What do you think about games having this kind of disclaimer?

Does it ruin your experience from the get go?
Do you recognize it as a pathetic attempt at pandering and seeking virtue points so you ignore it?
Do you see it as a red flag that means the game will be full of garbage?

Lots of games have it nowadays. Anything involving Lovecraft, games with a historical setting, every Ubisoft game, etc.

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Gender identity is not even a real thing.

its a dogwhistle for extreme leftist ideologies

I don't really care

Are you not proud of being a man?

never played anything that has this kind of disclaimer, is it common to some type of game or is it quite rare?

you literally do not care about your culture and race being destroyed? you do not care about your country failing?

I tend to stumble upon it pretty often but I tend to play story driven games, I don't really like shooters or things like that. I've seen it on every Ubisoft game, Call of Cthulhu, Sinking City and the council. Some online games have it too.

no, I don't

Being proud of being a man means you've got something to prove and is a lowkey cope. A normal man doesn't need to hold pride in being a man, he just is.

then you are beyond saving. how fucking sad. you failed as a human being.

Red flag.

ah ok, that's why, it's been a while since i've touched games like this or ubisoft in general. cheers

What does any of that have to do with this disclaimer?

literally only ass creed. started with just "multicultural team w/ various religious beliefs" to cover their ass for the very first ass creed cus you went around murdering muslims/christians in the crusades. changed for "current year" around 2010ish or something to include other nonsense

>he just is.

So you don't enjoy being male? You don't worship masculinity? You just are a man and don't think about it? Gender doesn't play a big role in your life?

Is not gender the one that dictates your tastes? Your way of thinking? What you wear, how you act, how people adress you? Your role in life itself?

You just go through life wearing miniskirts? No? Ah, because you care about being a man. Do you get in front of the wheel of a car and suddenly start applying your make up and crash your car? No? Because you're a man.

I never understood people who think their gender don't matter when it dictates who they are. If you weren't a man you wouldn't be here in pol, you would be on twitter crying about Elon Musk being a nazi. Stop rejecting manhood, embrace masculinity.

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>he says posting on a Taiwan knitting board

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>Does it ruin your experience from the get go?
The what? Nah I just wanna play it
>Do you recognize it as a pathetic attempt at pandering and seeking virtue points so you ignore it?
I don't, why would I? It's a neutral estatement
>Do you see it as a red flag that means the game will be full of garbage?
I see it as a way for developers to shield themselves from the shitstorm of stupidity that is modern media

Not particularly? I'm not exactly ashamed of it either, I just am. Do you feel some sort of camaraderie with people you've never met before because they have the same thing between their legs that you do?

I've never played a game with this disclaimer that I wanted to play more than once.

I just want to click play and then play the game. I hate any form of intro/launcher shit and won't read it. Some games you can skip intro but I remember a few games would brick if you tried deleting the vid files or adding -nointro to launch option

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Come on nigga do the bare minimum with your homoerotic copypasta

No one should.

I'd go through life wearing miniskirts if I thought they were more comfortable than pants. But they're not, so I wear pants.

I like how they took out the "various religious faiths and beliefs" section since literally every last one of them working on these shit games in a staunch atheist.

Only games i seen with this kinda warning are from ubisoft and psychonauts 2

>/pol/? we- no I mean these posters arent from /pol/ why are you so obsessed with /pol/?
reminder that EVERY poster who randomly obsessed about "the left", gender politics and similar garbage in video game related threads is from /pol/


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they're the type who would say religion bad except islam and judaism and pretty much anything that isn't explicitly christian

Being a man is not an identity, it's a biological fact.

I roll my eyes because this only mattered in Asscreed 1.

>rent free schizo

I played some Australian made 2D web slinging spider game that opened with "The developers of this game acknowledge that we are living on land stolen from the aboriginal oongaboongabo people". That may have been some faggoty requirement for govt arts funding though.

Do you know the definition of identity?

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Useless disclaimer by people who aren't confident that the game will speak for itself.

It reminds me how completely pussified our culture has become. But it's been this way for about a decade and there's no going back, so I don't dwell on it.

gender is some bullshit a pedo made up.
it's just male and female, two sexes

And your sex is irrelevant to you?

You first, what does "man" mean?

Adult human male. Now answer my question.

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a featherless biped

Nice dodge, what's a " male" ?

A dinosaur wolf hybrid Next question please

No, because nothing I can do is going to stop it

I have never seen this soiverload of a warning so I must be picking games right.

they want you to give up

It reeks of "We did something racist but we're not racist because we're minorities".

Living being with a set of XY chromosomes and a beautiful cock and two balls? Are you gonna answer my question or not? Are you terrified of admitting that you can be both a man and embrace male culture? Because you can be born a man and be a creepy tranny that dresses as a woman. Being a man and having man as part of your identity is different things.

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I appreciate them announcing it'll be shit well within the refund period.

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Okay and? Still don't care

I can't give you the definition of "gender identity" because I already said it doesn't exist. It's nothing but a dualist delusion. Your personality and sense of self are your biology.

its ok. I will fight for you and everyone like you.

I think I have never seen one.

I have never played a game with this in it and I don't imagine I ever will

>Your personality and sense of self are your biology.

There's more to humans than the parts of your body.

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Great I'm gonna shitpost and play vidya

>muh metaphysics
As I said, dualist delusion. You are on the same conscious and intellectual level of religious nuts.

If I ever see that shit I just refund and buy something else, If aids proved something is that nothing good comes out of faggotry.

>simple question makes supposedly-masculine trads deny manliness and the existence of male culture

Yeah I can see why you'd believe that

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Brutally based.

I don't care in the least and I don't need to know.
The fewer splash and loading screens, paragraphs of pointless shit filler text, the better.

>What do you think about games having this kind of disclaimer?
Why the fuck am I playing an Ubisoft game because only Ubisoft games have that dumbass disclaimer

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the Hitman games have it too

games have always been multinational and multiracial affairs. you're never playing just a Japanese game. or just an American game. Embrace the globohomo, you're in their ballpark.

>This game was produced by a bunch of gays.

>This game is a work of fiction. Any references to real characters or events are purely coincidental.

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Jesus Christ.
I shut the game off right then and there.