Is it bad to fall in love with a video game character?

Is it bad to fall in love with a video game character?

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I love Reisen!

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better than falling in love with a woman irl just to get cheated on and then divorce raped

whatever makes you happy man

I love my wife Bernie!

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I love my kappa wife!

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Hev sex

Based Reisenbro

I love my wife Seele!

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with you?

>falling in love with the player character that has no set personality

Probably but I learned to accept it

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Reisen goes to school by bus

just a useless little bunny, only good for her sex appeal

She does have a personality

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There are no busses in gensokyo


Depends who you are, I started lifting again and eating healthy for my waifu

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And the personality is "non-canon"

You do know she fucks ki- I mean shotas, right user?
She is a pedomommy.

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Nah you are
Yes it's very hot

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Based, (you) are a true /ss/fren
I'm surprised there isn't any FEMC EPI yet

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No_. I love Laetitia!

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Not really but it's bad to flood Yea Forums with 349743289735893247 coomer threads a day

This isn't a coomer thread though


Thanks I dunno what EPI means though

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Why does ken look angry?

Early Porn Induction
Basically captions from the POV of a shota where you get groomed by an older girl
He's just shy about being in public with his new mommy!

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My ex ruined this character by writing her as this ultimate mary sue thing when we discussed about "what if she was in the story I'm writing." I fucking hate this bitch.

>Is it bad to fall in love with a video game character?
I dunno. It depends on how you look at it, and how it affects the one in love. Does it help you grow, or does it hinder you?
I'm trying to find ways to fantasize about being his without it devolving into unhealthy escapism...

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No, i am much happier now.

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Holy based I know what I'm fapping to tonight

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Have fun with your Pedomommy user!

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>Male P3 MC's bare ass is shown in P3P
>Female P3 MC's isn't


Not when she's my wife Iroha!

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>autismo always has to show up screeching about FemMC

Every time.

starfield > elden gay

Why is Angel always bullying Kula? She should pick on someone her own si-
>168 cm vs. 169 cm, age?

I want to fuck Anna Williams!

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Hey Irohabro
She teases everyone but Kula gets a lot of it because they were both in NESTS. Also I think she doesn't like Foxy but it's hard to tell since the NESTS storyline was a mess

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Happy waifu

Not as long as you know she'll never love you back unless you kidnap someone who looks or can be made to look exactly like them and keep them in a dockside warehouse you're renting and have spent a lot of money dolling up to look like the game's setting, spending all your free time training your new waifu to act exactly like your beloved character, getting her voice right, getting her lines right, getting her attitude right and no you goddamn whore that is NOT HOW YOU STAND YOU PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND THE SMALL OF YOUR BACK AND BEND FORWARDS JUST AT THAT SLIGHTEST ANGLE LIKE I FUCKING SHOWED YOU 12 TIMES THIS WEEK

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I love Chihiro Fushimi with all my heart!
And as of today, I've loved her for 11 years!

For Chihiro and her Justice, forever!

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Hello yourself, Angelbro!

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Congrats Chihibro, anything special planned?

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Instead of talking about waifu, let's discuss life-ooh. What exactly happened to make you decide that you didn't deserve the same happiness that most people take for granted? Why spiral into self-induced solitude? Who robbed you of your trust of women? Let's talk about her.

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will i have another chance?

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that is supposed to be you

It only has the potential to be as harmful as any other form of love, romantic, platonic or familiar love can lead to just as much happiness or pain as loving a fictional character might. It's not even a new thing.
Can we talk about videogames now? Like for example, Neptune, she's the protagonist of most of the Hyperdimension Neptunia games and also she's my wife and I love her.

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I love my wife Aerith, my dearly beloved, most certainly enough for it to be good in my eyes.

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>mfw I read that in his voice
And I just don't trust anyone outside of immediate family.

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It should be illegal for someone to be this cute.
congrats! 11 years, amazing

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I'm doing her social link again (over the course of several days for personal reasons) and watching anime cameos, I already updated that collage I posted. A mandatory break from my usual do art after work until late night gaming.

That's a lot of projecting, because none of that was involved in my discovery of waifu love.

Thank you!

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She's not strictly a video game character but she does have a game.

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Happy anniversary Chihirobro

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I have over 450 hours on Pharah just because she's cute. I dont even like Overwatch

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Happy anniversary, Chihibro!

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Justice is the coolest Arcana imo

didn't you reject a real girl for Chihiro?

>Can we talk about videogames now?
I've been playing Fate Unlimited Codes cause I wanted to play as Rider and it turns out she's really fun to use

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Is the new Nep game any good?

Now that's some dedication right there.

For me, it's my wife, Noel.

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sounds cute, Have fun fren

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Impressive, you're a true inspiration. Here's to another 11 years for you Chihirofren.
Doesn't that make you the longest standing waifufag here, then Blancbro?
Nep x Senran? It's alright but short and a bit constrained on it's rooster.
The sisters game? Apparently yeah but it's only out in Japan so I haven't tried it

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garbage game, no matter the version. would literally play Ronde over this shit in a heartbeat.

oh and P1>P2EP>P2IS>P4>PQ1>PQ2>P5>P5S>P3

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First waifu image saved. I just named the image "Chihiro" because it'd be her and I didn't know what my fondness for her would evolve into, a really cute one too!

Thank you!

It is, because it isn't about a concrete right and wrong, but more about finding and following your own sense of right and wrong to the fullest. After all, to find the one true path one must seek guidance admist uncertainty. The arcana is the means by which all is revealed!

Yes. Several actually, rejecting one girl made me realize just how much Chihiro actually meant to me.

Since I can't do all of Chihiro's social link in one go this time, I'm playing through Dragon Quest III for the first time and my cleric is named Chihiro. It sort of counts.

From what I have done today just thinking and talking about her leaves the biggest smile on my face.

Thank you so much! I strive to be the best version of myself with her by my side!
If you don't count Baikenfriend's previous waifu relationship or the period of time Daisyfag knew of Daisy before realizing his feelings for her, I think so. It's an honor but a way there full of fallen comrades.

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Based Chihirobro

user, she's literally (You)

>Yes. Several actually



Thats really cool, congratulations fren

Happy anniversary!

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I'll catch up with you in 2032. Puts into perspective how long it's been.