Holy fucking shit, did they really have to make you have to fight Genichiro before him every time? It essentially makes it a boss fight with 4 health bars, I don't know if I can beat him bros ;-;
Holy fucking shit, did they really have to make you have to fight Genichiro before him every time...
Say the line, Yea Forums
When it clicks it clicks and you will love it.
>do they really have to reuse the same boss several times
It's Sekiro, so yes. And since this game taught them they can get away with fucking anything, they upped the ante with Elden Ring. To the point it only has like 5 unique bosses out of like 50 total. So lazy and cheap.
Sekiro is deliberately designed to feel archaic and unfair. This is part of the art of the game.
You should be able to no damage Genichiro at this point, if he hits you more than once you're choking and should rest
Genishiro is the ultimate jobber.
At this point in the game he should pose you zero threat.
never saw why people had such a hard time with genichiro, if anything it just felt like a little extra bloat instead of any added difficulty to the fight.
it's very easy to perfect Genichiro and phase 1 Isshin
hesitation is defeat
I've only got to the third health bar so far, when he pulls out the spear. Haven't got to do that part enough times to learn his moves.
genichiro should take you a good 20 seconds, user.
try playing elden ring and come back.
Soooo how is possible for Genichiro to summon Ishin,i always thought that part was an asspull?
Stop hesitating
genichirou: easy
1st phase: normal
2nd phase: hard
3rd phase: very easy
>took damage
lol noob
>An old text describing a black Mortal Blade.
>"In addition to the red Mortal Blade, there exists one that is black in color.
>The blade's name is "Open Gate", and is said to hold the power to open a gate to the underworld.
>It is through this power that it creates life. I beseech you, make offerings for the Dragon's Blood...
>Not doing this on a no kuro charm run
>Not having demon's bell activated
You didn't beat the game
genichiro is just acting as the bouncer before you're allowed to fight Isshin
>I don't know if I can beat him bros ;-;
stick it out, and do it properly
you'll never forget the experience, and it will be one of the best in all of vidya
>dodging his jump attacks
why, they create his biggest opening if you deflect them
You are not spamming attack enough, genichiro melts under pressure and isshin phase one is an easy loop, with the last being a freebie thanks to lightning.
Its a 1 phase bossfight truly.
You should beat genichiro in under 30 seconds. And probably not even take damage
Isshin mentions Genichiro having a mortal blade if you eavesdrop and there's a note near his room about how it can resurrect people.
Whole game and even loadings screens hype up Isshin as this living war god that you should expect to fight him somehow
I pirated this when it came out. I'm feeling bored and wouldn't mind replaying it. Should I buy it or will it go for a lower price during the summer?
What prosthetics and combat arts should I use?
Just use your spirit summon and spam your weapon art of choice
DSP beat the fight in three tries with Axe
But he's an idiot savant.
Hesitation to put foolish ambitions to rest is defeat.
The "fight" should be 30 seconds of you absolutely bullying Genichiro into the dirt. At the very start just full-on sprint behind him and fist his ass while he's doing his not-mortal blade shit.
Then destroy him.
You don't need to use any but shuriken and ichimonji are basic things that can fit in every fight
What should my attack power be for facing Isshin?
its an action game nigger, just learn the attacks
are you going to grind levels to feed to your mask?
You should have killed every boss in the game besides him
So, whatever that is.
If you used the Dragon Statue even once, restart your fucking run
No, I just accidentally locked myself out of the alternate Hirata Estate so I wasn't able to fight Owl there.
high monk into charged flame axe basically two shots raichu.
Ok, so then X times every boss in the game less Isshin less Owl 2
Now, stop hesitating.
I have to say, the metanarrative of each time you meet genichiro is kino as fuck
> 1st time you get your ass kicked
> 2nd time you gain a hard fought victory
> Final time is at the first arena, with some practice you turn him into a non-issue.
Real cool way of them to highlight the player's mastery over the game
this motherfucker brought a fucking glock to a sowrd fight
he is one of the most difficult bosses early on, they put him there to show how far you have progressed as a player
i dont know how a human intelligence can get that far in the game and have trouble against a gimped genichiro
>didn't jump on him for poise damage
>didn't parry his jump attack
>fucked up deflecting his combo
Jesus Sekiro really is less fun looking when you play like a wuss.
he wasn't against Genichiro using the dragon blood? why he is figthng you?
>most frustrating boss in Sekiro was a Dark Souls boss (DoH)
>most frustrating fight in Elden Ring is a Sekiro boss (Malenia)
On the second encounter I beat him with zero deaths but could never get past isshin. I just got tilted having to do 4 fucking health bars. Bullshit
>1st phase is difficult
>2nd phase is easy because he throws Mikiri Counterable attacks at you left and right
>3rd phase is easier because he'll cast lightning on himself if you have half a brain on how to do lightning reversals
I am very confused
>2nd phase is easy because he throws Mikiri Counterable attacks at you left and right
That's his first phase too, he loves to spam sweeps and thrusts
When people post this guy I never know if he’s from Ghost of Tsushima or sekiro
1st phase is easier than 2nd, he's extremely predictable
I fucking beat him lads! I had to use all my healing gourds plus 2 pellets and but I fucking did it!
well done... Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Genichiro takes like a minute to kill, git gud
you can finally start your charmless playthrough which is really how it was meant to be played
Its fucking easy... once you die 20-30 times and learn every single move and the easiest way to avoid them.
I don't think I'm good enough for that really.
Yeah I must have died about 30 times before I was able to beat him.
This guy gets it.
I'm annoyed I missed the alternate Hirata Estate because I would have had all 40 prayer beads. Only thing I have left to do on this playthrough is kill the last of the Headless and try the Demon of Hatred.
He was against Genichiro using Kuro but the fact that Genichiro literally killed himself to bring him back move him.
Also he wanted to fight Sekiro, that's why he gave him the skill scrolls as the Tengu
>3rd phase is easier because he'll cast lightning on himself if you have half a brain on how to do lightning reversals
Unless you're on a slight incline when landing which prevents you from finishing the lightning reversal. I lost 3 attempts to that bullshit.
That's comedy gold though
You can cheese the Demon of Hatred with a self-destruction glitch by jumping outside the stage, YouTube the glitch. Sword Saint has no glitch so OP is mega fucked if he doesn't get good.
Isshin is a victory lap boss when you get down to it. Do a charmless bell run if you want a challenge from him.
he's ez
it turns into a controller check after a while, because isshin is significantly harder
That iteration of Genichiro is a warm up fight to Isshin, compared to his other incarnations you should be able to roll right over him with little difficulty.
I am OP
By the time you reach Genichiro for the third time you are supposed to not have any problems with him whatsoever. Like you are supposed to stomp him, thats the point. When he meets you for the first time he stomps you. Then its a fair fight and by the time of the final encounter its your turn to mop the floor with him. Its supposed to showcase your growth as a player. How did you manage to get to him in the first place without getting good?
It's a gimped Genichiro. You should be able to beat him without getting hit in like a minute or so after a couple tries.
Everyone's obviously not reading the thread. OP has beaten Isshin.