You working on any video game art
You working on any video game art
I'm still a /beg/inner, so no. Maybe some day.
This. I also lack some motivation
I drew Aba the other day
Yes but I'm not that good, I'm still practicing
Why learn a skill AI will replace in five years?
took ya long enough. waiting for the 'show me your art' guy to show up
Yeah but I refuse to read anything by loomis
>finish a big project
>feel way too burned out to do anything else
Why? There's nothing to gain from it anymore.
>M-m-muh porn bucks
Why spend all that time working to draw for literal pennies? Even if you are lucky enough to be pulling 4 digits on Patreon a month it will just get raped by the Patreon fee, taxes, bills, health care. That won't happen though because that ship sailed years ago.
Learn a real skill.