How the fuck are you meant to play videogames if you have a job

how the fuck are you meant to play videogames if you have a job

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just quit your job to play video games

Reasonable time management

i work in a warehouse and play 4-6 hours daily. problem?

i just work in the evening :^)

Work from home like me

Get a daytime job. Play vidya after work.
I'm switching from overnights to a grocery store that closes at 8pm and I'm really happy about that. More time for myself after work.

When you're not working, you stinky
It's not like games are 40 hours long you can finish one playing 3 hours a day

>people who browse /v have jobs


>be wageslave
>be home around 15
>grocery shopping if needed
>too tired for vidya
>watch jewtube and shitpost
>maybe play some low effort vidya like bloons
>eat and go to sleep
i mainly play action games on weekends
what a life

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when my dad was in his 40s, he juggled gym, work, retaking college since his records were lost to a fire, raising a family, and Doom. idk what you're facing now, but i'm sure you're not that busy.

His dad wasn't a Yea Forums addict

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good for your normfaggot daddy
i get tired around 3 pm and just fall asleep

>The normalfag gamer
8 hours of sleep
8 hours of work
8 hours of gaming
>The minimalist gamer
6 hours of sleep
4 hours of work
14 hours of gaming
>The high intelligent sleepy gamer
10 hours of sleep
6 hours of work
8 hours of gaming
>Ascended NEET gamer
16 hours of hard work and live cheap.
8 hours of sleep
Quit job after 12 months and enjoy 5 years of maximum 16h a day of gaming.

Bles Raita

nobody works for 8 hours or less
maybe in some perfect commie paradise, i've never seen one

get a good job where you can pay the bills AND have freetime

Work from home. 5 1/2 hour shifts. My fiancé is the bread winner which works for, she likes her work more than I do.


In scandinavia wage slaves has % options. If you work 50% you basically get half your payment, but only have to work 4 hours a day. Decent option if your base pay is decent or you live cheap.

I saved money for a while and invested it like my mom did. I retired in my 30s and now I play vidya all day or whittle wood for fun.

15 is not a time idjit

Super easy to play vidya for 4-6 hours a day, depending on if its a gym day. Should mostly hit 6 hours.

If you go to college though you're shit out of luck.

learn the ways of the bag

>I retired in my 30s
were you a fucking investment manager or what? nobody retires that early doing a 9-5

no idea how it works there, maybe it's true for some braindead jobs like a warehouse worker or something, but serious jobs have tasks which must be completed in time, and you have to work overtime if needed

why is Yea Forums so shit today

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>AMPM cuck
Non-fags use military time nigga

>he fell for the full time meme

>tfw gf has a masters degree
>tfw I'm gonna ask her to marry me
>tfw she bankrolls my neetdom

I worked at Lockheed Martin. My mom worked at Lockheed Martin. I wasn't some guy saving his Wendy's minimum wage payments for the summer, I had money management people.

It always is
If it's not 1 game spam, its advertisement or just baits
Coming to Yea Forums is worse than coming to Yea Forums

This. Our IT department is run by chimpanzees so the network goes out all the fucking time so I just fire up a game to kill time until it's live again.
On the clock the whole time, of course.

lucky fuck
my parents were some trash rats, so i'm an unemployed loser too

Depends what kind of job we're talking about. Doctors has the same option to work 4 hours a day. Same goes for IT technicians and what not. Construction workers has it different tho, atleast in the private sector.

Get a job where you can play video games during it. Being the sole maintenance guy in a small building has its perks

You literally don't
I can barely manage vidyer with a full time college, I can't imagine what it would be like for a wagekek

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>Tech support helpdesk manager
>Spy on colleagues all day, listen in on their calls, occasionally answer questions or direct to knowledgebase
>Work for 1 hour at the end
>Fuck around for the other 6 hours, game, shitpost, read books, even fucked my wife a few times and got paid for it, just mark myself as away and if anyone asks, say it was for a problem I fixed weeks ago.

Work smarter, not harder.

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My mom was a german immigrant born in hamburg, I've got learning disabilities dude, you can be anything you want in this life.
You probably just wasted yours so far and messed it all up but its all you not some random roll of the die that has you fucked up.

>learning disabilities
what? adhd? that's not a real medical issue

You're using that image wrong

Oh? How am I supposed to use it?

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Dyslexia and a stutter from ptsd. Saw my dad die when I was 4, got hit by a car.

>Doctors has the same option to work 4 hours a day
it's hard for me to imagine a doctor just clocks out after 4 hours of work, says fuck you to his patients which need an immediate attention and runs home to play vidya

You deserve to suffer and die frognigger

no idea what you used to do in lockheed martin if you couldn't even read
were you sucking dicks there?

>implying it wasn't nepotism

How do you not have time to play video games?
I work four 10 hours shifts and still find time to play on days I work

I don't have a job.

LMAO the ABSOLUTE state of amerimuttlards unaware that most socialist countries have the 35 hours work week + paid vacation

Defense contracts, some stuff with HUD.

used to be neet but now i have a job, i preferred being a neet desu...

Lad, British, 35 hour week, 35 days paid holiday. £41k, not even a hard job. You silly yanks are killing yourselves for people who wouldn't piss on you in you were on fire.

You don't unless you are a streamer. Isn't adult life grand? :)))))

Europeans are serfs mentally, if their doctor says he's done for the day he's done and they say okay. They'll wait for him to come back, its free health care after all.
They as a society expect to be treated like children, sometimes that means being told no and just accepting it. They've been trained very well to just accept stuff like that. Its free after all :^)

Same but thanks God my boss only needs me for like 8 month a year.
Imagine being a wagienigger all the time LMAO.

him being here instead of doing the thing he's complaining about should tell you all you need to know.

>get part time 16 hour/week wfh job
>can barely even handle that
I'm gonna die when I'm actually forced to be 100% self sufficient

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Yeah but they have huh.... Muh FREEDOM (freedom to die for Israel, to have 200k of debt right after coming out of school and the freedom to be cancelled for saying the n word online)

part time forklifter. i work 4 hours a day and make enough to scrape by

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>It's not like games are 40 hours long you can finish one playing 3 hours a day
but I want to play WoW 8 hours a day otherwise I can't do shit there and will never progress


8 hours a day minus 30 minutes break or more is pretty normal in germany, you americans are crazy lol

Thats what we do here too, user is pulling a funny. Anyone working more is doing it by choice for the overtime and know what they are getting into.

>free healthcare
>paid vacations
>unlimited paid sick leave
>tons of paid public holidays
>free university
>legal prostitution
>liberal drug laws
>quasi-legal piracy
>steady influx of tourist pussy
>legions of americans ready to die to defend you
Serfbros we lost...

I work 7 hours a day in France. Lol.
Seethe mutties.

I only work part time.

6-8 is common in the US. We have an industrious culture for those that want it, we're known as being lazy fucks but if you want to work your ass dead 110 hours in a week we'll pay you for it happily.

Do you have ambitions? Subsistence isn't an ambition.

honest question: are there any white people left in france?

Shut the fuck up amerislave, go shit in your favorite Walmart you obese mongrel.

Isn't that sad... Couldn't imagine working like that. No wonder Americans never get anything done and they're so angry and stressed out all the time. They must be fucking knackered.

I work from home permanently. I occasionally I get asked to go to various offices to train new staff. Hotel is paid for, £60 a day expense allowance, company uber account (I prefer not to drive, but they also have a car hire account should I feel the need), and they're grateful for it too.

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Not him but I've never had ambition or been interested in anything other than consuming entertainment. How do you get ambition?

No. Niggers and arabs are all there's left in cities. Thanks God I live in the middle of nowhere surrounded by old white people.
And macron will force people using the RSA to never work are going to be forced to work. Maybe this will repel the nogs and towel-heads.

>work 4 days a week
>32 hours weekly
>3 day weekend every single weekend
Work hard so you don't have to work so hard.

I'm on of those IT chimps and the reason the network goes out is because I'm too busy playing video games to fix the root causes

Shit I forgot to mention. I don't have a degree, and therefore no student debt, and I overpay on my mortgage every year the full 10%. I really hope America gets its shit together. Those poor fuckers need a break. They're practically slaves. Socialism rocks.

Read the Conqueror Worm. Then read Moby Dick.

Git gud at managing time

Keep up the good work, my man.

I'm really tired. Don't blame me for typing nonsense.

more than half of America lives paycheck to paycheck. And 70% of them are obese. Lol.

What the fuck is a mortgage, is it an American thing?

The fundamental difference in american culture and european culture is americans are taught that the gov't isn't the top level of reality at a young age and its baked into every level of our ethos, even our legal documents themselves. Europeans come from a mentality that the pecking order goes up so high and stops, and their position is always below. Americans are taught their positions in life are completely separated from that of the "citizen" they are "people" first and foremost.
Generationally, it has bred a divergence in cultural norms.