I like these people, they're simply happy together, he's good at editing, she's pretty and sings well...

I like these people, they're simply happy together, he's good at editing, she's pretty and sings well, the videos show that they actually cared to play the games in their own way (which is the mainstream way and is going to be statistically informative to most people), and their videos overall aren't overstaying their welcome.

Attached: 1650147830125.jpg (1024x576, 92.5K)

Based wholesome poster. I agree.

i liked the novelty idea of reviewing the games under the perspective of a spectator of the game instead of the player.

often in the "how annoying are the players from X game" and what are the memes related to it.

its not all that useful, but we already have a gazilion reviewers doing the same thing, so props for the creativity

Yeah, but can they hire someone to do original bgms?

that's not a bad idea actually, they don't have music composition talent and could partner up with somebody else for that stuff

[Do not recommend channel]

She has evil eyes. I don't trust her. I've slept with seven women and been in two happy relationships and I am never wrong.

I hate women so much guys. The hate is unbelievable in it's amount

I'm gonna guess the happy relationships stopped being happy once you showed your schizo side

Don't like that they exclusively review AAA mainstream idiot titles, and always suck them off. They parrot what everyone's already saying, even if it's a meme.


The second happy relationship is my wife and the first was a friend with whom I split amicably. Your bitter virginity and need to find friends through YouTubers will be your downfall. I am never wrong.

He groomed her. He's a groomer. The power dynamic is completely off in their relationship. She's a zoomer and doesn't know any better.

they're building appeal I guess, plus they're normie so unlikely to be diving deep into the edgy content out there
But yeah they could definitely prop up some indies, that'd be nice of them and probably less effort too.

Meds, pal. Meds.

It’s a tough pill to swallow but you really just have to humor women like you would a child. I can’t even have a meaningful conversation with my own mother, women are just that simple minded.

I want to face fuck that bitch

Find real friends. Those who watch YouTubers are in dire need. Truth once again rains forth from my righteous tongue.

>Girlfriend Review
Graphics: 6/10
Gameplay: 3/10
Sound: 6/10
Story: 8/10
Price: 3/10
Final Review: Amy is a decent girlfriend. But may not be worth the cost if you're on a tight budget. And the addition of a cat is to the detriment of the experience. Overall I'd give Amy a 6/10

Find meds. Those who speak like a faggot Jesus usually need them. Truth comes out of my stinky anus.

Does he review girlfriends of other people and rate them?

I would personally give her 8/10 in graphics (simp factor), and 10/10 in sound (a singing gf is always nice)

I remember from years ago that there was a study done by a woman where she larped as a man for weeks to get an idea of a man’s life compared to a woman’s. One key difference she immediately noticed in men’s circles is how our conversations are much deeper and more thought provoking compared to conversations between women.

source on that? just curious

she'll get bored, she'll ruin his life, eventually

I can't even take them seriously anymore, they hit on me and it's like someone's passing me a crack rock, like I don't want that

I find musical parody inherently cringy, I tend to skip all the singing.

>Truth comes out of my stinky anus
A man of culture would clean his anus. Your virginity and desperate defense of youtubers brings me sorrow.

People who live in soulless american apartments filled with ikea furniture and decorated in pop culture figurines and art make me fucking sick.

their videos were better a year ago. They've gotten kind of bad recently

are you from kazakhstan by any chance?

Why is he not impregnating her at every chance?

Americans can't afford much else. The average debt per citizen is around 60k I think.

unironically based

uhhhhh but what if she said "no"?

It’s not fair Genobros…

They're in debt because they take out loans to buy fucking funko pops

I agree with that. They forgot their fun along the way with all the corporate shit.

How blatantly can you shill your own channel lol....
dumb cunt

how did she score?

I wish I was them, because I am severely sexually attracted to her even though my brain can tell she looks like a normal girl. I can only imagine what a coomer's existence is like if it's like that 24/7

>my wife
you found someone who'd settle for you, that's nice
>a friend with whom I split amicaly
translation: she was done with you, but you were such a pussy you agreed you weren't worth her time

She's a twat.


because she's a fucking woman.
I hate them so much

oh you're still here schizobro
I hope you find somebody deluded enough to love you one day, you seem to need it

do you think you'll ever kill one day?

low test. kill yourself

I have a girlfriend and I think this channel is posturing roastie garbage. KYS OP

Heckin reddit!

Downvoted for being a cunt

>defending sluts

reported to FBI for probably having a dozen murdered bodies in fridge + for samefagging

it was an honest question how am i defending sluts

shit I better get out of the country


be honest Yea Forums... would you?

I would, so hard.

This board is full of desperate zoomer simps, is this even a question

would you rape her if the opportunity presented itself?

no because I'm not a serial killer like you schizofag

Without a doubt. All fucking night long.
I don't even care if the girl had to be involved somehow, I'd do it.

>they're simply happy together

Attached: e6501c8c962cd83c1821a5aea2b3e34e.jpg (437x431, 14.86K)

They're in a happy relationship and have a sucessfull project together, I'm single and I can't make a single dollar from the only thing I'm remotely good at, which is drawing

Consider me jelly

High test, live forever king

Stop posting and take your meds schizofag.

>watching some normies being normal
why would i bother? i've never had a girlfriend, never will be able to

Don't reply to me you disgusting freak

what if you knew 100% you'd get away with it?

why is this mexican in a topic about white people for white people. either way its always a good laugh when a brown person like this is trying to be tough. reminds me of chihuahuas

She's so cute :(

I take no pleasure in physically raping somebody, it's for low-IQ monke
The real way to win is to make somebody crave your body despite the fact that you are a disgusting retard, a.k.a raping the mind.

Holy fucking based

Holy fucking cringe

Attached: 002b.png (232x300, 69.52K)

sounds like low test to me

Sounds like you're deaf then, monke.

it only works on fat chicks also. why even go through all the trouble when you can just buy them food

low test

yea this is some serious testosterone issues here. very low.

>no i would NEVER have sex with a women unless she let me *tips hat*
consume more onions faggot

You emerged naked bloody and screaming from a vagina.
You owe your entire existence to women lol.

I get the feeling that he does 90% of the writing and she is basically just a glorified voice over

It's always fun seeing the mentally deficient incels come out of their hiding trashcans

Fucking an unconscious women really is the pinnacle of sex, done it on some drunk women. You can be your ugly self without putting up a front. It really is the best. No matter how hard you try, you know you always hold yourself back from being 100% yourself around a girl

>nnnooo you have to wait until the woman allows you to use her stinky hole

youre not having fun because your test is low.

you're actually embarrassing yourself

have you ever strangled any of them

I had a gf twice, it's even worse now that I'm alone and know what I'm missing out on, kill me

It's much better to be your ugly self without putting up a front and STILL get them to fuck you anyway. So it's funny to see retards calling it low-test to actually be put to the test without fear of being seen.
If you fear the look of a woman you've already lost, and they know it.

so edgy, much teenage