Star Citizen

So I ignored SC until last week when a friend talked me into buying a package so I found out first hand how much of a fucking mess it all is. In the first hours of playing, I encountered multiple game breaking glitches such as delivery package being stuck on char's hand, spawning in my ship inside of a planet and then blowing up, ship blowing up for no reason in space, couldnt interact with ship at all, a weapon shop's inventory wouldn't load, etc..... not even talking about the abysmal performance, I have a rtx 3070 with a R9 5950x with 16gb RAM and could only get 30 fps in cities.

I'm still going to keep my package because I find it interesting to follow this shit show now, but the scale of this trash fire is impressive.

What does Yea Forums think about SC?

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Bet you got talked into getting a covid "vaccine" too you gullible fuck

It's a poor man's Ashes of Creation that will never ever be done

Time for your horse medicine and jar of frosty piss, Cletus.

Hey, those are human mistakes, don't step on a pedestal when you browse this gay board.


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>poor man
>dude bought a 4.8 million mansion cash

more like a rich conman riding on the dreams of nerds

works on my machine

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>dies from a heart attack

post video of you playing right now

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whoa buddy at least the microchip and sterilization formula are completed in the vaccine
nothing will ever be complete in scam citizen

I don't understand how that even happens. I heard they claim it's because of a wind mechanic they added. Why the fuck would you even add a wind mechanic for heavy as fuck starships?

I fell for it

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Do you really have a hard time believing this shit? When you play every bug you encounter do you fucking nuke your memory or you're just a fat fucking cashcow nerd that can't see truth in the face?

the absolute state of you cultists

I chuckled, well done user.

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>asked to post video proof
>types up a novel instead

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>implying I have to show proof to a cultist that he's in a cult
it wouldn't work anyway

Jesus user just prove to him you actually bought the game it's not that fucking complicated

It's amazing that this game is so close to being good, yet at the same time, it's utterly fucked because of dumb shit like this. After all these years, the most basic mechanics are still fubar.

Lmao, you miss the BioNTech securities meeting? You better have a few extra boosters. Your body is going to thank you when you reach the grave.

it doesn't matter the amount of proof
cultists are so mentally ill they will argue forever or just stop replying when they're proved wrong
there's no point in doing that
just stay away from them

Oh, Cletus. You card.

It's a scam that will die in its cradle. One day they will simply run out of money to justify the continued development. Not likely today tomorrow or even next year, but they're more likely to run out of money than they are to launch a complete game. Hell, maybe they'll start running out of money and call the game fully release ready to drum up more sales but I don't think the general gaming public gives a shit anymore

Tfw you want to cruise around in a comfy space game but get PTSD instead

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so long gay bowser

Because planets with atmosphere have winds?
What is the issue?

Funfact, this was originally posted on the Star Citizen subreddit and got a lot of upvotes because it's one of the many cases where people forgot to turn off their engines. They did tone down wind though, it lasted maybe a week or two of the winds being too strong.

she's cute, got sauce?

>Man can stand on planets surface
>Ship flies off in the wind
>No stabilizers to hold it in place
Sounds retarded and like more bloat that will make the game run like shit

How does wind affect any of the gameplay that they need to add stupid fluff like that?

And how does some wind blow around a giant starship like a cardboard box but everything else including the player is unaffected?

Actual answer: the devs don't do shortcuts so they want everything to be systemic including winds. Players were unaffected by weather and wind since the webm is ancient, they are now though.

>The devs don't do shortcuts
Is that why everything is still instanced?

Yes, because their idea of not-instancing things is a novel implementation of meshing cloud-based servers and it's taking basically forever, like everything else in the game. Parts of that are on this year's progress tracker, who knows if they'll make it.

Been looking at it lately, cause I was thinking of trying it after all these years. Came to the conclusion that even in that state, it must be orgasmic for space nerds (I am one) when it works but also that Roberts can't just stop adding seperficial stuff for immersion instead of working with what he has.

It makes the game sluggish to play but neat as a tech demo. I want to experience it, on account of being a space nerd and all, but I'm not sure I want to fund accurate nose hair trimming or some shit.

>Is that why everything is still instanced?
Wait the game is really instanced?
I despised that shit in ED, and the servers lagging like crazy when supposed to connect you to a new area is the biggest turn off ever.

Yeah but don't worry, they're coming up with a way to mesh instances so you've got instances on top of other instances, and there's 0% chance that it either won't happen or be a complete and total clusterfuck because CIG is on the case...

Prehistoric backer who still dips into the game every now and then here; I actually think it's slowly moving to a spot where I'd actually let other people try it. Currently it's only fun if you're already familiar with it and the many things you shouldn't do because they're bugged to shit. I'd say it's probably okay to play in another year or so. Also earning shit in-game is honestly piss easy so you only need to drop a base package really. They do free periods every now and then so just check it out during one of those. If you wanna try it out in its current state though, goddamn I recommend having like a fucking Star Citizen Sherpa who already knows what not to do.

>I despised that shit in ED
I still remember one of those player run events. Exploration mission to some far out star system or someshit. We all met up at the starting point. Many instances of course and there were only a handful of people in each, but when the event started and everyone jumped the servers crashed all the same.

I didn't play ED anymore after that.

>needs a guide on bugs/glitches to play
lmao cultists still shill this pile of shit to people

>Time for your horse medicine
NO! Not the known protease inhibitor! Anything but medication that works.

>All multiplayer space games are cursed to be janky bug ridden messes
>Devs constantly ruin their games by adding/removing features even when the playerbase tells them it's a bad idea
Why must we suffer so much space bros?

Is there any hope for future space games?

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>user gives a take that the game isn't finished and you need to bend over backwards to get enjoyment out of it
>lmao cultists are shilling
Are you perhaps, retarded?

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>never buy into star scam
>still get to enjoy it

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are you?
i'm not talking about him in particular

I'll probably do it in the summer. Thanks user.

my fucking sides, that's what happens when you leave your ship on neutral and no handbrake

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Everspace 2
Pulsar Lost Colony
Take the indie pill

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>Devs added shit players didn't want
>Not out
>Only fun with friends (but still decent)
I already did user that's the problem.

>Not out
Out this year, along with godd howard's starfield

Do we actually know anything about Starfiled? If it's just Skyrim with spaceships I'll be pretty disappointed.

It's just Skyrim with spaceships, but they are apparently flyable to some extent

Is Starsector the only EA space game wort a shit?

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it will be glorious beyond comprehension

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Check out Nebulous fleet command. I don't recommend buying it currently but it's a great foundation for what could be a very good game (in time). Right now it's basically just skirmish vs AI or online multiplayer. Definitely one to keep an eye on at least.

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When it works, it's one of the most fun games to dick around in and kind of make your own adventure. Wanna go explore that moon you can see from the planet you're on? Go ahead. One of your buddies got sent to space jail with a sentence of like 12 hours and doesn't wanna deal with the mining minigames? Go ahead, you can help break him out and then go on a mission to get rid of his wanted status.

Of course, this all assumes that you don't wake up in your apartment and fall through the planet, or your ship decides to randomly explode, or you clip out of the pilot seat of your ship and get shot into space during quantum travel, or you can't open the kiosk that lets you spawn your ship, or-

It's got the makings of a really really fucking awesome space MMO. I just have a hard time seeing how they'll make all these gameplay systems play nice with each other. Maybe when I retire in 17 years it'll be completely released and in a playable state.

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kaguya if she cyclops


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