforged, you still get all those problems above. You can't opt out. You are forced to play the new, buggy, feature-lacking client. The only thing the $29.99 unlocks is the HD texture pack which makes the game look worse.

This isn't even all the major issues.