How do we save gaming from Far-right Extremists Yea Forums?

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I'd rather like to know how we can boost the number of them in gaming.

More women, minorities, and gays in prominent roles in popular franchises.
It’ll work this time for sure!

>target an audience and call them all racists, sexists, entitled, etc.
>invade the market, remove everything they enjoyed, and say they aren't the target audience anymore
>be surprised that the number of retaliators rises

range ban you

Do nothing.

To save gaming, it must die and be reborn. It needs to become as bad as it can possibly get. Let these people take it away.

>gaming industry stormed by feminism troons and blacks, backed by corporations
>anyone who disagrees with top-down social changes is censored
>those people get angry
>discover who is responsible
>far-right extremists are a growing presence in gaming

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>the media actually literally thinks orthodox chabad jews who voted for the orange man are the nazis

>Communists and feminists fuck up gaming
>People who are tired of their shit call them out and try to make their own game with no politics
>Get called far right extremists for not agreeing with the establishment
I'm the kind of tired sleep can't fix.

is the commie tranny going to cry? Maybe call their moderator buddy to ban the chuds here again for being "off topic"?

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Tipping off Nintendo that this rag is using their patented controller to slander the industry.


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Based if true. Post proof.

I think we have to kill all the gamers

papists are framing the jews

Shut down Yea Forums

Not a problem in fighting games. If they talk shit just get better than them and they can't do anything but send hate mail.

Hate mail is it's own reward.

Do nothing. Let it ride out. Leftie faggots are losing the culture war and for obvious reasons. For those that don't know, MAP = Minor Attracted Persons. They're trying to relabel themselves now.

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leftists are a cancer to any society, history has shown us this time and time again. they continue to wreck havoc until society collapses and is rebuilt, where the cycle will continue. leftism is a genuine metal illness, they tend to be self destructive and they want to take down as many people as they can with them.

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you're not making a game you're spamming tranny

Axios is a prime example of how bad our journalism has become. They started out being fairly neutral despite having a few shitlib writers but now it's just devolved into an ADL mirror where they complain about muh huwite supremacy day and night.

>democrats threaten to kill police officers
>nothing happens
>republican wants to go to church
>thrown in guantanamo

Describe these (((researchers))), Axios

>/pol/ is shitting up my vidya now too

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I literally am though, not a video game but a table top RPG, another sector of culture you fuckers took over.

"""""Far-right extremists"""""" are a growing presence in everything, since everyone not part of your insane tranny doublethink cult gets labeled as such.

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Keep your politics out of vidya.

democrats literally let communists burn and loot cities for A YEAR STRAIGHT in 2020-2021. that is literally unheard of, 2 billion in damages to small buisnesses not to mention countless deaths and violence.
but the leftist excuse was the same
>t-t-t-they have insurance they'll be fine
>you can only put the politics I like in video games

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It's a joke retards. I am the far right extremist they're talking about

I'm so glad I stopped playing modern games.

I just wanted to shoot my buster canon, you kept reminding me of urban types.

>! Crime in Progress

Picrel was made in 2014 and since then you stupid cocksucking imbeciles haven't updated your script.
Despite cabals of tranny discorders brainwashed into defending megacorps for free, bots and infinite funding from FAGMAN, turns out you can't really defend the undefensible.

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>Crime in progress

always makes me laugh

Nope, people are tired of leftism and their wokeness, they'll be getting forced out of everything in the future and companies will be forced to follow their target audience because they will get death threats and angry mobs of people will pay them a visit if they don't.

ok quantum

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Angry mobs of people are already visiting Disney so you might be on to something

why would a lack of moderation make a group more right wing?

"Far right extremists" aren't the problem, the problem is labelling anyone who isn't a Marx cultist as such. And yes their growing, growing everywhere. Because people are sick of shit exactly like that tweet.

because right-wingers don't care about rules

>(((the problem)))

Unless controlled people naturally lean right over time by being exposed to baseborn rootless heathens.


People are definitely tired of the left. Shut up retard.

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>Angry mobs of people are already visiting Disney

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Because then you're actually able to discuss ideas and free flow of thought without having your voice policed. If you try to say things that are objectively true that goes against leftie ideas such as, homosexuals are more likely to be pedophiles, blacks commit more crime, trannies have a literal near coinflip chance of killing themselves, putting kids on HrT is fucking retarded and eternally damaging for them, pedophiles deserve to be shot, you get censored and banned.

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This, we just want to play our games, watch our shows, movies, musics without left-leaning politics shoved up our butts and we want them to stop brainwashing kids to be gay and tranny at schools and through cartoon and toys. Stop ruining the military and leave the politics in the government but that seems way too hard for them to do so now since they won't go away when asked politely, people will force them out. A shame too, the lgbt are about to lose all of their rights again and go back to being hate. I don't expect people will ever come to like them again after this era.

It was only a matter of time before the left gutted itself.

you have to go back

It'll be over soon. They're losing more and more influence each day.

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Chef's kiss

You mean when men behave like men? Heaven forbid ...

The problem is that marketing profiles are focused on communities with registration, because it's easier to compile datapoints for individuals. All those communities are heavily moderated to prevent 'toxicity'. Marketing firms don't use boards like Yea Forums for datasets because they can't harvest succinct and accurate data to build consumer profiles due to anonymity.

So, when publishers are perusing marketing analytics they subsidized a 3rd party to gather to decide what content to include with their media, all they see is everyone loves trannies and faggots. Because any dissenting opinion is removed by moderation.

Point being, marketing analytics of the gaming community are absolutely fucked and inaccurate. Porn demographic data is probably much, much closer to what game publishers should be using for these decisions.

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Kill the libs.

Go back to where? If anything you need to return to Reddit where you belong if you support this type of shit you groomer.

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I'd rather crucify and fling shitty fearmongering media critic parasites into the Sun than judge the personal preferences of any hobbyist/gamer minding their own business

show them /pol/, they'll never pick up another videogame and spend all their time there instead

Maps are hecking cute and valid tho

It seems video games can indeed influence you to be a lot of really horrible things and to do a lot of really horrible things. Why was he hated again?

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>anti-Jewish and anti-lgbt are on the rise in the US
America is healing itself, I'm so happy.

I’m genuinely curious where we’re heading because it’s increasingly obvious the “culture war” is largely a top down ordeal; the elites are trying to force it to be our culture.

Oh look it's another "let's post inflammatory content in order to slander the left" thread.

>target an audience and call them all racists, sexists, entitled, etc.
>invade the market, remove everything they enjoyed, and say they aren't the target audience anymore
>be surprised that the number of retaliators rises
>gaming industry stormed by feminism troons and blacks, backed by corporations
>anyone who disagrees with top-down social changes is censored
>those people get angry
>discover who is responsible
>far-right extremists are a growing presence in gaming
Gee, it's almost like... that EXACTLY what they intended to achieve!

>Picrel was made in 2014
And what exactly was it supposed to prove, other then confirm absolutely right?

>Axios for faggot

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>defending pedophiles
Unironically kill yourself groomer

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I think you're the one that needs to go back, troon.

Because he, like you, are fags.

What are they even talking about? Even saying "gg ez" can get you banned from games
How much more moderation do they want? Most online game chats are completely dead already

Seethe and rent freely

Oh no they only own MOST of everything now and have all of the political power, they will lose any day now!! two weeks!!

Definitely, a place where the lgbt and their sympathizers should fear. Jews will have to make the hard choice in abandoning the lgbt if they don't want the people to come after them next.

You will never be a woman, bunkertranny.

t. (((protestant)))

One letter away from Axis, hmmmm......

>defending this type of bullshit
>defending people destroying their bodies
>defending encouraging young people to destroy themselves

Kill yourself. No one will miss you once you're dead.

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>Gee, it's almost like... that EXACTLY what they intended to achieve!
Who intended to catapult millions of liberal men rightward? No, they just started pumping the gas after "gay marriage" happened. Not sure why, but that opened the flood gates.

>How much more moderation do they want?
All of it, the fact you can talk and communicate in these games at all is an affront to them. At that point, they would start banning gestures, too.
Do note these people don't play video games. Turning your games into miniature north koreas doesn't bother them at all.

And you simp for them totally because you are not paid to do it, huh? Do you fucking idiots even think before opening your stupid mouths?

they release this article yearly since 2014.

You won't do shit.

Until 2016 pol was tolerable and i used to visit it, but since then they went absolute full retard and got flooded with Reddits rejects. Sad.

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>the problem is labelling anyone who isn't a Marx cultist as such.
I hope you see the irony in this.
Literally no one in the modern culture gives a single shit about Marx anymore except maybe some decrpit univ. professor and some irrelevant neckbeard on Twitter.
Marxism is literally the alt-right equivalent buzzword to "far-right extremists"

marxism is bullshit made up by the british to confiscate american land

Don't forget about degrading and unsafe the video game environment is for women.

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lol no

I feel like the left vs right dichotomy doesn’t encapsulate what’s going on, it’s progressivism vs traditionalism and they’re freaking out because the original puppet show theatre of progressivism vs do nothing isn’t working.

That's the issue with them, they just lump everything they don't like into one group so they don't understand anything.

>Oy vey, (((moderation)))
When did left wingers turned into authoritarian pricks?

Genuine question because the image in the OP is fucking hilarious.
Has anyone stuck an IED in a game controller?

Grimbeard went down a really dark path

I don't simp for them, I'm just realistic. The biggest "Win" for any side that is not the left since the election is a billionaire centrist buying Twitter.
It's been loss after loss after loss since then. Until the institutions stop defending and pushing it; nothing will change. You need an institutional backing to punish those responsible and investigate the crimes left ignored, and you don't have that. Instead, you have journalists making their own version of pravda day in, day out, libeling millions of people with nothing happening and no one allowed to speak out on it on every Potemkin village social media site on the internet. The big win being that one of the 5 or so Potemkin villages burned down. This isn't a win. Axios isn't going to suffer anything for calling people who just want to be left alone alt-right. They won't have their funding cut or their investors ask stiff questions of the editor. No, they'll go do it again, and you'll be right here in this thread saying the same exact thing.

The only purpose these threads serve is to embolden the same left wing retards who post here because they are well-aware that your seething is impotent. You won't and can't accomplish anything even if you were a billionaire with enough money to sway public policy. Every game is rigged against you.

Always have been.

>don't believe in communism where feminists make a million dollars and all men pay for it
"Far right"

>thread shittying unanimously on this shit
>tranny discorders arrive on cue and proceed to fight literally everybody
No wonder you sad sacks of shit off yourselves so much. You are the first line of disposable peons fighting for megacorps for free while thrown under the bus at the first sight of trouble and mocked by both sides.

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It doesn't but it's a convenient way to get people on their side. I wouldn't even call it progressivism since we seem to be regressing to a feudal society where only the few own everything supported by strong government arms who keep them from failing.

We won't have to once all you groomers kill yourselves. There is already a miasma of troons on Twitter freaking the ever loving fuck out since Elon bought it and are afraid that he'll allow "hate speech" so they won't have a safe space anymore even tho they still have other shitholes like Reddit.

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Everyone turns into authoritarian prick whenever their culture becomes mainstream, and stop being so whenever it becomes the minority again

>seething is impotent
>same week twatter is on suicide watch, disney got nuked, "don0t say gay" happens
Lol, Lmao.
You fulfilled your purpose, useful idiot. Now you are being cast aside by the same elites whose cock you so avidly suck.

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>What are they even talking about?
They are LIARS. It's all you need to know about them.

Given they are already going after them, the safest approach is to just kill white people. They are the problem.

You won't do shit and a billionaire buying twitter from another billionaire won't change shit either. That's the big irony of the twitter buyout: Literally everything they are saying about it, that it's a fascist platform that could be used to sway government opinion, was 100% true two weeks ago and was entirely the case for every election since Obama vs Romney.

When the reality is: nothing is going to change. Things are still as they were two weeks ago regardless of who bought corpo-government propaganda arm # 3. It's still going to be a corpo-government propaganda arm after he owns it.

i think the only reason i come here now might be because while the rest of the internet pushes me towards the right by being extremely passive aggressive and controlling, Yea Forums pushes me to the left an equal amount by being unbelievably hysterical and retarded about literally everything and contriving excuses to be hysterical when there are none

They've been like this for years. They're pro government, pro government mandates, pro corporations, pro censorship, pro anything that entails telling you what you are and are not allowed to do. If you went back to the 70's and told liberals this, they'd tell you that you were lying.

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Seething is impotent, What has changed with twitter from last week to this week? Fucking nothing. It's still fucking twitter and it still has Axios posting obvious propaganda smear campaigns on it. Nothing is going to change. You and the troons are deluding themselves into thinking it being handed over to a different flavor billionaire who has traditionally worked with the US Government will change it.

Oh no, your establishment puppet is Red now instead of Blue, celebrate/screech about it. Nothing changes. Axios makes another article. You'll make another thread.