Why are sex scenes so cringe in video games?

Why are sex scenes so cringe in video games?

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exhentai.org/?f_search=artist:"doji ro$" english

Cause you never got any.

fuck sex

Cause you aren't playing the right games

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I never had one, can I still complete it? They must have added it in a new update I guess

Isn't this the game where some girl gets fucked by a dog but mosaic censored the whole dog, like you're not suppose to know what it is?

You're just jealous you're not having sex with that cartoon bitch cuck

because they are made for people who virgins

Sex scenes in that game made me cum buckets

this is genuinely disgusting

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Cuz people that make them never had sex

You got the right idea


Just another form of social awkwardness. All women act differently during sex. There's no template. And most of it is absolute fucking cringe on hindsight. When hormones take over, lots of weird shit happens. Even weirder shit gets said.

Any sex scene between a new couple that isn't awkward is horse shit. Only long-term relationships can put sex on display in a way that seems natural and comfortable.

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What game is this?

Does this really need a tutorial? What kind of game is it?

>Need a tutorial for sex

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Yes it's a game.
And this is one too.

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Because real sex is weird, messy and awkward.

me when I die in 2hu

>he doesn't ERP

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I liked her better just before she went full cock hungry. I wish I kept a save of it.


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play cyberpunk

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where is her dick

because the people who make these scenes have never had sex

better cringe sex than no sex at all.

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The Japanese don't know how to have sex. Have you seen how they kiss in hentai? They just stick their tongues out as far as possible and wrap them around each other. It's weird as shit to anyone who isn't a virgin.

no need to look at hentai just look at their birth rate

>pornography is how people have sex now
die a virgin you born-again dumbass

because they half ass it, crippling it

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because you're not playing porn games

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Because the audience for mainstream videogames are young normie males, and normies like boring sex. See also Hollywood.

Ya know people will make jokes about how it's because the people writing them have never had sex, and while that's often true, sex is just really, really hard to write well anyway. Otherwise skilled and accomplished writers often fall apart writing sex. Sex is something that is so primal and instinctual, yet at the same time so silly to see from the outside if you aren't already horny, that the mere act of trying to describe it in any detail is doomed to fail.

The best novel I ever read as far as the way the sex scenes were handled is Snow Country, because all the sex is simply implied and the author never has to embarrass himself with the exercise.

at least they're not afraid of sexualizing small and cute girls, sick of all that "milf" shit in WEGs

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because it should be raw and passionate, not romantic
gwerm mansion, read it and weep

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What game?

gonna need a sauce baus

hot. i want to be the princess roleplay customer

What's the name of the game

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>sex is just really, really hard to write well anyway. Otherwise skilled and accomplished writers often fall apart writing sex.
Writing sex is really easy. What is not merely hard but impossible is writing sex that doesn't make prudes uncomfortable, because what makes them uncomfortable is sex itself and not how it is presented.

I want to be Urka's sex slave

Sex is cringe and weird, anyone that pretends otherwise didn't get laid and doesn't know how to have fun with it.

I used to believe this too, but I really think it's less black and white than that. Prudes who hate all sex are an annoyance to be sure, but there's an elemental nature to sex that is just really, really hard to put into words well. Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I love sex and still find most sex writing to be eye rolling.

exhentai.org/?f_search=artist:"doji ro$" english

Are these random snippets of phrases deprived of context supposed to convince me the sex writing in this game is good? They aren't accomplishing that goal.

sauce me up senpaitachi

I'm fine with anything that is overly ridiculous or autismo robotic, like the translated sex scenes in Musicus.
This is all I need to enjoy written sex. "I put my dick in her pussy. She moans." Not spectular prose sure, but the bepis approves.

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>Writing sex is easy
Sure. Writing anything is easy. Writing anything well is hard. Writing sex well is very hard.

You're a little bitch as I said here

>Writing sex is really easy
Fucking try it. I am at my ropes on writing sex scenes for my next book.

it's exclusive for low level players and needed to be completed in co-op
if you didn't do it you're pretty much locked out of the entire questline

Oh no, they're meant to illustrate the beauty of Camellia.

find gwerm mansion by afungi on ao3

I mean, it's fine if that does it for you, congratulations. But you even admit that it's not great prose. That's the only point I've brought here, the standards are low for sexual writing, but maybe they're supposed to be because the high standard may be unrealistically high.

>Writing sex is really easy

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>Prudes who hate all sex are an annoyance to be sure, but there's an elemental nature to sex that is just really, really hard to put into words well.
It's not that they hate all sex, it is simply that they feel embarrassed watching it, because it is considered voyeuristic or perverted. If you consume media where sex is not censored you will have to hide that fact from close relatives, which generates a feeling of guilt. It has nothing to do with "sex being really hard to write", it's just that mainstream culture is prudish.

Sauce me up

I don't know how sex is in real life (35)

>and the author never has to embarrass himself with the exercise.

because sex is cringe thankfully as time goes on people are having less of it and soon sexhavers will be nothing more than a distant memory

Sex being hard to write and normies being prudes are not mutually exclusive. One doesn't disprove the other.

>sex is actually healthy and promotes happiness in men
>less men are having sex than ever

my point is, the harder a writer tries to make a sex scene sophisticated, the more likely will readers shake with laughter rather than get immersed. The effort is better spent in setting up the relationship outside the sex.

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>Why are sex scenes so cringe in video games?
Still better than real life

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what is this image from?

it's a metaphor for how sexually liberated women see sex

yeah but what is it from?

Am I supposed to go around with condoms in my pocket?

So... we agree? We just have different solutions. I think sex scenes are better left implied, and you think they should be written but that the quality of the writing in them is irrelevant. Because we would both say the writing of the relationship outside the sex is much, much more important. Am I even close to an understanding here?

yes, fair enough.

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I've never cringed at one, but I'm also a huge loser that's never been in a relationship so maybe what's obvious to you is oblivious to me. This is something I've wondered about before.
If you HAVE been in relationships, you're probably not the demographic for eroge.

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