Play as female character

>play as female character

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>play as male character
>been staring at his ass all along because I'm gay
>no one can tell

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More severe consequences for defeat makes it exciting

I can tell, you just told me

Revi showed me why she's called "Two-hands"


Prove it

never in a million years faggot

Didn't Revi get assraped?

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i thought nun was assraped?

nowhere in the anime does it imply that wtf

>play as a androgynous character

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tfw no gf who will just cut me into a million pieces

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>play as female character
>look down
>see feet

I wanna play a female character and look down to see my belly

>tfw no one will ever regret their sex because because of their forbidden love for you

in the anime. in the manga she raped women in prison or something.

>play as a female character
>tell people im a tranny
>no one knows im actually a Rule63 fetishist
Played like a fiddle

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>play as a female character
>tell males I'm a female
>tell females I'm a male
I'm the Big Bamboozler sometimes.

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>Play female(male) character
>been staring at his ass all along because I'm gay
>no one can tell

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I think Revy's dad raped her or something. So she killed him and ran away to Roanipur. It's also why she can't go back to America

>Prove it
hehe its over for you user.

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Both horrible things I hated.

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>play as female character
>romance other female characters
>kill off/ignore every male not neccessary for advancing the game

its some shit non canon ova

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>self insert fag
do zoomers really only consume media in one way?

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Many such cases.

It wouldn't be gay to pretend to be a girl getting fucked by men. How could that be gay if I'm pretending to be a woman??


Do you choose a custom characters gender based on their class in fantasy rpg type games?

For me it's:
male. female if rage mechanic available
male if bow user, female if dagger
male or female, depends on aesthetics
male, always
>martial artist/monk

I rather play as the girl getting ravaged than the man doing the ravaging

It is NOT gay if I pretend I'm a girl :3
Overwatch 2, healslut mode is gonna be so fun

I want to rape Revy

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I want to be Revy


>psycho skank who murders innocent people and executes surrendering/wounded enemies
Bitch deserves a good raping

>that one doujin where Revy admitted to Rock that because she got assraped by a police officer, she can only orgasm by getting fucked in the ass
I wish I knew the name of it but yeah, Black Lagoon would make for a good game.

>play male because I'm male and self insert
>refuse to play woman
>refuse to play black
>refuse to play animal
>refuse to play monster

I'm a human, male, warrior.

I would play as based Revy

that just makes you an unimaginative bitch
>T: human male fighter in current DnD campaign

i don't play rpgs to make it feel like i'm in the game i like to imagine my character is a character i made up, i like to imagine his/her's background and life and how they got to that point in the game and what they'll do after, am i weird?

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not weird, I do the same thing. It's called a character creator not a character become-er

It's not about being unimaginative. I self insert. I want to feel like I'm the hero of the story. In order for me to fully grasp the character emotions and feelings I have to be able to see myself in this character. I can't see myself in women. That's all

'aight mate just a bit of banter

But sometimes I see playthroughs with women characters in rpgs or women MC on games like Tomb Raider and I say stuff like : "damn that looks fun, this woman has crazy powers, gameplay looks good". Then I try these games, play for 2 hours as a woman and I feel like my ancestors are watching and judging me. "Look at this faggot playing as a woman and doing girly stuff".

Can't play as a woman.

If you're so gay, name five (5) penises!

Why would I ever play a game if I can't play as a female character?


>play as a man = you're gay
>play as a woman = you're tranny

>play as a female character
>switch back to male character

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What if I play as a tranny?

You are based

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This, self inserting is king, regardless of who you are

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>character as a female play

What game?

her dad was an alcoholic who beat her
she put a pillow to his head and shot him, supposedly all those feathers in the ed refer to that
then she got raepd while in custody

She got groped by those crazy incest twins

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Black Souls

Imagine when they pull down Revy’s panties to uncover a stinking jungle of public hair that even circles around her asshole. What a dirty bitch.

I want to give Revi a hug and make her smile.

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the only girl worth half a shit that isn't a pedophile is the one in the chinese dress with the comical accent

Worst part of the show by far, blonde Romanians ruined my immersion completely.

That's Eda not Revy

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>Wish I was a girl
>Play as a girl version of myself
>Nobody calls me a tranny because I only play single player games
>I also close Yea Forums threads immediately after making my posts so I can go roleplay as a girl some more

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Based, I do the same sometimes, still not a tranny tho

Same but as a twink so I can properly self insert

Same shit