the fuck is going on
The fuck is going on
a black hoochie mama
its so bad that people would rather have someone else play it for them
Overwatch 2 beta access is locked behind 4 hour watchtime twitch drops
You have to watch 4 hours of some hand picked streamers in order to receive a key for Overwatch "2" beta.
That's what the fuck is going on.
wtf Yea Forums you told me this game was dead
Blizzard is using their dwindling playerbase as viewbots in order to gain publicity.
blizzard paying big-name streamers who played overwatch in the past to play it again
big surprise i know
>went from 100k+ to 1m+
>blizzard must've paid or done some embed shit again
>Beta Access Given Through Twitch Stream Drops
>bots are farming keys to sell
Fucking Jews man
just open a tab and do something else
the sisters won, Yea Forumschuds lost as always
>people watch Overwatch streams just to get beta key drops
>seeing Overwatch with a lot of viewers makes other people want to get into it and start watching themselves
>this leads to a feedback loop of more and more viewers, until a game that no one really cares about has 1.4 million viewers on twitch
It’s such a simple but genius marketing strategy. I believe Riot games started this trend with Valorant
if people don't care why are so many people trying to get a beta key
>"holy fuck Overwatch has 1.2 million viewers on twitch? This game is gonna be huge I need to try and get a beta key too!”
It didnt even work with valorant, the game was dead for like 6 months after release, Riot needed a 2nd wave of paying streamers to shill it until it caught on
missing out on what? the game isn't even out yet
>huge streamers get paid to play game
>this somehow proves game is alive
good for them. not sorry youre upset about your poverty, joseman
Oh so that's how I get it. Might try later.
noice. them streamers going to have some spare onlyfans cash. i hope they buy stuff from my fav
shitposting aside it really is more fun without the stun and shield spam taking control away from the player that much was cancer
What an ugly character. There's no way this game can be as popular as the 1st with uggos like this, right?
Its not fun until we go back to release OW potential of swapping roles on the fly and being able to stack multiple characters.
im out of the loop, whatd they change to address that
my favorite streamer played that hero so its actually real based. much more based then pre end game memes.
Can't save addicts, user.
This. Wait until the beta is over and the category will drop like a rock again.
Got rid of it.
>that faggot's whole gimmick is shitting on people being sellouts
>becomes a sellout for something he supposedly hated for years
Make sure you go in a chat with drops enabled, type something once so you're "active" then wait
>how come the people that buy page visists form chink farms and have the infrastructure to house thousands of bots have high page views despite the game being deader than dead for a long time
Truly a fucking riddle for the ages.
You're not going to get it if you don't start now. It's 4 hours one-day only.
Its too late now. It ends at 9.
Fuck. Oh well.
>It's chink bot farms when there's a black woman on the cover, even thought chinks hate niggers
>need to have the original OW installed(to infalte sales)
>need to "watch" 4 hours of some shit stream(to inflate numbers)
What a scummy tactic.
nuke usa
It works though because you see threads like this one pop-up saying OW is saved lol
I'm only doing this shit to get my fill, go "Yeah, ASSFAGGOTS-FPS sucks shit still" and never buy 2 because I got burned by a friend wanting me to suffer 1 who never played it after I bought it.
huh? i can clearly see shields still be used
why would I watch the game when I could just play it
What is going on? Paid streamers spreading "grassroot level" "word of mouth", i.e. this is part of Blizzard's ad campaign. It's not a coincidence there are so many threads about the game on Yea Forums as well.
You still got like a minute. You need to idle 4 hours. You can still get it if you start now.
the same shit happened with Valorant, they pay popular streamers to play the game and beta keys are handed out to those that watch. This means a lot of people watching shit content just because they wanna try the new game.
I meant they got rid of the spam since there is only one tank and they also reworked Orisa to not to have shields at all.
which detracts from this how exactly?
Already left to do something else but thanks dude.
they call it Onlywatch for a reason, user.
Yea Forums
>Overwatch getting 1.5 million viewers? that shit is deeeeead as fuuuuuck
also Yea Forums
>TF2 getting 100 viewers? twitch numbers don't mean shit! also 100 people playing a game makes it alive!
Flavor of the month. Why do you people keep asking this?
Every new thing that launches, streamers all jerk it off for sponsorship, get millions of views and players, then everyone moves on to the next new shiny thing a week or two later.
Gaming has been like this for many years now. Nobody fucking thinks for themselves or does anything organically anymore.
The streamers randomly drop keys for the beta to viewers, and they want one. Nobody actually gives a shit about OW streamers.
>incarnation of reddit returns to reddit game
don't know how you are surprised by this
its pretty popular to have your game have drops enabled so it seems like it has a lot of viewers and when you go look wait are you just stupid or what
They aren't legitimate viewers they are just people leaving the streams on to get the key. It's just inflated numbers.
>Nobody is actually WATCHING OW, they just want the keys to PLAY
So that means over a million people want to play this game. That seems much better to me.
It makes sense now
which they wouldnt do if they didnt want to play the game
Did you not read?
You cannot play it unless you've watched for 4 hours.
Yeah but wanting to play the game and wanting to watch the game are completely different things.
Normally a game's viewership will be representative of the people playing it, which is why viewer counts are usually used as a popularity metric. However in this case you have hundreds of times more people watching the game instead of playing it, which is obviously abnormal. You'd think Overwatch 2 was the most popular played game based on twitch metrics but no one is actually playing it.
Blizzard is a very sneaky jew. You see, every time they have their quarterly meeting it's stats and figures they like to regurgitate to fool their shareholders into thinking they're doing really well.
"We were the most watched game on twitch*" *=Because we cleverly found a way to exploit the user-base to pump up these numbers.
They do the same shit with WoW when they release a that unique mount that's locked behind 6+ months/1 year of WoW. They're scum.