What do little kids think of when they see this in their games?
What do little kids think of when they see this in their games?
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They think that women are revolting and other boys are cuter and they grow up to be gay men?
they unironically like it
republican thread?
why do Fortnite threads always start with Chumlee
probably a less imaginative version of what i thought of when i watched the pixelated strippers dancing in duke nukem
built exclusively for tiny shota cock.
because that's the only material shills have
fucking basado
Zoomers literally WANT to be groomed
when I was a kid I used to undress girls in my head all the time. If I saw this when I was 7 I would have spent the entire day having lewd undressing thoughts about her. Sometimes coming up with scenarios for the undressing to happen and shit.
but when I first learned about sex as a child I thought it was gross. I didn't want to touch someone else's private parts lol
where is pussy
She better be available tonight, I can't really enjoy the game until then
pixarface is a worse design trend than calarts bean mouth ever was
Daily reminder that the fatter the ass, the fatter the turds. Imagine if you will, the size of the logs that exit that hole. I mean, literal logs.
What was your first exposure to porn and sex like?
by her I mean Domino
fatter cheeks means more pressure around the rectum and sphincter. this results on thin snakes that smear all over the inside of the crack.
because it's a single autistic retard spamming them
At least Pixarface is aesthetically pleasing to look at. Bean mouth looks stupid and low effort.
aesthetically pleasing in the same way a doctor's office waiting room painting is "pleasing". a safe boring design that is meant to soothe even the dimmest retard. if you've seen one, you've seen them all.
better luck next time OP
I was a horn dog even before hitting puberty. I once started humping the TV in the 80s as a little kid because I saw Jane Fonda in tights on her workout show.
you're either a 43 year old virgin or married to the fattest woman in the world
>birth rates in developed countries continue to dwindle....
so why are western devs so scared of feminine designs if fortnight is openly doing slutty school girl stuff without a peep from journos?
It's almost like teenagers are horny
Fortnite has a a metric fuckton of skins and the sexy ones are few and buried under the rest. If you just casually browsed the selection of skins you'll miss sexy ones among the selection of angry skeletons, generic soldier mans and furbait.
because it's a kids game, duh
pretty sure they consider that bad too. part of the anita sarkeesian stuff started with "by rewarding players with revealing costumes, it teaches boys to expect sex as a reward".
they think about hot trannies in bodysuits sitting on their faces.
Its balanced out by the hot men so its okay
Why do Americans love big fat juicy jiggling dumptruck asses? Do American devs really?
Because they're a bunch of fags
Why don't you?
probably "haha funny dance"
It goes against the agenda.
You're a faggot millennial and should kill yourself :)
American sex is better than Euro sex
I guess zoomers can be ok sometimes
Timmy is based and I'm tired of pretending he's not.
8 year olds watch full tranny domination porn now. Who gives a fuck? It's over for them either way
>What do little kids think of when they see this in their games?
She has bike shorts on instead of her bloomers so it is technically censored. Cammy also had pants on.
they think about grabbing that ass and never letting go. at least that's what i used to think when i was one and saw similar bunda
i remember being with a girl before and she talked about how i seemed to like grabbing her everywhere, except the ass. so i grabbed more desu
>faggot leftists are the real groomers!
>this thread
She's doing her trademark move!
Does blanka do flips?
They make my dick hard
>8 year olds watch full tranny domination porn now
what world are you living in
>8 year olds watch full tranny domination porn now.
I don't think they do that user
fuck epi
This world.
teaching young brothers the beauty of good pussy is a sacred rite. there is nothing in it for the teacher except the perpetuation of our noble way. the tranny twists and perverts this, seeking the fruits for themselves and their mangled senses. a vile path.
sad for you if you really think that since it confirms a brain lesion of some kind
How the fuck do I buy this skin?
only good post in the thread
It's fucking weird too since Sakura is 16.
Absolutely disgusting, well I'm going to bed
Chunners is going to be in shop soon!
idk but this is what im thinking when i see little kids in my games
>It's fucking hot too since Sakura is 16.
Is it just me or Moon Knight looks a whole lot like Gekko Kamen?
Guarantee neither of these shilling fortnite niggers have touched a street fighter game.
It's a variant of one of those pussyfree beta fetishes. It's like findom/gamedom, he simps for Chun Li and jerks off to her nonstop while buying skins and treating it as an erotic thing. What's fucked up is it also has a pedophilia angle, pic related.