He's right you know

He's right you know

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Did Gordon ever take off his suit? God, imagine the smell...



Everybody already knew this 15+ years ago.

Half-Life 1 is a better game (than Half-Life 2) in basically every way. Not hating on HL2, it had promise, but the game was OBVIOUSLY rushed after the data leak, and we didn't get it at its best.


FEAR btfos any boomer shooter

HL was never good

One thing hL2 certainly doesn't lack is polish
You just don't like the cinematic design

it's over the video btfo it.
It's not good.

Stop shilling yourself

It is good. Most of its critiques don't understand the design.


wow, did it finally work? am I back in 2004?


overall, yes. however i noticed it even as a wee lad in 2004 that some of the streetwar levels were obviously rushed.

HL1's ai isn't that great. And the encounters are too trial and error. 2 has wider spaces and the scenario designs are a lot more creative.

So now FEAR is overrated?

Always has been. The forced walking Alma sections kill pacing and replayability. The replicant soldiers are just one enemy type and they're all you fight for like 98% of the game. Levels are samey and repetitive and dull. The slo-mo mechanic is broken and makes the game too easy. Limiting whatever potential for good ai there might be. It's a game you just look at the pretty explosions and think oh that's COOL, but lacks the substance of what makes a truly great game. If you're I wanna say in the 80-90 iq range you'll probably not mind how shallow it is. But for anyone >105 iq its flaws are too fundamental to overlook with just pretty particle effects.

Honestly I'd rather it be like STALKER were you and the enemies die from 2 shots and build the AI around that. Never been a fan of bullet sponges.

There is no survival horror tension in HL1. Survival horror games don't have med stations every 10 feet and allow you to quick save. It's a game where you run around and shoot things. Like its sequel where you run around and shoot things and any difference is just making shit up and subjective bias. I could play HL1 right now and i'll just run around and shoot dumb bullet sponge enemies because that's what the game is. Pretentious youtube pseuds piss me the fuck off.

The only thing that matters is fun. Get the fuck over it. I don't need a game that makes me take notes and watch hour long documentaries on YouTube.

i really wish to play Alyx but I can't afford the vr. Was it good bros?

yeah but it's still a good game

300hz perf with some cyber mouse and 4k wasn't the norm when HL came out.

>judging old games by today's lens

>The only thing that matters is fun. Get the fuck over it. I don't need [complete non sequitur]
anyway, Fear's problem is that there's only one enemy for most of the game, the rooms only rarely give you or them multiple angles of approach, and the enemies who aren't this one enemy all suck

plenty of older game are good by today's standards, especially since standards have lowered

FEAR has always been Half-Life clone with slow-mo. Not a bad game, but this is very true.

>FPS game about surviving a disaster/incident with a silent protag, and the story is told in-game instead of with cutscenes. Also you fight human army soldiers


not going to watch but HL1 was better and even then is only OK

I liked the combine. basically to dispell his argument completely, combine are alien clones. Not grown men, just robot soldiers. It is justified they act more dumb. The strider fucks your shit up, that's the bread and butter of the combine force.

>It's a game where you run around and shoot things.

That's literallt how the game was marketed, you dumbass zoomer.

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So I didn't say anything incorrect. The game itself is agreeing with me. What are you mad about?


he's not all wrong, but is there a reason his footage of hl2 comes from some random awkward roadside? there are other fights he could have picked where the combine soldiers have more level geometry to work with, that would have been more on par with the very ai-friendly arena his hl1 footage was from

hi alf

person who talked to john romero on irc, fragged every member of id software on their own servers, downloaded doom from ftp.cdrom.com, talked to gabe newell, john cash and john carmack over email, was published in Quake 2 Netpack Extremities by id software/activision, knew gooseman and cliffe the creators of counterstrike and more


AMA. That era was my favorite time of my life. It was my high school years. I am turning 40 this year hopefully.

heres a random somewhat related image i made a few years ago for threads.

Attached: Quake 20th Anniversary June 22.jpg (1300x866, 898.07K)

I like hl2 but that is a great review and I can't argue with a single thing in it other than his having perhaps unrealistic expectations for the physics engine/destruction

But if you wanted to criticize HL2 it's conveniently okay to ignore how groundbreaking its physics are and how revolutionary its characters expressed themselves and were animated. But dont you dare say anything negative about HL1 i mean after all it's just an old game it's not fair that the combat was bad back then and it's still bad now.

He's playing on easy in half life 2 example though, look how little damage he's taking.

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hl1's combat is more fun than hl2's

HL2 has physics and the enemies don't just keel over and die the same way everytime so its combat is automatically better. It also has the gravity gun. Enemies are less bullet spongey. More variety of enemies within encounters vs HL1's one marine type. Better verticality and more wide open spaces. And the revolver and shotgun are a lot better.

? half life has physics ragdolls. 2's system is more complex sure

>enemies are less bullet spongey

this is a zoomer complaint, enemies were never "Bullet spongey" in old games, new games having super-low TTK has confused you about FPS design. low TTK is bad and low skill, high TTK design brings out skill when movement is involved. low TTK is for low movement, ie console FPS.

>more variety of enemies
uhhhh hl1 objectively has like 2x as many enemy types as hl2.

>better verticality
again wrong, more vertical combat in HL1.

>shotgun better
shotgun is weaker in HL2.

What a fucking hyper faggot.


The big problem with half life 2s combat is that you can't carry more than 3 mags total for the ar2. The smg makes everything feel like shit and you end up being forced to use it. Mods that let you carry double or triple the ammo play great.
But it needs to be mentioned, that guy was playing on easy. Of course you can just stand still and tank shots, easy was designed for valves retarded play testers, he'd be dead in a second on the other difficulties if he tried that.

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criticisms dont even have to be addressed if the player is playing on easy. uncommitted and not worthy of the game.

your evaluation with the AR2 ammo is spot on and one of the best genuine criticisms of HL2 i have seen


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>someone called out for playing on easy would never lie

people familiar with the game can easily see it, enemy damage is practically nil on easy.

>? half life has physics ragdolls. 2's system is more complex sure
Yes that's why the combat is better
>enemies were never "Bullet spongey" in old games
If an enemy was bullet spongey in older games it was because they were a more powerful enemy that required stronger weapons. Weapons you probably had a stockpile of ammo with it if you were smart. In HL1 the regular enemies are bullet spongey, and your shitty mp5 and basic weapons are doing the bulk of the work because you can carry like 3 rockets max. The basic marine type isn't supposed to be bullet spongey. Not very fun gameplay. Especially with their limited hit reactions and ragdolls. Fighting them isn't satisfying.
>uhhhh hl1 objectively has like 2x as many enemy types as hl2.
And you'll never fight a variety of enemy types together in one encounter. HL2 combine have dispersed ranks and types you'll fight together. Nothing like that in HL1. It's just the Marine grunt type and that's it. There's probably more variations of just zombies and headcrabs in one give HL2 area than any combination of enemies you'll ever see together in HL1.
>again wrong, more vertical combat in HL1.
No you're wrong. HL2 has more verticality.
>shotgun is weaker in HL2.
No wrong. Shotgun is more powerful in H2

You have the revolver and shotgun. Which are very powerful all around good weapons. And the smg is the best grenade launcher you could ask for that can take out the strongest enemies and groups together. You have more than enough firepower that if you're primarily relying on the smg it's a player error issue.

You still have to refute this

>The basic marine type isn't supposed to be bullet spongey

they're not bullet spongey. they require sustained fire to take down, so the game can show its complex neural net AI system by allowing the enemy multiple chances to move around.

you can't really always understand game design in a vacuum looking back, you have to have been around to understand the original intent

But when you consider that VR has no games and Alyx is still one of the only games I've played on it, it really isn't worth it.
Don't spend $1000 on one game.

I like FEAR but absolutely not. the 2000s were a dark era in FPSs where devs were more concerned with showing off tech then making fun shooter games. You see this affect HL2, Doom 3, and even FEAR. Even the old tech demo games like Unreal, Quake, and HL1 felt more cohesive over the tech demo shooters of the 2000s.

>tech demo



>golden age of shooters
>is dark age of shooters

Weapons in HL2 are so stupidly unbalanced.

The shotgun can kill anyone instantly with the magical double barrel, but a python headshot does not kill an elite combine.

That area where you first encounter them always filters me for that reason despite how tame the game was before that.

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Every year HL reputation gets worse.
It's over valve bros.

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>fear has good a.i.
immediately dropped
Fear has the same a.i. and half life and half life 2 they just have more fucking scripted sequences tied into the level design

>I-it's scripted
I have yet to see anyone back this up empirically.

mediavida hates it


Every time I watch a video about FEAR, I always forget that the slow motion is a feature because I have the key unbinded. Strongly recommend playing the game this way on extreme difficulty, fun as fuck.

How does it feel to know the best your life will ever be was over 2 decades ago?

Best game. Sure, you enter an "arena," get locked in, kill all the baddies and move on but holy shit it was so fun.

>Hello R*ddit!

Stopped reading instantly.