Will it ever be topped?

Will it ever be topped?

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Yes by its sequel

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No and I feel sorry for BOTW 2 trying to do it justice.

Yes. By BotW2.

>The asset flip got delayed again
Dead on arrival

Already topped by Genshin

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BotW2 may well be superior but its hard to achieve the same "wow factor" of the original. BotW really shifted the paradigm of how open world games are designed.

I have never played this game.

>Already topped by Genshin

No sophisticated adult mind thinks this. Its the delusional of elementary school Nintendo haters.


>BotW really shifted the paradigm of how open world games are designed.
Not yet, it'll take time for other companies to get on the same level as BotW, so we'll still get stuck with ubishit open world for a few years

I'd rather play a ps2 copy pasted game than your gacha virus shit.

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Elden ring

Nah. 99% of games don't care about interactive level design anymore (especially not Elden Ring)
Can't be topped by default for that reason

A cheap knock off that also has shitty level design? No

Attached: interactive level design.webm (640x360, 2.95M)

>"Wow! I've never seen so much empty space! I bet I could run for five minutes in any direction any only find moblins, cranes and mushrooms!"

Agreed good sir, they'll never be able to capture lightning in a bottle like this again.

>tfw Elden Ring even has the best Gannondorf boss fight
BotW was mogged so hard, Nintendo literally delayed BotW2, KEK

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>schizo is here
It's going to be a good thread.

>Elden Ring bosses
Spamming R2 for Hoarfrost Stomp doesn't constitute a good boss fight

Was BOTW the last immersive sim?

That webm looks pretty cool, I'd rather play that than a PS2 copy pasted game.

Based. Post that shit botw combat webm

You need to be 18 years old to post herem

Top these NUTS

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Elden Ring shitters are so insecure they have to compare their game to a 6 year old Wii U title.

Top kek.

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Fuck off to vg, retard

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Chinks are shameless

Attached: lmao.webm (640x360, 2.21M)

Elden Ring is better. The best parts of BOTW were
>when it was able to surprise you, like the corrupted dragon on top of Lanayru
>when it had in depth quests like the gerudo cross dressing
There wasn’t enough of either in the game and after a while it feels bad when you KNOW the only thing exploration will lead to is another generic shrine. It also feels bad when combat becomes actively detrimental late game because you burn through high level weapons faster than you’ll get them off enemies

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that was patched a long time ago lol

didn't they also copy Nier tomato fight movements?

Watch this post get mass reported by Chink bots and the poster banned because Twitter has now more freedom spech than groomerchan

Again, that's pretty damn cool bro, you're not dissuading me from playing it.

they're all still garbage
for as much as I have issues with botw as a zelda game it remains the only good open world game ever made that actually lives up to the "promise" of an open world game besides elden ring which also did it well

>you burn through high level weapons faster than you’ll get them off enemies
never happens. You always get 2x or more weapons than you use up

color palate and animation are vastly superior on the left. Right is a blatant ripoff.

It was patched after weeks, that's when most people who really cared about the game already finished it
And it's still powerful and there are still other methods to cheese enemies, like Shield Barricade and spamming jump attacks

Consider the thread derailed

Ultimate Game of all time as per 2021 official award = Dark Souls 1
Future Ultimate game of all time as per me = Elden Ring
Yea Forums - Yea Forums = Elden Ring General

Consider this thread derailed and turned into another Elden Ring thread. Don't forget to leave the (You)'s at the door on the way out.

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The problem with Elden Ring is that its a game which doesn't benefit from being open world. Its sterile open world has no meaning and you're generally gate-kept until you grind to a certain level anyway. Plus, despite having cool locations there's nothing more to the game than an endless test of endurance through combat.

This is completely the opposite of BotW's living breathing of interactivity. Exploration of the world is gamified and simple navigation is fun. There's an endless variety of gameplay ideas and player is never gate-kept but encouraged to create their own adaptations and solutions to adversity. BotW feels like a Next-Level game

ER doesn't even try to do what BotW does, stop embarrassing yourselves
>not one (1) village or town
>not one (1) puzzle besides hitting a pillar to lower the platform and shit like finding three turtles
>not one (1) thing that tries to evoket he same emotions as getting the Master Sword midgame
It's Dark Souls 3 with an open world

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>corrupted dragon on top of Lanayru
>Reward is another orb
The moment I realized this game became boring after the first 8-10 hours.

DaS 1 is a trash game compared to Elden Ring, retard

>It's Dark Souls 3 with an open world
And that's why it's better than BotW

>It's Dark Souls 3 with an open world
and it's better as an open world adventure game than botw. nobody asked "will it be topped as a zelda game?"

If you like zombie bashing simulators, yes

Not for a long time
I thought elden ring would, but you can't even SWIM lmfaooo.
Maybe the sequel will top it.

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>level design
i don't think those words mean what you think they mean.

>The best parts of BOTW were
The 4 titans unless you are a pleb. Pure unadulterated level-design kino. Of course plebs couldn't appreciate that, which is why series like Metroid Prime are also dying

lmao yeah, you’ll get those shitty boko clubs and lizard spears. You’ll never pick up those cool hylian weapons in the castle though, so enjoy using them knowing they’re gonna break in five hits and then if you want another you have to go back to the castle

Weird that Sekiro had climbing and swimming and shit and then Elden Ring was just a step backwards.

Yes? There are higher mountains in your screenshot.


strangest thing is that they took the "stealth" parts of sekiro in Elden Ring, but not that.
wtf were they thinking?

>mere mention of elden ring throws tendies into a blind rage
Yeah, I’m thinking we won.

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You say that when BotW enemies behave like brainless punching bags?

>It also feels bad when combat becomes actively detrimental late game because you burn through high level weapons faster than you’ll get them off enemies
My problem with the game, weapons shouldn't break, bunch of worthless crap that makes you spend more time in the menu than anything.

It was topped two years before its release.

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>itt we pretend it's 2019 Yea Forums

BotW enemies are literally smarter than Elden Ring enemies which will just follow you like robots and even jump into abysses. Haven't seen them pick up weapons, pick up smaller enemies and fight you with them, use rafts, throw rocks at you, or hide behind trees

le epic guts build

it really isn't that hard to top, and some games got really close but would fuck up for one reason or another like controls or game mechanics. game developers are so incompetent it's unlikely BoTW will get topped, despite being fairly mediocre and lacking in a lot of things like aesthetics

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I love how BotW can't be discussed on Yea Forums anymore.

Knowing that Arthur has to defend his game at every waking turn if a BotW thread even is hinted at on Yea Forums brings a chadlike smirk on my face every time. His article screencap folder hasn't managed to rest for a minute on Yea Forums now. He's all alone, trapped in a hell he created.

All of the fairweather """"""botw""""" fans much like the witcher3fags have all moved on to the next game, all of the coomer autists are busy arguing over whether or not Zelda has a fat ass in the new daily "Zelda leggings" schizo threads and the actual Zeldafans are talking about the good Zelda games in their own threads (OoT/MM/WW/TP). Arthur is all alone.

He tries to make a thread
>ELDEN RING BTFO followed by "le minutes since Yea Forums cried"
>BOTW WILL NEVER BE TOPPED" followed by "le minutes since Yea Forums cried"

Only for the first comments to usher the forbidden words "Elden Ring is better" and just like that, the thread is finished, it's over. it's now an Elden Ring thread thrown ontop of the pile of the endless barrage of Elden Ring threads that will never die because as autistic as Arthur is, Fromsoftfags cannot be out autist'd.

It must be EXHAUSTING for him. I love it.

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How many enemies are in BoTW thought?

And this is supposed to be better than Genshin?

Attached: botw combat.webm (852x480, 2.99M)

The thing is combat in Zelda is secondary and puzzle-platforming the bread and butter. Let's all hope it stays this way

The discussion around this game has only proven Yea Forums is full of dumb, casual tendies that have absolute rock bottom shit taste.

it's not weird at all, they were developed simultaneously. ER used DS3 as a base while sekiro was something very new and unique. notice how the level design in sekiro is also worse/more simple than in souls, a hyper mobile character makes it harder to design intricate levels

I remember when webm related threw him into such a rage that he got rangebanned and couldn't even post images for a few weeks. Lmfao. He's a broken (((((man)))))

Attached: Dark Souls best game of all time.webm (896x504, 1.69M)


botw is ubishit but somehow with even more copy paste and less unique stuff though

>combat is secondary to the puzzle/platforming
>which are even worse than the combat

>Elden Ring
>that score
There is no way journalists even played it past Liurnia. Everything starts repeating itself and you really do nothing else but hacking and slashing mobs or riding through empty snow fields and bosses become undeniably unfair bullshit like that rotten ass woman. Also
>boss interrupts his trajectory and attacks you instead of its first target literally the split second you dare breathing on it

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