Anyone doing the new ultimate?
Other urls found in this thread:
You got 2 thread removed, when are you going to get the hint that we don't want your shit here?
Patch Notes leaks
>The weapons of the NPCs in Limsa Lominsa have been changed
>They now wear TEA Shield and DSR Sword
>Video game discussion
>On my Yea Forums?
No one in my static wants to prog it, and I don’t want to find a different group.
this thread has been pruned or deleted
yeah but not today, I had a lot of fun last night.
your static sucks!
Nah, just watching others do it. Might try it some day, but I'm not in any rush.
That's the most annoying shit is everyone just wants to watch instead of doing it right now
Why do mods only delete FFXIV threads?
I just got warned for making the only FFXIV thread. Why are there still LITERALLY 20 Elden Ring threads up?
>mods delete the ffxiv threads
>meanwhile there are 2 threafs full of porn and a SHADMAN threads just made it to 500 posts
ON MY Yea Forums?
One of the mods is an avid WoW fan and prunes FFXIV threads. He's been doing it since ARR and submitting feedback does nothing
I'm just so fucking done with CC. Why do i only get completely braindead teams? I get people who just rush into the enemy team before the crystal is even unlocked and die without even using recuperate once. Why would you do this? I need 3 more wins to get the 60 win garo mount, but i literally lost 12 games in a row today. I'm not exagerating, i lost twelve fucking matches in a row. God fucking damn it, it feels like nothing i do in the match even matters.
elden ring is a cultural phenomenon
>Whole thread about game discussion
But why?
Its a story as old as time. Yea Forums is filled with off-topic twitter threads, porn threads and 25 different threads about the current FOTM game (currently Elden Ring) and the mods insist in deleting the XIV thread over and over.
I lost 10 matches in a row the other day, just gonna stick to frontlines from now on
Your mom is a cultural phenomenon
This week’s
Today I dreamed I was having sex with Alphinaud
that's perfectly normal estinien
real question
I want to have sex with Yugiri Mistwalker in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation.
Both for maximum profit.
Krile made it to Nidhogg 2
>Alphinaud is even there
>doing endgame content in FF14
kek boring ass shit
There's no "we" how about (YOU) kill yourself you useless ape?
Isn't this the same guy who had SQEX suspend his account and threaten action on him for showing perfect alexander on his shit.
>CUL to max level
>Then use CUL to level the rest through beast tribes.
You can level all professions to 80 completely for free with Beast tribes and then to 90 with Custom Deliveries and cheap GC options. There’s zero reason not to level them all
I mean waiting for the strats to come out and be fleshed out in a month from now is the smartest thing you can do, if you prog it on release youre wasting time.
>th-there's no private server it's an leaked SE testing screenshot...!!!
I got all to 90 I just wanted to know what made the most money till this user said to do both
Kill yourself
>Elden ring
>2 months in
MMOfags really are stuck smelling their own farts in their little mazes huh
None of them will make you any money outside desynthising, unless you’re going to spend millions to make raid food.
Go for CUL because it’s the most independent, it connects both with fishing and botany, rather than needing any of the other professions.
>when you are the mt and your connection starts to lag
I see you are a fellow Yugiri waifufag as well.
i'm gnb chad so i just go OT immediately and it has never failed me
what stream has the farthest prog right now
That perchbird was literally posting perfect alexander shit with him doing mechanic move while the servers down. Square Enix sent him a C&D. He's full of shit.
So it's not a private server but someone from SE leaking the strats to them from testing?
Makes sense, I'm sure there's some NA tranny in the dev team who has a TPS buttbuddy.
I think Hit Harder are long breaking. One Ace was doing Dive really consistently before they went to bed so they should finish Nidhogg 1 relatively fast when they come back.
Some random team hit the eyes phase then stopped streaming and deleted all their shit, for some reason.
I only remember him posting animations in Limsa, that's a far cry from all the stuff he details in the posts.
>Someone from SQEX is leaking stuff
LMAO, the cope. Why can't the community admit that raiding teams use tools and private servers? They do this shit all the time in WoW.
because one faggot leaking shit to cheaters is 100x more plausible than a bunch of basement nerds with no backing or knowledge recreating an entire private server with server-side data from nothing?
>Some random team hit the eyes phase then stopped streaming and deleted all their shit, for some reason.
TPS threatened to doxx them all if they didnt remove the video
this pic makes me coom every time god damn that back detail
>when you are the mt
Can't imagine happening to me since they immediately push me as the OT even if I have better stats than the MT
t. DRKfag
just voke?
Fellow DRKfag, letting the lesser tanks attempt to MT is fun because when they inevitably fuck up we get to step in and take over, showing them just how invalid they are
How much harder than the current Ex are the Savage Panda fights? I kinda wanna give them a go but I'm not sure if I can since I suck.
First two are EX tier, Phoinix will curbstomp most casuals.
That artist did a Yugiri picture, but something about it doesn't sit well with me. Like there is something wrong that I cannot place my finger on. Oh well.
During the live letter, Yoshi-P compared Endsinger EX to a Savage fight. If that is true, Savage this tier is probably pretty easy outside of P3S, where I saw a lot of people shitting themselves in anger.
the first two are a bit harder than Hydaelyn, P3S will be dunking on casuals for a long time
1 and 2 are easy. 3 and 4, good luck with the current players learning the fights if you dont have a bunch of people who already cleared helping, doesnt hurt to try though just to get some savage experience
P1S=Endsinger < P2S < P3S (This is where the pain begins) < P4S
Honestly I just care about clearing so if they wanna MT I have no issues. Kinda funny on Alliance bosses though, sometimes they provoke and after a bit I end up with aggro again.
Well fuck, guess the first two bosses are good enough, hopefully the accessories are worth it at least.
>tfw i will never be good enough to do the cool ultimate fights
you really just need a static that actually sticks together and can run shit regularly
its doable of course, but its going to be extremely rough with the current players in learning parties. your best bet would be to give it a try for a while to see what its like then come in 6.2 prepared for the newest tier
Who do you think blufever was?
i dont know if i can do it without burning myself out on the game, i cleared p3s this raid and just didnt feel like playing after
Just do more damage bro
You do know how to play your job right?
Smug sex.
How can I get a house?
I've watched a vid of P1S and didn't seem THAT hard, but I know I'd definitely get filtered by P3S, I fucking hate that boss and I've only fought the Normal version.
oh im not talking about p1s and p2s, you can still learn those and clear pretty quick. p3s and p4s is mostly what im talking about
just find a static
It's about consistency more than anything.
>You do know how to play your job right?
No. I turn on my stance after our first burst phase but in longer fights I end up having to either Shirk a couple of times or turn on and off my stance midfight.
>we're only 8-9 minutes into a fight and the first two minutes have a checkpoint
Do you think the troons will forget to feed their pets again?
I don't know why, but P3S almost broke our group. We had way more trouble with that than any other fight that tier.
I just press whatever does damage and isn't on cooldown at the moment.
I'm in that weird camp of feeling like I wouldn't be consistent enough at any of that shit so I don't want to drag down an entire party if I ended up trying it.
>want to try thordan ultimate
>tfw 90 ping
The world needs more Yugiri. The Scions do too, but I fear they’ll leave her stuck in Doma lest another voice actress die