There’s literally people browsing this board right now that didn’t play elden ring

>there’s literally people browsing this board right now that didn’t play elden ring

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Invincible Dodge rolling my way out of Fromsoft's terrible games

when people dont participate in the fad of the month i get irrationally angry xD

>fad of the month

I don't really care for that type of gameplay. I do hope people who like it have loads of fun with it, though! a lot of my friends seem to, and since they're happy, I'm happy.

Trooner zoomers hate good games, OP.

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Interrupting this gay thread with the word of the day: Poopebutthole

I'm playing Stanley parable instead
(Actually taking a shit at this moment)

I'm honestly not sure if this is true

>he plays a video game simply because he sees others are playing a video game and he wants to fit in, not because he actually enjoys it
Retards like you are why gaming sucks.

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or Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2

Why would I? It doesn't interest me

my computer is too dogshit for that game, user

I did. Got to Altus Plateau and couldn't bring myself to finish. I really wasn't going to bother, but eh... it wasn't too large to download.

I don't intend to for quite some time. Maybe next year when it gets a decent sale or when I quit my job

sorry i was too busy getting my dick sucked

>there are Fromdrones on Yea Forums right now bragging about playing Dark Souls 4: Demon's Souls 8 edition

what is it about Fromdrones that makes them unabashedly proud of being mindless consoomers

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at least you admit you tried to play it but were filtered

Yep. Got filtered. I was quite disappointed with the game, I never wanted open world. I wanted more tight, linear levels where shortcuts are invaluable like in DeS or some of the levels in Dark Souls 1 and 2.

why yes I've never played any soulsborin games, how could you tell?

im waiting for it to go on sale. don't want to pay full price, but don't want to pirate it either.

Sh-Shut the FUCK UP!!

sorry for not following fotm

I played dark souls years ago, not really interested in buying the same game twice

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Unironically, normies.

Theres >people here browsing this board that didn't play Quake 3

Got a server?

It’s ok to admit you got filtered


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Being open world turned me off from ER. I'm the kind of autist that wants to explore every corner and see every detail which was fun in other From games because of the tightly designed linear levels but a huge open world like ER just sounds exhausting to explore. I'd feel compelled to do absolutely everything and end up getting supremely burnt out a quarter of the day through.

So you were filtered.

Played it, finished it, and move on. Wish everyone else would already.

loved it. it took me 100:20 hours but I got as much of it as I could first time though without reading anything online. I'm sure I missed a ton but am going to wait a bit before replaying.

>Two months after release
>Still being talked about
>"fad of the month"

Cope HZD dev

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>I'm the kind of autist that wants to explore every corner and see every detail
Dude, Elden Ring has all that and more, I would say it has even better ezploration than the DS games. Dont let the size of the open world put you off bro, it actually has a counterbalance to burn out by letting you go almost anywhere, so if you get frustrated with one zone you can just TP to the other side of the map and explore a different zone, its very comfy

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Will never play

never played a souls game in my life. Why should I play elden ring?

>enjoying anything
>not cynically posting doomer shit and polishing your superiority complex to a fine sheen that reflects all human warmth and kinship
>not being a deeply unlikable person but blaming society for your inability to change because you've clung to contrainism as a stand in for an identity, but all it's done is rot you spiritauly from the inside and made you reliant on this hive mind parasocial board full of some of the most depressed and degenerate lonley men on the planet.
>Not stewing in this self inflicted mind prison because you fear even the smallest ounce if rejection, because deep down, you are scared to make that first step into the world of human interaction because everytime you do, you have to face the truth of how long you've neglected to nurture that withering, emaciated husk you call a soul.
>I took a big greasy shit while typing all this amd sprayed febreeze it was so stinky

elden ring looks like shit. too busy playing quake and css

IMAGINE your cock entering his hot maw

That's me. What are you going to do about it?

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Yeah why would I if there are superior games from the same developer?

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and getting bitten off like a fucking carrot? no way fag

He would slobber and suck on my penis and balls until i cum actually

Loveable sort ahead,
therefore offer head

I'm waiting for them to remove Easy Anticheat

I haven't played a single Soulsborne to this day.

I almost didn't. I'm not sure if i feel like i would've missed out or not. But there was nothing else i wanted to play single player wise nowadays. Normies feel the same way when i tell them i don't like GTA and the last Rockstar game i played was RDR/LA Noire. They also feel the same way about you for not playing COD. Congrats Elden Ring is legitimately another streamer faggot game. Its not a bad game in and of itself but it doesn't scream necessary player.

Played it. Enjoyed it.
Now I'm back to emulating old games on Retroarch and coom modding Sims 4.

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I'm not buying a broken pc version
I'm not risking my money on stuttering bullshit that can be fixed but won't because it's too expensive now that simps have bought the game already

Um, just pirate it, like a normal person, you braindead zombie casual.

I'm not paying 100 bucks to play it on ps5, waiting for the price to drop

That's right, fuck you soulscuck.

>he bought a $900 game box
>he pays $100 for bing bing wahoo

Me. Cry about it fromdrone.

Go back

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I believe it. I've browsed this board for quite a few years now and have never played probably 80-90% of the games that get regular threads. Not all games appeal to all people, different strokes and all that.

Elden ring sucks dick.

Fuck Off op I can't afford a good pc and can't buy elden ring besides I much rather play cruelty squad

I like to play games after their hype dies out exept multiplayer ones.

Beat DS1 twice, hated it both times. Never wasting my time on any similar game again.

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I literally only installed it and never played it. I have anxiety.