Hear people talking about video games in public

>hear people talking about video games in public.
>coworkers start talking about vidya

Why is it the case 99% of vidya conversations in public are the most normie cringeworthy shit? Mainstream gaming was a mistake desu.

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Don't sexualise little girls. Thx

I have no idea what anime she is from but I'm fucking sick of seeing her.

i want to suck nagatoro armpits

you're the normalfag, op

>purposefully avoid games that are popular
>"why can't i find someone to talk to about vidya irl"


>he doesn't know about desu
don't be a newfag


Filthy newfag, you should just leave desu

desu senpai you're trying too hard to fit in

>walk in tech store, usual vidya windowshopping
>hear a few workers talk about world of warcraft
pretty comfy if you ask me

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those workers are now trannys and the few of them that didn't turned into complete pussies and cry about how they don't get call of duty 4 again despite the game being exactly the same as the last 9 times

Virgin here, what would this smell like?

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I always think it's some master troll beyond my reasoning baiting me but then I remember I'm on Yea Forums and posts like are actual newfags that never lurked posting like they belong.

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baka desu senpai

>Coworkers like mainstream games like Fallout and Dark Souls
>I like games like SMT and Tales of
>Get called a weeaboo
I wish I could quit

>Hand that should reach the gun cant be used or she will risk to lose balance
>No gun holstering discipline
Sorry i dont waste my dick with such an amateur.

musty perfume

dilate kill yourself ywnbaw. thx

my brother, thta's me too ;-;

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teaching her proper gun form seems like a good way to break the ice though

fuck off weeb, fucking cringe


would put her over a rail and fuck her butthole

Souls is japanese. You can still maintain your identity while enjoying it, since that seems to be important to you.


Must one be a troon to say don't sexualise children? Isn't it trannies that love sexualising children? So you don't even make sense

>why do regular people talk about mainstream things
i have no idea

Was it retardation?

>Isn't it trannies that love sexualising children?
They overcompensate their own pedo urges by telling other people to stop sexualising kids

Today I was walking out of Physics lecture and I overhear:
>Yeah, Quake was made as a mod of DOOM, and then Half Life was a Mod of Quake. It all leads back to DOOM, bro.

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See this is the kind of shit a pedo would say
"O-only pedos don't like pedos"
No, nobody likes pedos, disliing pedos is the status quo and speaking for it makes you a faggot pedo.
Just because other faggot pedos camouflaged themselves doesn't mean people with brains are pedos, moron.
Put a gun to your head and pull the trigger, fag

You are one as bad as them.

Being the guy who thinks he's into obscure shit and complains about "normies" online is the new normie. Deal with it, nerd.

sry, I'm a normie when it comes to this. Isn't doom being the OG, and then Quake coming from that real? Pretty sure HL being a mod of quake is absolute bullshit though.

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Doom and Quake use entirely different engines and function different.
Saying that one is the mod of another shows how absolutely tech illiterate people can be now days.
Next thing they're gonna say is that Quake 3 is a mod of 2 which is of 1, while CoD Vanguard (the latest) is a mod of Quake 3

So there's no winning then? Either way, I'm a fucking troon? Sounds like you're mental

The only type of people that would go "D-don't speak out against pedos or YOU'RE a pedo" are pedos.
Faggots literally do this shit because they think slinging around their own mental illness will make people less likely to pull the trigger on seeing them as the clowns they are.

Being the guy who complains about the guy who thinks he's into obscure shit and complains about "normies" online is the new normie. Deal with it, nerd.

How can I get a gf like Nagatoro?

Being the shut the fuck up faggot

It's a fucking anime character dawg, taking it that seriously is retarded. People are allowed to fantasize having a hot highschool GF.

I don't know, are you still in high school ?

>"yo bro, you play doody"
>"Call of Duty, yeah"
>I don't really like it, anymore. Feels too manufactured and forced
>"yo that's my game though. what's your gamertag?"
>I don't have an Xbox
>"Playstation bro?"
>"so you like Animal Crossing? my girlfriend loves Animal Crossing"
This is your average corporate coworker gaymer

You don't, at least not in the west or in modern schools.
Zoomers are brain dead inside, while getting fed extremist left wing garbage till they get fucked by their pedophile teacher

if you haven't by now, its will never happen

Heaven. I miss it dearly.

>Work in a fucking FedEx warehouse
>Guy I work right next to exclusively plays Escape from Tarkov on his PC
Maybe if you did a real man's job you'd meet real men?

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you could literally just smell your own and figure it out retard

sex, sex with niggertaro

case in point, weeb

I wish the Nagatoro protagonist was actually relatable, he's just a bitch. At least I could sympathize with the MC in Uzaki. Its a shame cuz Niggatoro is cute as fuck

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Do. Not. Sexualise. Little. Girls. Thx.

She's better when she's a blob

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he wasn't entirely wrong about Half Life being a mod of Quake, at alpha they barely had their own lighting and sound echo stuff implemented. It is wrong but not 'reeee fucking normalfags' levels of wrong

I know, it's mostly the
>Quake is a mod of DOOM

funny as a blob, fuckable when normal

descartes was right

> mainstream games like Fallout and Dark Souls

Mainstream shit are Roblox, Fortnite, COD and FIFA. By quite a margin.
You like games reminiscient of japanese anime, you deserve to be called a dweeb and should embrace it.

>he's just a bitch
So like the average reader, and Yea Forums faggot really.
Just because you can't relate to a pathetic fuck doesn't mean he is a bad character.
Not every character has to be perfectly relatable, especially not to be enjoyable.
>Its a shame cuz Niggatoro is cute as fuck
The fuck does that have to do with it? They're slowly but steadily becoming a solid couple, so what is your point anime 2ndary?

It's completely wrong tho. No one gives a shit about any alphas or prototype, nor do they matter for this question.
The final version, the thing most people, including retarded normies know and saw/played, is not a Quake mod, nor anywhere close to it.
Similarities don't make things a fucking mod.

>nagatoro's anime came out a year ago

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I'm gonna sexualize two, just for you.

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>Dark Souls is not mainstream
You're fucking retarded, or blind to the world and gaming in general.
Shit like FIFA especially transcends mainstream, even if it's simply by the nature of what it is, a fucking soccer simulator, the biggest in the market by a huge margin.
Roblox no one gives a fuck about but LITERAL children that get scammed by it's developers to make content for essentially free while they take all the money.
Fortbite is vastly known but full of children also, that and chinks and huehue cuz it's a f2p.
And It's fucking garbage, read the manga faggot.


Old and busted. Make way.

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Post more Nagatoro butt

Confirmed touchless loser.
Girls smell different. Different people smell different.

Trips of fucking truth!

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white ppl cant draw

>little girls
don't insult Nagatoro's DFC

already forgotten, try picking a better flavor of the month next time

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glad that we agree. kys tranny

>flavor of the month
God the adaptation is such garbage. Read the manga 2ndary coomer scum.
You too
Nigs are just as bad, so what's your point?

But Jahy flopped too...

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>he thinks my waifu is the gremlin i posted
i have more reaction images than there are cells in the human body. my waifu is eternal. she has a banner on Yea Forums, can you say that about yours?

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because it was another one trick pony like miss forehead here

this t b h

thats why i posted her, to make a point about the ephemeral nature of "seasonal waifus"
the very concept sickens me - people actually make threads asking "who is youre waifu this season?" and get tons of replies that aren't "KYS NEWFAG"

Shut up I'll have sex one day.