It literally filtered millions

It literally filtered millions.

Attached: 1200px-Kingdom_Hearts_Recoded_Logo_KHREC.jpg (1025x1025, 205.17K)

By not playing it.

You can't filter millions when not even a million bothered to play it.

>makes you replay KH1 and CoM just to say that you don't have to be human to have a heart
>also, Sora has to save some characters, which no one even tells him

It has the best gameplay but everyone ignores it because
>no story lmao
Meanwhile Days is a piece of shit but heralded because of its story which is also trash.

I have this on my 3ds never touched it, is it good?

This isn't 365/2

>I play games for the story
>KH games specifically
The worst part of KH is that the fanbase is comprised of autisms such as yourself.

best game in the series

>randomly generated dungeons
>randomly generated challenge limits on those randomly generated dungeons

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fun game, storyfags need not apply

>It has the best gameplay but everyone ignores it because
KH fans are some of the most contrary fuckers on the planet, the series peaked in all senses with KH2FM, let it fucking die.

Shut up, slut. I play for the gameplay. The story is still something heavily marketed and at the forefront of the game.

Who the heck praises Days? I still haven't finished neither the game or even the movie in the collections because it's so boring. The movie especially is a sleep aid. I just looked up what happened on a wiki.

I haven't played KH2 since PS2 and refuse to play 2FM until I can figure it how to run it natively on my slim PS2
The combat in Coded is hands down better until then, and it absolutely poops on Birth by Shit in every way.

I do, I'd much rather play days than BBS or 3D

The weird part is that I didn't have any problem with ReCoded. It was DDD that I fucking hated.
Chain of Memories was bad enough but fuck DDD.

user it's a DS game, it's not going to top 2FM no matter what

If you play for the gameplay then how do you bitch about Coded's story at all? lmao who gives a shit, as if we need an excuse to engage with good gameplay.
The entire community has been heavily praising Days since it's release but that's because 70% of them didn't play it and only read the Wiki + watched it on YouTube back then.
>Days bad, Coded good
These 2 opinions are only very recent talking points, especially the latter.

>Meanwhile Days is a piece of shit but heralded because of its story which is also trash.
Days does have a good story by KH standards, it's not its fault said standards are horribly low. And I've never seen anyone "heralding" Days as anything but a slog even when praising the story.
Birth by Sleep, on the other hand...

Yeah except for the flat level design. KH1 is still the GOAT overall.

Yes that's what I'm saying

Days sucks, but storyfags insist that the tedium is part of the experience.

it's still fun, especially for an action game on the DS

Speaking of KH, from the latest interview >Nomura: There seems to be a lot of anticipation for VERUM REX overseas (bitter smile). When Yozora was first introduced in KHIII, I got the impression that his reception was less than welcoming, but I guess that was not the case.
does square/nomura also read Yea Forums?

Whatever it sure as fuck doesn't have
>the best gameplay

>storyfags insist that the tedium is part of the experience.
I fucking live that argument.
It's such a massive fucking cope

yeah I guess, I'm not the user that said that btw

The only good part of Days was the different weapon types you got to mess with. Everything else about it was half-assed garbage. If I want an Evil Organization Minion game I'll just revisit Crisis Core and I fucking hate all the new characters in Crisis Core.

Angeal is a fuckhead who is all "muh honor" and supposed to be ProtoZack but he's just a bitchass fucker.
Genesis is fucking worse. He's supposed to be ProtoSephiroth and he's just a whiny "I'M THE HERO" idiot whose spamming of a suddenly existing archaic story that got reworked into a play and is probably the only fucking reason why he even knows of it to begin with is just annoying. He also dragged down thousands of random 3rd rank SOLDIERs into his mess and they got turned into shitty JENOVA-style copies of himself. And he suddenly shows up at Nibelheim and just... no, that's just bad fanfic level OC shit.
While I don't like Hojo for being a motherfucker bastard, he's actually more competent than Hollander's dumb ass. He's sleazy but in the quintessential mad scientist way. Hollander's sleazy in the inept conman who is lying his ass off about his credentials way.
Lazard... varies but he's mostly just a fanfic OC Shinra Bastard. I have no fucking idea what's up with his outfit but props to him for being actually decent at his job... even if his job is just being a glorified secretary and management minion that I'm pretty sure was filled already by another character.
Gillian is a bitch. She's better than Lucrecia because she at least had the balls to stick with the project and actually stuck around in her hometown while Genesis's copies were flooding the place, but she's a fucking bitch.
Minerva... what the fuck is this Knights of the Round Ripoff Summon "goddess of the Planet" doing here?
Also fuck Weiss and Nero for showing up. I didn't want to remember Dirge of Cerberus, the worst game in the series before you look at the First SOLDIER android game.

>refuse to play 2FM until I can figure it how to run it natively on my slim PS2
That's a weird thing to be autistic about.

It feels like a rethreading of KH1 and has way too many pointless minigames. The minigames themselves aren't TERRIBLE mind you except Olympus Coliseum but it does breaks the flow of the experience.

Other than that? Yeah, it's really good. Combat is tight and feels responsive, Command Deck doesn't feels like an unbalanced broken mess like it does in BBS/3D, Keyblades are more than just a stat boost and a passive, character customization is the best in the series and it has exploration and not just flat 3D arenas to fight enemies (it's not as good as KH1 but still). People shit on the story because it's not important to the series but after KH3 it became apparent that not needing to care about the overall lore of KH is actually a big plus. Easily my 3rd favorite KH.

The guy who insists Coded has the best KH gameplay is autistic?

If you were there for KH1 and 2 releases then I'm sure you can relate to that feeling of hype. You've no idea how mesmerized I was by Deep Dive and KH2's trailers, I've been so hyped for 1FM and 2FM ever since but I wanna play it native 480i on my CRT cuz relive muh childhood.

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it's a phone game when phone games were known for Snake and then remastered on DS which had Days which was by far the worst game in the franchise gameplay wise. I never even heard of the remaster back then anyway. I'll emulate it eventually. Fuck Days btw

She got robbed.

KH1 and Re: Coded are both better than 2 overall. People only praise 2 for some post-game bosses that weren’t even in the vanilla game.

the platforming was kind of gay but overall much better gameplay than days

>its a phone game
Its a remake of a phone game and the drastic difference in quality is so drastically different that it's basically divorced from it's source material.

Is this guy just spamming Yea Forums with this "filtered" shit for every Nomura game?

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I don't think that's quite the right word considering the phone version has better graphics

Just wrong on all accounts and exemplifies why KH just needs to die

it was fun but by far not the Devil May Cry gameplay technicality people make it to be.
Might replay that one soon

the platforming is fine because they actually designed it for the d-pad. arguably better than the platforming in the main games.

go away, Barry

Do you not remember how mixed 2’s reception was when it first released?

wrong, that would be higher resolution at best, retard.

It runs at 720p, has better textures, and that's it lmao
>2 had mixed reception initially
No it didn't. Everyone loved it.

>No it didn't. Everyone loved it.
I like KH2 and I know for a fact this is a fat lie. I still remember the "press triangle to win" memes.

The funny thing is that it still largely applies to the base game, but apparently because 2FM tacked on a few superbosses on at the end, it’s suddenly okay now.

whatever you say, user

Attached: coded.png (1152x384, 818.62K)

Because of how retarded it was? All this game did of any note was conclussively show Kingdom Hearts is an unplanned mess.

It's a second retelling of KH1; CoM was the first one, but with way weaker framing, instead of Sora traversing a magical castle that relives his memories as it steals them, this time it's just some inane experiment that goes nowhere.

>I was always more of a Alvin and the Chipmunks person

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i dropped it. i got bored with it.

>press Triangle to win memes
And prior to KH2 the memes were "Press X to win."

No one that has played KH1 post Hollow Bastion has ever said that.

It's shit like every single KH that isn't 1, 2 and BBS.

Is there a fix for the kh collection pc versions crashing during loading screens and cutscene transitions, it’s making my re com experience even worse

>and BBS.
you almost had an argument there but then you soiled it harder than a furry's diaper

>download 2FM torrent
>burn it to cd
how fucking stupid are you? holy shit.

After the dhit show that was roxas game nobody bought this

>fans want a game about Roxas' time in the Organization
>Nomura makes a game about Roxas
>he's a supporting character with no agency or any of the character traits in KH2
>in fact, the game goes out of its way to make him even dumber so that he doesn't follow up on any of the plot threads he was interested in in KH2's flashbacks
>the actual story is about Xion, a new character introduced out of nowhere
>this character plays exactly the same as Roxas in multiplayer mode
>despite that, the Story Mode doesn't have alternate sections where you switch to her and play as her when the actual plot is happening
>so you get to not enjoy Xion's story and not enjoy Roxas' story at the same time


>the series peaked in all senses with KH2FM
KH2 has everything wrong that people bitch about in the later games. Its "popularity" is the reason the story and gameplay is the way it is now.

Filtered. Days is the best KH game.