What is Yea Forums‘s opinion of GOG?

What is Yea Forums‘s opinion of GOG?

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They region-lock a bunch of games so they can fuck off.

Women not only should be able to take off during their period, but be forced to take off. Any man would agree they don't want to deal with a bleeding woman.

Only thing wrong about this post is that they never mention the word woman, which is so fucking strange. "menstrating people" lol.

I like this in concept, but it's retarded if you think about it for more than two minutes.

>Menstrual leave
>Men get injured
>Gotta tough it out
>Women cycle into a natural state of their body
>Oh shit queen, take a break, you eawrned it
Man I can't wait until the great gender war when we kill off all the women and begin reproducing purely through artificial wombs.
You know chinese were on to something with this throwing newborn girls into trash.

Um…trans women can menstruate too

And women find yet another reason to not work. Not like they do shit but complain that other people aren't doing things for them when they're actually at work. All they need to do is exist and pop out some kids that some poor asshole has to pay for and support.

You're not going to like me and I'd be downvoted to hell if this was any more reddit that it already is, but honestly.
It's a scam. They are selling you steam games without steam, what that means? They have a game, they make an installer and they sell that to you, they don't even put any effort for binding that to your account or at least make the installer unique to you, they could at least make the name of your account show up or something, but nope, the game you buy and the copy your friend buys, they are the exact same installer.
Put steam on offline mode it's the same shit, even if steam goes down you can still play, fuck just throw the steam app on a usb drive with a couple of games and they will all work after you install the libraries, seriously, try it, the software is portable, remembers offline mode and doesn't check computer, you can have your entire library in a usb drive if you want.
Gog says they are fighting for freedom and ownership, you don't own shit, have you read their os? You can't fucking share your installers with a friend because that's against their terms, what's the fucking point then? Skip the launcher which they still shill in every installer anyways?
You kids don't know shit, but true ownership would be if you could sell and trade the games you have, even destroy them if you want, you can't fucking do any of that, steam at least has family sharing, gog doesn't have shit, if gog really cared for ownership they should make their games work like cripto, you get some unique credentials that you can trade around and do whatever you want and whoever has it can run it, there. But they don't care for that, they just want to put the least amount of effort into what they sell you and promote themselves as the good guys, gog, steam, epic, desure, itchio, uplay, they are all the same exact garbage, they all sell you the same product but some put less effort than the others.

It’s pretty stupid either way
>paid leave
Skip work for as long as they feel within reason, company loses money consistently. Female employees are now taxing per month, upper management cannot change rule without backlash
>unpaid leave
Losing money with every hour you miss, even with no corporate punishment you’re damaging your own personal profit. Your personal suffering becomes damaging to your living and possibly future, management may become skeptical if you take one too many days and decide to call you full of shit and punish you regardless

Haven't bought anything since they bent the knee to china re: devotion

Pretty good if this is part of a comprehensive effort to give employees better working conditions but dumb if its just something to show how pro female they are

They should hire me to sniff pussies to see if they're on their period or not

How are troons going to react to this?

Troons are gonna have another meltdown since they have been trying to replace actual women for years to the point in trying to get gender banned from games.

>Used to work in a grocery store
>Making $7.50 an hour
>5 man department, lead quit, managers cutting corner and not filling in his spot or hiring the requires amount of people
>They put a woman in there to help me
>She makes $14 an hour
>Drags her ass
>Takes constant breaks
>I break down 3 ton shipments by myself because "I'd help you but I am a FEMALE"
>Some time goes by
>She gets promoted to department lead because... I don't fucking know
>She still drags her ass and I'm the one doing all the work except now I also have to help another department because their guy called in sick
>She tells me to take a break
>Literally frozen shit in the middle of being stocked
>If I take a break now I'll have to re-stack everything back on the palette, drag it back into the freezer on the other side of the store, then again drag it out and unpack it to continue stacking when I come back
>Tell her I'll take a break after I'm done
>She goes to the store manager and has me written up for "not taking a break"
Women area disease.

I like how easy they are to pirate

I wonder why I never see posts like this one in Steam threads.

>been trying to replace actual women for years to the point in trying to get gender banned from games.
You got it all wrong. You're not thinking sinister enough.
Let me break down for you user.
The primary demographics for videogames are under 18.
Teens are when an individual is the most impressionable and look to their environment for help in deriving a sense of self and one's individuality.
By removing gender from videogames, one of the core pillars in a young person's development, they're essentially softening them so the grooming is easier.

>Be woman
>Men will empty their bank accounts for you
>Men will die to defend you from other men
>Companies will hire and promote you just for being a woman
>And now companies will even give you 12 paid weeks out of the year just because you're a woman
Cannot make this shit up.

Ah but women are paid less then men. :^)

>Men will empty their bank accounts for you
>Men will die to defend you from other men
And men are to blame here.

By making them self mutilate at an early age they remove from the pool. I am not wrong. I just didn't give the extended cut of how they want to do it. Either way they can rope and stay away from my videogames.

Makes games more convenient to pirate. So it's okay.

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Makes sense, really. Tons of women aren't productive when they're on the blob. Better to pay them to get out of the way when they're bleeding and cramping than to pay them to slow everything down.

yes and they should be compensated more to make up for the difference those 12 weeks lost them

Steam puts more effort into controlling and restricting you. You'd love me if I put some effort into caving your face in.

Is there some subtle basedness in this? They 1) outright say "yep biological differences exist" this alone will trigger some toids. 2) This will out all the troons. It's not like women carry much weight in companies anyways, so the absence of real women who can't handle some cramps isn't going to do much to bottom line. But it will also get the troons out of the office. Sure there is an air of defeatism to it, but I'm not convinced some Pollocks didn't play 4D chess with this. Still not going to give GOG money either way, but I will send them good boy points as I pirate my next game.

>they don't even put any effort for binding that to your account or at least make the installer unique to you
And thank fucking God for that.

Give examples.
Gog doesn't let you share games, most games lack online functionality and recently they added region locking

>She gets promoted to department lead because... I don't fucking know
You know exactly what happened. A girl I worked with got instantly promoted from $13/hr to a $60k+/yr management position because she was getting spitroasted by two execs on the regular.

Had something like this happen to me
>Designer at a small startup
>For some reason Im also dragged around to help as the warehouse manager assistant
>Bitch that dropped out of HS does nothing all day, maybe calls a few of our clients a day and then nothing
>Gets paid almost twice what I make
>I quit, a couple months go by and it turns out my 29 yo manager was dicking her, she is now pregnant

Not him.
>Gog doesn't let you share games
How do you stop you if the games are DRM-free?

>most games lack online functionality
Blame the developers/publishers.

>recently they added region locking

Tell me again how women don't live life on easy mode

Trannies oppress them.

>search internet
>it is real
fucking clown world.
Why do men not get cooming leave, we have to coom or our balls hurt and we have to coom more than once a month

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Trannies don't exist and are a feminist psyop

lmao, even!

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Women get it because it is said that women are dense when they have periods, and this is believed to be a misogynistic belief.

I'll continue to use gogdownloader like I have for years, thanks!

No, they can't. I fully believe medical science will be able to complete a sex change in the next 60-100 years where a biological born male can procreate with another biological male. We arn't there yet. People deluding themselves into this false reality is pretty pathetic, it will likely happen but rather then devote themselves to the study of such things they'd rather just consume the drugs big pharma shovels at them with false promises. I guess big pharms doing us a favor, removing these idiots from the genepool.

Lol this is what happens when companies get too big and have beta orbiters. You eventually get dumb corporate pandering for women and a product that is 75% budget on advertising and 25% on actual games and the storefront.

How does steam stop you from giving your user and pass to a friend?
I blame their lack of effort for that.
>This game is not available for purchase in your country

I can't be bothered to greentext but i worked in the hospital in the pandemic, some new roastie comes in and gets one of the "lead" jobs
All she does is sit on her ass all day on a phone and reorganize the warehouse that didn't even need reorganizing.

Yeah, it's horrifying. I don't care if people want to change their sex, but the fact is that shit does not work so good

i don’t care outside of the ports of mk games they have

Love the service distrust the company
Used to buy games there no longer do

I wish i could buy more from them but i dont because they have a serious issue with game updates for newer games. If you wanna buy a new indie game do not but it from GOG, you will be waiting weeks for updates.

Wouldn't that just be full on gene therapy? Other than a fulls uterus transplant I don't see how that would be possible, and even then I don't really see how they'd get the body to accept such transplant/keep the eggs viable.

>Men get injured
>Gotta tough it out
Yes, because men are stronger both physically and mentally. Men and women are different therefore they deserve different treatment

Maybe stop working in these places and enable this to continue? Because if you are a hard worker then they will need to pay more workers thus dragging the company underwater sooner than later.

>blame their lack of effort for that.
It's literally by design. If it had measures against that, it wouldn't be a DRM-free store.

>This game is not available for purchase in your country
Ah. I won't defend it, but it is far from new.

Yeah I used to feel bad about basically just seeing GoG as the most convenient version of games to pirate but now I can see it's OK.

Good for DRM-free games

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Soft Beta Orbiting men are to blame.

dead store, just download a steam emulator instead

There are some methods already able to create functional sperm using the DNA from women, research of the reverse to create an artificial womb and eggs from a males DNA. Keep in mind the human genome mapping was only completed last year so the pace of advancement on human body, gene editing which is already in full swing (mRNA delivery methods in vaccines, CRISPR) so expect advances on anything related to augmenting the human body to be the big thing of medical science for the next fifty years of R&D. Give another 10 or so for it to roll out to the masses, you'll have dudes having babies with themselves etc.

True, but it's still mindblowing how easy their lives are nonetheless.

I quit there years ago and from what I hear from people I used to work with, the department hasn't passed a health inspection since.
But that's not a feasible option for everyone because this behavior is fairly standardized throughout the industry.

its ok user, they had to trade 20 cents per hour on any job they find for that privelage

I mean when I worked in a grocery store there was a black guy who used to be a pro football player and because the store manager was also a black guy former pro football player he had this guy promoted to a manager almost immediately despite not knowing shit about what he was doing and last I heard after basically being incompetent repeatedly at different manager jobs in different stores he was given an even better store manager position and a fucking house (I still don't know how that works) all because.....he just earned it ok? This was after the guy who got him into a managerial position (who himself was a nepotism hire) was fired for sexual harassment and theft, so the affirmative action/nepotism is just that strong.

The white male privilege shit is a total fucking myth, you get nothing out of it not a thing even when white guys in every job I've worked have ended up being the ones doing the vast majority of all the work despite being surrounded by women and minorities. They just get shit on by their companies and women go for their fiftieth break from the cushiest job possible because asking them to work like men is wrong.

and thus higher pay


Menstrual leave discriminates against trannies (and other men), how long until they kick up a stink about it?

It would affect FtM men.

>he doesn't know about boy beriods

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they were/are fighting against DRM, that's it. they didn't set out to overthrow angloid intellectual property laws. no shit when you buy a copy you aren't openly permitted to share it. if you were you could just open up freegog.com and lawfully rehost all the installers you bought with impunity. likewise, buying a license for the game doesn't give you right to the source code either, not even to see it, let alone use it.

if this is what you want you better get into FOSS video games or you better get into toppling the West or something because IP isn't nearly as concrete outside of it.

There are two women at work who had babies recently, and every morning they fight about who gets to use a conference room for breast pumping because they both insist that they need to do it at 9am. This has been going on for 4 months now, and they have no intention of resolving the issue.

Slightly less than it was 5 minutes ago. I can't remember the last time I bought something from them though, so I don't really care. My interest in DRM-free games unfortunately hinges on good games being made.

Do FtM on hormones get periods still?