Who's your main?
Vampire Survivors
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your mom
Most characters are too strong
pretty comfy game for like 3 bucks
even when vast majority of the enemies didn't get past the bibles, water still dominates
hard to say with the new Arcanas
was the gun girl but it might be the fireball girl
What are the best starting powerups to go for? I just got the game and I feel like there's some real stinkers, like the axe.
Used to be skellymangs but I've been using not Bayonetta recently, that revive arcana is a huge starting boost
garlic never fails in the early game but falls off late, hopefully by then you'll have your super items that nuke the whole screen so it won't matter
>tfw get overrun by bosses 20 seconds before the stage ends
Garlic makes knockback and freezing much stronger though.
If you didn't quite manage to get a build that can actually clear 100% curse you can always do garlic + freezing and it'll allow you to survive till the end.
The only weapon that can outdamage La Borra while playing on a sufficient curse level is Gorgeous Moon on Christine.
Cats are pretty cool late though.
>Cats are pretty cool late though.
the cats freaking suck
>the cats freaking suck
You just don't know how to cook them.
Got my first win on the forest level using the Runetracer survivor. Took maybe 20 games to get my first win.
>have to beat the game over and over again to unlock new stuff
>all the fun stuff is locked behind stuff
>at the time you've unlocked all the fun stuff the game becomes way too easy because of the extra powerups and the fact you've beaten it hundred of times already
I don't understand why people like these games so much
I guess I don't
>durr streamer play it, that mean good
>extra powerups
don't take them and/or upgrade curse you dumb niglet
>cats suck
genuine skill issue.
Anybody else having trouble with max curse bone zone? I literally can't even get to 10 minutes unless I use the crit arcana and its weapons.
You need hard damage there and can't rely on items.
>have to stand around for 5min before that cats decide to pick up the chicken
>having such a shit build they aren't grabbing ever damn candle on the screen instantly
skill issue. I had toastie hitting with death for 2000 a tick on a run before.
If the Reaper is an unlockable character, the devs should make him achievable natty.
I don't want to edit a file or cheese him with bullshit.
I don't think I had to do anything deliberate for cats to be good.
The infinite scaling meme only matters past 30 minutes.
The reaper is unlockable, the other one used to unlock in the reaper's place.
You can have every single stats maxed and they will still jack off and not pick up the chickens for 5min. What the fuck are you talking about when saying "shit build"?
Okami is my favorite game
It's pretty fucking rough, the last 2 minutes are completely insane and I only got through it because of revive spam.
Skill issue
Just play better. Tell your cats to get good too since they take after you.
How do you survive the turret spam without garlic?
I've beaten it without arcanas on Poppea because Poppea is easy.
I did have to grab shield + freezing though.
speed bible works good enough or a really fucking strong aoe
I took the bounce arcana to start with and that helped a lot for clearing.
Whip works just as well for that as well as the Song of Mana and this user has both.
>got a stalker every single time I went to the milk map which annoyed me to no end
>need to kill one to unlock the panini ghost
>stalker literally never spawned again
Bible is too slow for this stage.
That's why I said speed bible. There are builds where you can stack that shit so high it's spinning really fucking fast.
Stalker always appears in Bone Zone at 10 minutes, but I'm not sure if you can unlock Toastie from killing it or not.
You need to have your shit together by minute 4 or you won't make it.
MissingNo requires save editing to unlock
My shit is together in the first 30 seconds. what the fuck are you guys doing?
Make sure to turn off the luck power up, cuz it makes him less likely to spawn
Its easier to just take the guaranteed Drowner spawn in the tower. If a relic spawns at all just camp nearby until minute 25, spawn him in and then instakill, just be ready on the button combo.
Bone zone is filtering me so fucking hard, I can't win unless I'm using Red Death
>pick Mortaccio
>enter The Bone Zone
>die because the bone sucks dick
Get ready to die at 29 minutes
Anyone with high damage bounce weapons obliterates the bone zone. I think you are getting filtered. No future is also very strong there. Knife crits and cross bouncing also destroys that place. It's really a matter of choice once you get a good setup. I can't believe you fuckers are dying at 5 minutes. Then again I'm used to toastie and not being able to fuck around.
Traitorous calcium.
bounce arcanas are pretty bonkers
>unlock bounce and crit arcana
>I deal 20 times more damage than before
>Try out ballboy who starts with Holy Wand
>pick bounce arcana
Fucking ridiculously broken.
What's the best weapon evolution and why is it Phieraggi?
Bounce made a lot of weapons that fall off hard do way better.
That's what curse is for, higher difficulty for those that want it accompanying higher rewards. Some levels are borderline impossible on max curse.
You seem to think he has actually played this game.
I just wish the two guns changed direction when they bounced then things would get really crazy
>Who's your main?
Orca man akbar!
If you used
>Thousand edge
>No future
>Gorgeous moon
>Any bounce weaps
You didn't beat bone zone
>plan a build you want to try out and start a run
>since there are more arcana now you can't guarantee all the ones you want
>your weapons and items are often set before you even get to the 11 minute mark second arcana so there's no room to improvise
I hope there's a way to at least play the arcana odds as more get added, like with the rerolls.
I personally got it from the Tower due to a guaranteed spawn at 25 min
This is a fun little time waster with decent a dopamine hit, but it baffles me when people talk about it like there is any skill or strategy involved.
There's only so much you can do as a player with inputs limited to moving in 4 directions, and once you figure out what items to get in which order (either through trial and error or just looking it up) that's all there is.
this song lives rent free in my head
>Green Reaper spawns
>kill it with a Pentagram proc
>don't get the Toasty prompt
wtf, I even had my fingers spamming down+enter and just got cucked.
>he doesn't even know what weapons are strong
Imagine being this bad at video games.
Bone zone really ruins the cats with the no item stuff.
You're right, I didn't beat bone zone. Rattled it hard.
Toasty, at least until I can get her to 200 and kill the reaper.
bounce + fire explosion arcana is NUTS
Basic pentagram doesn't work, its gotta be a moon, relic, or minecart kill.
Its bullshit I know
do you have Exdash unlocked?
Upgraded gun with tome and upgraded water pretty much guarantee a win.
if you're playing on easy mode sure
I never said strong, all I said was you didn't beat it if you used those
I 100% the game with them
Oh god, I bet it's like how sometimes Pentagram doesn't delete items. Because I had it happen once before and I missed it because of the timing. Then I did it again with Pentagram girl on Dairy Farm but it didn't pop up.