how do I win with wands... it's impossible
How do I win with wands... it's impossible
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cute mousie
what game
Funny you should say that, considering my first win ever was with Wands.
They spiral the fuck out of control very quickly once you get some support for them.
Backpack Hero.
Recently popped off cause big e-celebs like Northernlion played it.
I won with shields + spikes
yeah I won with a knight's shield that a ? room gave + 1 haste on use to then the coral relic that gives spikes
Honestly, most "builds" can win the game as long as they push their gimmick hard enough to either one-shot or have enough supporting equipment to sustain.
Looks like I didn't save any of my mage builds, but here's a magic arrow + wand that gets + 1 damage for every connected mana orb build that I managed to clear it with. I've beaten it with the bigger wand that does 11 damage to all enemies too, as long as you have a book to replenish your mana orbs, or the mage armor, you can do it.
I hate that it's so hard to get a nice cleaver build going only to get filtered by King though.
That said, I love this game
This was one of my favorite builds
>book to replenish or the mage armor
Or just an overwhelming volume of damage. I was able to OTK the final boss with this.
It's just so you have renewable energy, else you would require a back-up weapon should the battle take too long.
It's also if you intend to go into endless mode.
Also true, can't keep one-turning everything forever.
tried playing the other day after my first death the game would fail to save on the second life no matter what
so shit game
I haven't been able to make it past floor 17, at that point everything just has so much hp that I can't keep up with killing 3 enemy encounters that also have curses or spikes.
>no bnnuy character
pass, sorry I don't make the rules
There are Bnuuy enemies.
Reminds me of that failed kickstarter that I backed called jack and casie.
Hopefully this dev isn't isn't a mentally unstable child and actually puts out.
but I don't want to hurt bnnuy I wanna BE bnnuy
so some of you fags better deliver
Why are you trying to play this through second life?
I don't do kickstarters, I will absolutely buy the switch release though.
Anyone who says that word to me is a groomer so I hope they up the amount of them to kill. I will pay money for this.
What, deliver?
circlejerking aside this game is extremely fun and you should 100% play the demo if you have even the slightest interest on deckbuilder games or roguelikes
your attempt at seeming like im playing it thru the game second life is weak and failed
I've tried out basically all the builds I could think of, even some that don't lead anywhere, like assassin's blade, fish sword, and the key sword.
So I'm pretty much done with the demo now, waiting for the full game to release.
I just tried and it works
same here, excited for the full release too since apparently they're adding an overworld with resources to retrieve from exploration which adds a whole new layer of nuance to the inventory management, can't wait
I was kinda sad that assassin's blade dind't lead anywhere, I've gotten one on floor 2, and killed every single monster with it up until the final boss, and still didn't have enough damage for it to be viable.
It's also a little bit jarring how many legendary gears have negative aspects.
I focused on the double sword aoe build, stacked the damage up sky high
Then the final boss just needed a lot of single damage burn so I lost
King fucking sucks, he completely negates any multihit build.
I think it's fun, it adds to their uniqueness, it'd be a bit boring if legendary items where just normal items with higher numbers
had a build with free use weapons with the gem that increases damage by two in the column
was able to do 18 free damage a turn
until i took the bomb relic, the wording was shit, thought using the bomb would destroy itself on use and give all current weapons in inventory perm 500% damage
instead made all my weapons one time use and then be destroyed.....
that was an run ender and what a shit artifact
That's actually the one build I haven't managed to do yet, an arrow wand and the bomb relic, but the game won't fucking give them to me at the same time.
I had a blade summoner wand + bomb relic once, that was fucking crazy, the summoned blade will just explode and turn back into the wand.
>what a shit artifact
That actually gave me my first win.
Bomb + Hourglass + Slime Sword is a pretty obvious combination, but it sure does work.
How long until rule34
Died on the first boss, the one that summons enemies. Pretty fun game so far. Nice music too.
Just about all bosses summon enemies.
So is it a boy or a girl
Girl, I think most of the characters in the game are girls.
Just heard about this today and played through it, was coming to see if Yea Forums knew about it already.
My best playthrough got to Floor 14, with a Club that I was able to forge twice, a bunch of attack-boosting gems, a high-defense armor setup, and a Rage Ring with a bunch of mana and a book to recharge mana.
The structures seem fun but also difficult to find.
Structures can be very interesting, they compound really quickly once you find more of them, but you have to get lucky to find them.
already sketching something up
To be fair that game died because of the dev dealing with a mentally unstable woman. The sane one that almost sunk Fight Knight, or so I heard.
Damn, looks like I didn't save my bow build with the mouse wood., oh well, have this one instead.
Bump as well because I'm enjoying this little game so far
I had one run with that 7 base damage per mana wand and a book that replenished 4 mana per 2 energy and 5 energy total from items
bunch of accessories on top and I was capable of doing like a 1000 damage in one turn
I want to do a bow run but so far I've never gotten a usable set of bow+arrows early enough to do so
>cleaver on anything that generates spikes
you basically need the shield that removes spikes and even with it it's a challenge
that wouldn't even work on king, as he gets spikes from you hitting him, even if you have the candle that removes 1 spike on every hit, you will be doing 1 damage to yourself for every proc of your cleavers because it doesn't remove the spike until after you hit him.
>mfw you can rotate bows and not rotate the arrows and it works
I feel so dumb right now
Always tried to build bows with the bow on the far left and arrows after it
you can block spike damage so you CAN manage it but it's difficult
Bows require a ton of fuckery to get to work.
But user, if you have a decent cleaver build, you could be doing like 10-20 hits per energy, that adds up real quick to the damage you're doing to yourself, and that's not taking into consideration that he will hit you for 20-25 damage after your turn.
I'm not saying it's completely impossible, I'm just saying I'm much happier when I see grandmaster on floor 9
Girl, she gets addressed as "sister" by one NPC
git gud, op
You could also just look at the page of the game, and you see some full art of her with a flower in her hair, she looks pretty cute.
that reminds me.
Bows aren't affected by spike damage, which makes sense, but why is magic affected by spike damage?
Maybe in this setting you have to lay hands on someone for the spell to work
Fought a Blademaster boss that didn't.
On a side note I wonder if anyone finds the in-game MC sprite prettier than how she's drawn in the box art. Looks too blatantly 'furry' in the latter if this makes any sense.
Well, I did say just about. That may just be the only one then.
Any run that you find the pickaxe is a fun one.
Whoops, I posted the wrong image, but it's almost the same.
That was a previous run
I have a bad feeling about this brehs
holy fuck made it should've taken a webm
next turn was
>5 energy 20 hp
>boss summon 2 adds
>kill one add for 6 rage
>which is +6 damage on each arrow
>enough to kill king with 3 energy
>1 left over to finish last add
and I was doing exactly 52 damage per energy before the rage which was exactly the number of hp on the adds
first successful bow run