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>going through the few countries left I want to play so I can uninstall this autism simulator
>haven't played sweden since release
>Scandinavian update hinted at in the "roadmap"
I guess I'll do that memluks run I keep putting off

if you wanna play sweden anytime soon then install flavor universalis, it makes sweden fun as fuck

Always baffles me how Scandinavia is the worst formable country in the game when the devs are Swedes

There is nothing autistic about EU4. It's literally a grand strategy for retards.

That's HOI4

genuinely insane how fucking ooga boogas in africa and australia got dlc before fucking scandinavia, especially since sweden was an important nation during some of the time that eu4 covers

Eh, I'm not knocking mods but I don't really use any beyond ironman compatible ones for map borders, ui, etc.
loling at you maplet

I can't wrap my head around unit composition in hoi4 and gave up 8 hours in
Can play all the other recent parashit games no problemo but this one eludes me

What could have been.

youre playing paradox games wrong if you refuse to install mods

hoi players are the most insufferable people ive ever met besides soulsfags and warhammer niggers

>mfw i can't achieve that because i play on very hard becuase playing in a lower level would make me pretty much a faggot

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I've spent more time fucking around with various mods than your total playtime. You're playing paradox games wrong by playing them in the first place.

The Aboriginal shit is not only OP, it's not even historically accurate. It's basically fanfiction. At least the African and North American tribes had accuracy behind their sometimes OP mechanics

EU4 is the geniunely decent one. CK has always been too RNG and HOI gets too autistic. EU is the balance.

post playtime

The fun of CK is all the weird shit that happens and the stories you weave, RNG only helps that. If you're trying to blob you're doing it wrong

That's not HOI retard

And yet, the game always seemed focused around the grand strategy and not the character simulator. There isn't even playing tall in CK to compensate character shenanigans.


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vanilla is so fucking boring. the only fun parts are succession wars, the reformation and ughhhh revolution i guess

one day...

Here you go, this is also my second steam account I started about a year and a half ago and I've bought the game three times since release, the first being on a friend/roomate's account back at release. All in all I've probably put over 7,000 in this pit.

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Fuck I'm getting the urge to reinstall

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How do I enjoy this game? Feels like I'm just watching a few blocks change color

Slav monkeys seethe at this.

wtf happened to castile

meant for op

You install M&T

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nay, man

how long are they gonna keep making the game worse and worse

I remember thinking 1.26 was the worst shit ever but they just keep outdoing themselves every time

Then it's not for you

i only played hoi3 but cant you just do 3inf+1art or aa or at for infantry divisions? then do a group of medium tanks+mech inf i dont know if they travel at the same speed so youd have to check that for your armored/mech divisions? if that doesnt work, just break them into a separate med tank div and mech div.
for naval, id have no idea where to start for hoi4 since i hear they made ships very customizable.

>just watching a few blocks change color
That's the best part

Vicky 3 comes out this year so we'll probably hear whispers of EUV which comes out in 2023 or 24.

>Vicky 3

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you need to be on the autism spectrum.

>dude 7 gajillion modifiers and bloated interfaces, so deep

>Hoi4 has mostly improved over time
>CK2 and CK3 only get better with every update
>EU4, despite being the flagship game of the company and the one with the most DLC, gets worse with every single update
How did they manage that?

haha BENIS :DD

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If your number is some kind of thousandth. You should rework the number to not be.

Ethiopia is such a fun start, great ruler, unique religion, plenty of gold. Getting prestor john was my fav achievement i have done

They ruin it then they fix it then they ruin it again. The newest patch mad assaulting forts much easier so im happy

It's pretty autistic, especially minmaxing for MP or even just optimising SP. Of course there are even more autistic games always but you rarely meet a person in EU4 games that understands social cues.

handing said flagship game to a new division of entirely new hires so Johan can fuck off to Spain

That explains the last couple absolute disasters, the garbage before that was the same retardation of letting forum whales tell you how the game is played instead of actually playing it, the same problem plaguing Stellaris as well

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NGL I've never played as Prussia, but I'd like to form a Prussian Russia when I do.

That IS the game. You play for the "what could have been"s

hordes are literally the only fun countries in the entire game

prob got unionized and then inherited

>all the weird shit that happens
* gets stressed event for the 47th time *

Yeah, so fun getting this bullshit trait.

I'm still mad that I fell for the trickery of Imperator Rome. Got it when they did the rework and the game seemed to have potential for the future, only for them to unplug the cables on it.

just go for a walk dude

I was having fun with it for a while, but there's a few areas where it's just completely lacking. If you play as Rome you can basically just ignore mechanics and steamroll literally everyone due to unique modifiers, then all the pops just convert and assimilate themselves. If you don't play as Rome, your entire game has to be focused on getting to Italy and destroying Rome before they become unstoppable and show up on your doorstep.

Visually it is not impressive. You have to enjoy the administrative aspects of the game in order to have a fun time playing.

please dont tell me thats actually vicky 3

>Import slaves to country
>Click on the slave pop tab
>"WTF why do they show black people and an African culture for my slaves"

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Seriously, nothing changes.

>dumb corporate whore faggot doesn't know what's being shit on

They're actually adding a feature that lets you restart the international slave trade? Even mods rarely add that into Victoria 2.

You didn't even threaten the Japanese with a muscle flexing.

Slavs was ruled by germans.