Why did Prey (2017) get ignored ?

Recently started playing it and its really good, like a kind of new system shock game. Lots of similarities to the newer Deus Ex games. Thought this game would've had a bigger reaction, but it seems to have been completely ignored?
Anyone else enjoyed this game and why did it get ignored so strongly?

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It's incredible. Played it for the first time just a couple months ago. Talos 1 is an incredible feat. Just how fully realized it is as a single location, how you traverse it, just impeccable.

Yea Forums focused on the characters being ugly

Demo sucks and actual game i'm not gonna bother pirating also all the webms suck dick i'm not gonna buy a game over being able to do something you can do in gmod

Yea Forums is fucking retarded, user.
Yea Forums thinks Deathloop is SJW because the main character is black, despite his ethnicity never being mentioned at all.

It's a single player immersive sim that's fairly short, so it didn't draw in that many. That being said, it's a great game with some replayability.

>Yea Forums thinks Deathloop is SJW because the main character is black, despite his ethnicity never being mentioned at all.
This, the PvP is the most fun i've had in a very long time. Perfectly balanced, great maps.

Because it is a game by niggers for niggers that has nothing to do with the actual Prey and helped kill the real Prey 2 for this shitty System Shock Clone
kill yourselves niggers death to arkane

It's an amazing game, but it didn't sell enough to warrant a sequel like dishonored and it never had any interesting marketing to make it appeal to a more mainstream audience.

Doesn't help that they named the game after another franchise it had nothing to do with due to publishing, I think this no clip video talks about it but they've made a few more after it


there's also a making-of video you should check out once you finish the game

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i dont think it was bad but i just stopped playing after the 3 hour mark and cant even say why, it wasnt boring me but it wasnt keeping me interested either

It's unmarketable. It looks completely soulless and forgettable.

Great game that's tense and sort of scary on the first play through. Then, you go shotgun on the second play and decimate fucking everything and learn the game isn't really scary and the enemies are kind of dumb.
One of my favorite games (Top 20). I look forward to the sequel we're getting.

Actually impressive to keep a fake outrage going for this long. Or maybe it's just severe autism.


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Schizophrenia can be treated user.

>Prey Mimics
Yeah maybe if you have Alzheimer's.

They fucked up giving it the name "Prey".
It's really funny when you think how a simple thing like a name can have a big effect like this.

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Lack of enemy variety

Nobody gave a fuck about the original Prey except like 10 autists.

What are you talking about, user? It's got: Purple energy enemy, fire enemy, lightning enemy. What more could you ask for?

>mfw a video game has the same generic name as a shitty forgettable seventh gen fps

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lets be honest its probably a good thing prey 2017 wont get a sequel, the arkane studios have had their core talent leave to make their own studio and game (which sucked). i doubt theyll ever make an imsim again

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which is exactly why it failed
no one knew the name and it's not a new name so people said fuck that and it's not a sequel so it's not important

its a shit game.

this is the one time I agree with this image

It was hyped as fuck on launch what do you mean? Everyone was playing it

Mooncrash and the prop hunt mode kinda suck balls but the game is alright and got plenty of hype on launch but didn't stick.

The ending was eh and it doesn't have replayability. They needed to make a prey 2 and advertise to tiktokers to have it stick around. Good games just die nowadays

the game easily merits 2 playthroughs in my opinion

Arkane are literally incapable of marketing their games

It's decent enough but am I the only one who thinks it's overrated?

The enemies are extremely samey and uninteresting to deal with, as is the level design

there are many good aspects to the game but I found it a bit of a slog once I was about 20hrs in

Talos > moonbase

bethesda are in charge of marketing the games they publish

it's a great game that's honestly a little boring, which i chalk up to the lazy enemy design
>b-b-but they can turn into stuff!
which is cool for all of 10 minutes

>which is cool for all of 10 minutes
I honestly think it stays cool. Even by the end, or middle really, when i'm OP it's still a fun spook every once in a while.

Because it's mediocre. It tried to have too many gameplay elements simultaneously and suffers greatly as a result.

You are too powerful and the AI is too bad for it to be a stealth game
But the character is too weak with too low health to do a melee effectively (and the weapon sucks)
And ammunition is way too sparse for it to be an action boom boom shooter
And the powers are neither powerful enough to really demolish enemies, nor do you have enough mana to really spam them

So you end up taking a little bit from each, sometimes using melee to save ammo, sneaking around a bit, and using guns and spells when appropriate.
It's a reasonable diversity of gameplay because you aren't doing the same thing on every situation on every enemy, but what is there in each of those elements is just plain average. Mediocre gunplay, mediocre spells, mediocre melee.

The only thing interesting was the story and the way the game world was structured. Also, fuck dykes and faggots, stop shoving them and their gay relationships in my face. Also the hitboxes on the Nightmare are Dark Souls 2 tier bad.

>System Shock Clone
Better than a Quake 4 clone with a portal gimmick that was completely outdone only a few months later by a free bonus game no one was anticipating

The name was already in use

>And the powers are neither powerful enough to really demolish enemies, nor do you have enough mana to really spam them

This is absolutely untrue. Both the psychic one and the blast one are extremely powerful. The point of the combat, in my opinion is to keep it varied. Stun or glue first, then maybe a single shotgun blast to the head, then wrench, etc. And you should be able to have your psychic meter thing refill pretty quickly anyway.

>game doesn't allow you to be a stealth archer and beat the whole game like skyrim
>some retards think this makes it bad
Jesus christ user...

if the combat isn't fun (it's not) there is fun to be had in becoming massively OP

you never played the original prey, you filthy tranny
cope, seethe, dilate

I want to like it but I can't. I tried. Didn't really like the Bioshock games either.

cope harder shills, the og prey is far more interesting than this piece of shit for midwit faggots
arkane will never make a good game in their lives

t. butthurt cherokee his people's game was canned

>Dood a puzzle game beats a fps game
please shut the fuck up and die already
you fucking retarded dog

because it's trash
you try to force this shit threads too much, nobody cares about this boring game

>fairly short
I got a solid ~30 hours in my first time through. Perfectly respectable length for a single player campaign.

It's the polar opposite of Skyrim. In Skyrim, all roads lead to stealth archery. In Prey, all roads lead to sneaky gunwizard that does everything.
There is no reason to replay the game as a sneaky gunwizard that does everything, because there is only one real build.

It's really not that great if you are on harder difficulties. The combat is indeed varied, but all the elements involved are very shallow and not great. Having it's like going to a $10 cafeteria buffet, there's a lot on the table but none of it is all that good.

>nostalgiafagging for a 2006 game
god i hate zoomers

I suppose. Personally I'm a Deus Ex kinda guy and enjoy games a good 10-20 hours longer.

>system shock
>a puzzle game
personal brain problem

Every fan of immersive sims/System Shock 2 played it, it wasn't ignored

Go back

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There are two ways the player gets too powerful:
>gets hold of the shotgun
>upgrades the stun gun
Everything else is pretty well-balanced for their niches, although the combat gameplay is somewhat too short for the weapon variety to matter much, and there's not much of an enemy variety to really make each weapon shine. The Q-Beam works wonders on small enemies, but the only small enemies you find are mimics and cystoids and there's no "snap on" aim to make it easier to aim at the agile mimics. The GLOO Cannon is also outdone in combat usefulness by the stun gun, but arguably its most powerful utility is allowing you to make your own shortcuts into areas you otherwise can't reach until later on, such as the second floor of the Neuromod Division.
The wrench is pretty good, you just have to upgrade and find the right chipsets.
Personally I don't like that neuromods are just glorified skill points that have an effect on physical traits such as how much you can carry. They should've relegated physical upgrades to things you can actually find around the station (especially the inventory size upgrades), or to make those physical traits part of the typhon side of neuromods because that way you'd be passively using your typhon powers to augment your actions such as carrying, plus it would actually make the typhon side the "power at a price" it was meant to be, since most of the powers are gimmicky and outdone by your conventional equipment.
Although despite all this I still think it's a fantastic game, doesn't shine as much as its predecessors like System Shock but it really has most of the elements of what made those games good. It just needed better pacing (and less broken balancing).

Wait until you get to the Mooncrash DLC for Prey, that shit is awesome.

It's like Control or Death Stranding
a game that was ALMOST an example of the best the current gen had to offer

Plus I'd argue that the final act is already too much back tracking, I don't know what you would do or add to increase the play time that wouldn't just feel like padding.
I think things escalate well, and every time you're starting to feel comfortable in the world it throws a nice curve ball at you.
Like by the time you get the hang of mimics and stop jumping at every random item laying on the floor you get the phantoms.
Once you've gotten better with them you encounter the floaty blob guys, and then nightmare who's pretty spooky the first time.
Once you're shoving your shotgun down his throat and making him regret his decisions they throw the black box drones at you.
I know the first time I was playing, not knowing what to expect, I ended up getting my shit pushed in because I wasn't ready for a new enemy type, its nimble, hard to hit without getting q-beamed, and has an infinite supply that turns your resources against you.
I know by the time I figured out the trick was not to kill them, just knock them down, and then block up, I had no ammo and lacking enough metal to fabricate more, which led me to scrounging together piles of metal and messing with the fiddly recycler chargers to survive getting through the next area, only to get to the lobby, and nightmare is waiting for me.
When I finally got back to the office I just crawled under the desk and stared at the floor because I was genuinely exhausted and needed to find a small safe space to hide in for a minute.
And I had a stun gun, and had upgraded everything to the max on it EXCEPT FOR THE AMMO because I had hundreds of cells and just assumed 1 charge was 1 shot... you know, like ammunition.

They should have named it Typhon Shock.

>not neuroshock
iq test failed

>Anyone else enjoyed this game
One of my top 10 games.
I think it's a bit too smart for the average audience, not even Dishonored did very well in terms of sales. But Prey is going to have a dedicated cult following and that's good.

It looks like Raphael Colantonio was responsible for all the kino, but he left.

Control's actual gameplay was pretty dull and the weakest part of the game. Remedy, for reasons unknowable, became completely incapable of making a slick shooter like Max Payne was ever again. Sam Lake needs to stop pretending to be a movie/tv director take a few lines of Valhalla again, or whatever it was that helped him invent MULLET TIME.

Prey really is the worst title imaginable for the game.
Anyone who was a fan of the first game wasn't going to be interested, anyone still delusional enough to be expecting the sequel will be let down, and even counting all those people, its still a pretty small minority. The game was never popular enough in the first place to cash in on reviving the IP with normal fags, so what was the fucking point?
"Prey" is just so fucking generic and doesn't tell you anything about the game and it doesn't inspire any real desire to check it out. And even when you finish the game you're never like "Oh now I get it, it all makes sense in context!"
Just shooting yourself in the foot out of the gate.