How to 1cc Touhou?

How to 1cc Touhou?

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become trans

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You practice.

This is why gatekeeping is essential.

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which game?

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*gatekeeps your first 1cc*
nothing personal, kid

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Honestly at this point, what fandom doesn't have trannies?

I'm obsessed.
Super Yea Forums world 3.

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I don’t really know Touhou except (9) and Frog. Who is this bitch? Do Touhou plushies make a lot of money? I could make them.

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show your work

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Press shift for focused movement

I don't think Eiki feels so good lately, guys...

Alicesoft games are faggot repellent.

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Is something wrong with her skin? Is she sick? Her lifestyle is finally coming back to bit her?

What's your favorite thing about shion user? Did you play her game?
can't believe I put trannycord spoiler tags on Yea Forums, this is the first time I ever fuck up like this. Embarrassing.

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I'm a faggot I like women too, and I play alicesoft games user. I don't thirst after Rance though.

Abib, why does Touhou make you seethe so much?
Just take it easy!

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>I don't thirst after Rance though.

to be fair I can't see myself fucking his ass you know.


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I’m going to discuss video games and you can’t stop me. Seethe autist.

really? why don't you tell me 3 things you hate about stage 4 of the game you're working on, mr. video game enjoyer

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1. Murasa has no fun spells
2. The bullet spam before Murasa is the fucking worst.
3. I have not managed to capture Murasas survival once yet AND I still die to it even when I bomb it.

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I already have all mainline lunatic 1ccs besides 11, 12, and 18. I just want a 2hu thread

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nta, but i'll gladly discuss why i hate stage 3 in IN
1. alice's low shot damage
2. alice's low bomb damage
3. the stage part

1. Momiji
2. that section with the spamming fairy just before the crows (they're included about what I hate)
3. Aya
4. Fucking timeout spell.
Yes I'm a shitter but I'm trying at least.

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sarai bro where you at

1. really? her nonspells are shit and spell 2 can be brutal but spells 1 and 3 are probably the only fun part of UFO before you get to Byakuren
3. it's a poor man's Yakumo Yukari's Spiriting Away but you don't even have to shoot. just go in circles and dodge lmao
>besides 11
what are you waiting for?
I will now attempt a solo Alice 1cc because of this post. it can't be that bad

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I'm here what do you want?

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can you hit me up with another stunning revelation?

1.I have had more fun with Shous spells (not the nons, fuck lasers)
3. I have no idea what you are talking about, I assume it's some Extra fuckery, not going to play those since they are too hard for my normal modo skills.

Based yankee fairy
Saw zoomie tranny joined PC98 community….

The well has gone dry. All the information uncovered was presented over the past few days.

I did finish my Cirno graphic. I already posted it a couple of places, but I'll post it here too. You can see why it took so long to put together as the thing's massive in scope, but it shows what Cirno was based on when ZUN was making Cirno for EoSD.

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well there goes the next hour of my life
fuck it i have nothing better to do let me grab my bakafumo real quick and i'll read it


who's the girl with twintails

That's Tapa. Cirno is not named "Cirno-tapa". There's a girl named "Cirno" and her friend is named "Tapa". Seems there was a mistranslation when someone presented the information a couple of years ago.

1. getting enough damage to skip Cindarella's first phase invulnerable pattern is so stupidly tricky and a bomb doesn't remove all risks
2. actually every single one of her patterns besides maybe the bouncy red waves seem to go from "weird but manageable" to "will kill or force a bomb on a coin flip" with the second loop
3. rest of the stage is cool though

nevermind there's only a lot of text at the top and it's mostly images so it'll only take a few minutes of browsing, i thought it was a wall of text silly me

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Don't you worry guys, Eiki is going to get her milk one way or another!

Yumemeybros.. did we lose?

Hahahaha oh my God are you serious

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I wonder if Stack has had her face revealed yet, last I checked the most we have is an Aya cosplay with the leaf-fan covering her up.

Cirno is adorable

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Eiki loves it!

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very nice

zun is a hack


>still no udders from the pink bottle
futabros...when is he gonna come back from his hiatus?

Finished looking at it, Zun totally stole her and Sakuya
I always wondered why Cirno's outfit looked like a maid but blue and now I know
Thanks for the pics

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STGs require autism. Troons are overrepresented among autists. Same reason speedrunning or rhythm games have many troons.

I think you forgot to mention
>Alice's incredibly narrow range
>Alice's crippling inability to destroy familiars
>Alice's total and utter uselessness
this shot is a disaster

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without her stupid hat, Eiki looks like Sanae
very nice

What the fuck is both a touhou and a 1cc? 1 cubic centimeter?

1. Forgettable stage theme
2. Midboss Orin's bullets can blend in with the moving windows in the background and kill you cheaply
3. I don't like Satori

imagine the smelle

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but the hair color

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Series of shmup videogames known for their colorful cast.
1 cunny check. Each time you beat a touhou game, you're free to masturbate to one character from that game. Of course you can do that anyway, but the thrill isn't the same. You should try it.

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Artist got lazy

When I play Touhou I do not take it easy. I never take it easy. It is impossible for me to calm down.

Any fandom that is yaoi-heavy lacks people born with penises.

>the tail
>the hair
>the baby
user has a long way to go, adding Eikis hat to the side would also help deal with her looking like Sanae.

The Janny Jr. nutcase harasses Touhou threads too? How long has this been going on for? What the fuck is wrong with you, man?

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>Forgettable stage theme
I'd almost agree but the piano bit when the laser fairies roll in before Orin gets stuck in my head all the time. I think it's just overshadowed by every other SA stage theme being god tier.

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Been going for a few weeks now, going as far as babysitting every post lately.

where are her boobs

I'm gonna fuck you after dressing you like Shion
wtf this is probably my favorite stage theme in the series

so he doesn't just do it here? what a sad creature

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Hi, I came here just to post Seija, you may now continue with your daily general shitpost schedule

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it's not the same without the meoows

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i only play 2hu when drunk

it does not help

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He's been harassing DOA threads for about a year. I've seen him try to pull this shit in FF14 and TWEWY threads as well. No idea what he gets out of this, or where he finds the time to monitor Yea Forums 2.0 for any thread that dares discuss video games. Does he spam reports from different IPs to get these threads autosaged too?

Jesus Christ, I am so sorry.

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