>current year
>still no sailor moon game
What happened?
>current year
>still no sailor moon game
What happened?
Other urls found in this thread:
That art style
>tumblr artstyle
you know what to do
what is this vile art style
why are anime fans like this
There ARE Sailor Moon Games you Gen-Z Serface-Level Scum
I'm surprised nobody was made black.
Why tho?
>anime fans
I tried to get into sailor moon and I already repressed all of the episodes and movies I watched
It's so fucking boring
>tranime fans
yes, they are anime fans
but that's wrong
There are a gorillion Sailor Moon games
What you meant to write was "still no GOOD sailor moon game"
Seek a asylum.
in the same way wholock tumblrites are fans of doctor who and sherlock despite never watching either show.
Seek english lessons
Most of those were way back on the Super Famicom in the 90's though. There hasn't been a new Sailor Moon game since the PS1
SNES Sailor Moon games were so good, Japanese games based on stuff for kids and girls were pretty great in general.
What the fuck happened that they're trash now?
You just know this was drawn by a white woman
Which Sailor would you Moon?
the fat one
Forget that, where is my Sailor Mommies adaptation where they are all 30 - 40?
the leggy one
and saving underaged boys from virginity
What is your favourite Sailor Moon game? This is mine
>What happened?
Bandai Namco hold the rights. The CFO has mentioned before that they want to do one but it was finding the right pitch and studio that would make all the "stakeholders" happy. Mostly meaning the creator of Sailor Moon who is really fussy how it's represented in the media. She is the reason why we got all those Fighting and Beat Em Up' games because she was a huge fan of Final Fight and Street Fighter.
the cunny one
Aren't sailor moon girls high schoolers? They look nothing like high schoolers
do you have an idea how little that narrows it down?
Man of culture
Sailor mars
Any other option is objectively wrong, also i wouldnt wanna see a modern sailor moon game as there probably wouldnt be a nude transformation scene unlesa it was made in japan but then the game would be nothing but fanservice
gross i'd personally love to beat whoever drew this to death
I don't give a damn what they are doing, I just really need to see grown up Venus as a nurse or office lady.
The one with the blue hair.
The evil one.
Mercury a cutie
Sailor Pluto btfo
Imagine her crying in her room putting big red X on the nigga that said Pluto was a caca rock and not a planet
>because she was a huge fan of Final Fight and Street Fighter.
tumblr and discord are main consumers of anime, shut the fuck up retard. Anime is a lefty tranny hobby.
>stronk magic women
>literally magical nukes on legs
>the leader doesn't know how to use computers (after 3 decades still doesn't)
>being teens, they do teen shit, like pursuing romantic relationships with REDACTED
>which is also their pretty much only vulnerability; emotions
Sailor moon is like totally spies in that it was a show that despite being made for girls to watch it was still well written enough to be enjoyable for both
>There are a gorillion Sailor Moon games
>Only two of them are good
I'm not him but what I find different in today's and old school stronk wahmen is originality. Every old school strong girl was original, even Ripley from Alien. Now day you have Rey, which was female and forced. Female Ghostbusters, female James Bonds, female Dr. Who.
Same thing happens to capshit movies, we had Blade and Static Shock black heroes that were pretty good series/movie, not copied and added a black or female just for the sake of woke sells.
Seek a copium
Pedo need a bullet though the brains.
>Static Shock
My nigga. It's also a general problem of everything these days being a reboot or remake instead of coming up with an original idea. People figured out it's easier to just remake an old thing to save money on effort, plus you can lure in fans instead of having to make a new fambase from scratch.
Making a threat to the president is a serious crime, user.
Mars, wished Moon was my sister and belivied a girl in class was Mercury.
fuck me, I really was once a child...
I liked they either worked around or "magicked" away the necessity of physical build to do heroic shit and focused on the character.
In totally spies the girls would fight men and win but i also remember theu would also get captured alot at which point theyd have to use there gadgets to escape, they werent invincible women but still failed and had weaknesses.
The green one
so Goku's real name is Oliver Queen huh
Wasnt the spies one just fetish of the week?
>posts tranime image
>doesnt call out tranime enthusiasts
whats wrong with you people
The high choco one.
>"Sailor Scout"
why do they look like trannies?
Looking back that was obvious, but i enjoyed watching the cute girls in tight suits amd most of the fetish stuff flew over my head
I swear there was a tickle torture and mind control episodes from the top of my head, then you have the infamous inflation and musclegirl episodes
no its just some stupid meme
teen titans go on the other hand..
Because anime is toxic manbaby filth that encourages snatching children in a van.
>people still associating Sailor Moon with Dragon Ball
That shit goes all the way back to the early 2000s and possibly even the 90s when you had porn sites devoted to the pairing. Very little of you now probably remembers DragonmoonX
Don't insult Sailor Moon like that.
Wasnt the creator of Sailor Moon married to the dude who made Yu Yu Hakusho? I think i read that somewhere.
In my country this stuff came when i was 12. I started to watch it, others "dude you are watching a girls cartoon".
Half naked chicks, monster girls, bad guys were men or hot women, only one of the girl tried to act girly the others were men in disguise, two actual lesbians and after the satur cycle they just gave up pretending and every good or bad girl was dressed like a stripper.
I mean yeah ok writing was girlish but i had a constant boner. Also masturbated to all the "dark" versions of the girls.
Also i remember a fucking scene where one of the bad girls was burned alive and she was screaming while another evil guy was laughing in the background. Shit was... hardcore.
Play the SNES games.
The English dub had some...intensity going on at times. Mimette playing twister is downright erotic - you can't draw any other conclusion. The VA really earned her pay that day.