Now that it's obvious that Yea Forums is wrong as always lets move on. What hero are you maining? What new heroes are you hoping for? What new game modes besides push will they add?
Overwatch 2 WON
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coop pve when?
Chadyatta of course
was top500 zen OTP back when I used to play, good times. Really looking forward to grinding the ranked ladders when its out
I just fucking want a queue that isn't 17 minutes long, just do that
Also sexy skins for mercy and DVA
The PvE is being kept under wraps since this is the part of OW2 that's actually going to cost money. I'd assume the next beta will have coop if I were to guess.
i found out i got into the beta this morning so i downloaded it and after 2 games uninstalled it
overwatch has never been a good game
Game is nearly exactly the same as the last except now they added a literal quadriplegic
> top500 zen OTP
That's impressive. Being a good Zen is fucking tough.
i hope white america reads this, bro
queue times should be much shorter now that the role with the least amount of people (tanks) is reduced to only 1 per team.
I hope for the sexy skins too, but I hope more for the comeback of high quality rule 34.
I watched some zoomer play the beta and it looked exactly the same. Everyone jerks off round a corner while their healer makes everyone quasi-invulnerable until everybody has ults, there's a huge cluster fuck fight, then you go back to jerking for 3 minutes
Game might be fun if players had a little agency, but they'll never gut healing like they need to.
>people who haven't played ow for 4 years have 1 stream on the first day of the beta
>ow2 won
lol all the old pro players have said it's still shit
The main issue now is since it's one tank meta that one tank has insane amounts of defensive abilities on top of being a bulky DPS
Shit like's defense matrix having near infinite up-time, Zarya having 3 active bubbles, and Winston's barrier being mega-buffed
It actually feels drastically different to me because of less shields and stuns. Though I like high mobile heroes so maybe that's why it's noticeable to me. Also fights tend to end without the usage of ults much more frequently which is another good thing. You're right about healers though. I kind of hoped they made support class do some other kind of supporting besides just heal.
So basically half decent widowmakers are just going to rape everyone, got it.
dogshit game by fully replaced now dead company.
Yes and no, but mostly yes. Less shields means Widow has free reign, but also every dps hero is faster, and a lot of tanks have increased mobility options through new abilities.
A tank Doomfist can absolute stomp a widow out rather quickly with his new mobility and healthpool. The newer maps are also built better with more flank routes and less chokes so theres that too.
Nah because the black quad-amputee character is broken and can one-shot other DPS with her charged railgun so Widow and Pharah are dead
Oh, so there's two widowmakers now, nice.
She's Widow and Soldier combined with CC as well despite Blizzard saying they'd cut down on CC
Gotta make sure she's OP for bravery points
Don't care still not playing this game.
Cope. You lost.
Give it 6 hours and 99% of those viewers will be gone because the beta drop event ends.
>using twitch views as an argument even though most stream watchers never pick up the games they watch
zoom zoom
>Blizzard saying they'd cut down on CC
No DPS heroes have any stuns anymore. At most they have are slow like mei and sojourn. No any kind of CC at all would make heroes like Doom and Ball unstoppable at any rank,
Coping AND seething I see. You lost.
>calling him Ball
go back
>Twitch numbers
lol I guess Shadowlands is LITERALLY the best game ever then, huh?
>admitting he's a retarded faggot
sorry about your thread bro, better luck next time
it's going up btw
Thanks for the bumps, friend.
so are you going to make a thread in a month with Shazam in the OP saying how wrong you were?
Of course you're not
>twitch numbers
I don't use the shazam avatar, but maybe something similar shitposting against Overwatch sure. I made this same thread yesterday and it got 500+ replies with an incredible amount of Yea Forums seething it was great. I kept coming back to the thread every few hours and had some good laughs scrolling down.
Wow. It's almost as if forcing people to watch FOUR of the right hour window for a key drop would cause it to be inflated or something.
If it was at one hour, you would see half of that number easy.
>he's not gonna make a thread after the twitch drops end
>implying views means anything
>views mean nothing if it's a game I specifically don't like
>views mean nothing regardless of game
post how long you have until you don't have to give one of these cringe streamers an extra view count anymore
I've enjoyed some games that ended up with high viewer count at launch it just doesn't mean anything in regards to the game's quality
>got it
you dont got it. its always funny. people who talk like this are always so uninformed its hilarious. they care more about moving to the next thing that they never actually learn
I wonder how quiet the numberfags will become when the drop event ends and viewer numbers plummet back to
Overwatch sucks fat wang. It was fun when it was new but now it’s just the same game it’s been for the past 4 years but $60 with hero ability updates.
So do you think the bald man got promised a scripted interview with Ion tomorrow for shilling OW2 today? He obviously hates playing it and sucks donkey ass. So much for being honest and "real". Another retarded shill for another greedy corpo. I'm sure he'll find a way to deflect those allegations at FFXIV playerbase somehow, his go-to scapegoat recently.
Why is Yea Forums always wrong about literally everything? These mentally ill incels should be put out of their misery
I'm at 59%. Almost there.
I don't think Acti-Blizz realizes how much they're shooting themselves in the foot bo showing people that the whole "Overwatch 2" project is just a paid patch for OW1. The whole campaign is pathetic.
They had no choice. They were bleeding players in OW1 from all the 0 content these past two years. This is their way of trying to stay in the limelight while they finish the game despite it not being ready for another 2 years I bet.
you fags never learn do you?
>I'd assume the next beta will have coop if I were to guess.
oh user you're such a riot
>papist shills telling people they "lost" a game nobody knows exists
fuck the pope and fuck you
>1.4million views, the most on Twitch right now
>nobody knows
Now this is some unironic cope. Absolute wew lad.
If one thing is consistent it's that Yea Forums is always wrong.
tavistock invents those view counts just like they invented your fake job
That's better than nobody seeing what OW2 is about
Valorant just turned into fucking og Overwatch with all the stuns blinds and bullshit.
Overwatch removed a fuckton of that now and is probably the better game.
>the porn and streamer brings awareness to the franchise at an unprecedented level. a global force that advertisement agencies spend endless amounts of money trying to harness just a small fraction of what overwatch gets for free.
>game has 20 minute queues\
it's amazing how incompetent blizzard is.
and i'm sure overwatch 2 will have 20 minute queues too soon enough
what is this? you have to watch a streamer for x amount of hours to earn a beta invite?
Yes, you have to watch for 4 hours total today only. That's why the view count is so huge.