Video games are becoming far too demanding
Video games are becoming far too demanding
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Its okay to be poor.
120 GB of what lol?
155 without the high res stuff
Disk space is cheap but devs abuse the fuck out of it. I always respect devs who manage to make amazing shit in a short space.
Baba is You = 104MB
Sekiro = 13GB
Fury Unleashed = 1GB
Astral Ascent = 1GB
Dyson Sphere Program = 2.7GB
No Man's Sky = 12GB
Project Wingman = 13GB
Super Mario Bros weights less that 1Mb
it's pretty hilarious how Mortal kombat 11 is bigger than no man's sky
Star Fox 64 is 12MB and has full voice acting.
there's this theory that corporate makes devs bloat the games so that theirs is the only game on your disk or some shit
I turn off all of the post processing shit nowadays. It looks TERRIBLE. Everything becomes a blurred mess. It's like if I took my glasses off IRL and looked at the mess of colors and shapes my broken eyes transmit.
FXAA & TAA is blurry shit. Motion blur is blurry shit. DOF is blurry shit. Light bloom is blurry shit. I get a terrible halo effect around objects in most games from AA and lighting.
We have HD textures with enough memory to use them. We have enough processing power for particle effects and blood/bullet holes/corpses. We have engines that display good shadows. We have good draw distance and don't have to downscale textures or ruin animations for things that are far away. All this can be done comfortably at 60FPS with hardware from >10 years ago.
All game devs can do now to justify the new tech is to add more BLURRY UGLY BULLSHIT POSTPROCESSING. It's godawful visual vomit.
What’s the most demanding game out there?
star citizen is taxing the fuck out of your machine
check out their telemetry:
1% of players above 60fps kek
You're not wrong, but fast disk space isn't that cheap. I'm also not just used to these stupidly huge games, and don't dimension my SSDs accordingly.
I hate activision so fucking much
and they still look worse than Crysis with less physics and destruction
Games used to fit on a 64mb cart
star shitizen runs on my 970 that my online friend gave me for free. He bought the 970 as an upgrade for Star citizen like a decade ago. It runs like shit because of the servers
everybody jerks off about server meshing but no, it runs like shit because it's coded in a way that has no understanding of memory restrictions and GPU prioritization
that's also why people with low specs get better performance on medium and high than low: devs aren't working on making shit run properly when they focus on the next gacha spaceship to create throwaway game mechanics for
>Crippling your own HDD/SSD with the tumor that is CoD
Not even Fortnite pulls that shit. Hell, AssCreed games at least are big as fuck, CoD just abuses your storage so you can't play anything else
i guess, idk the specifics, but a year ago when i was trying it again it ran smooth as butter on a fresh server restart. On other servers or after a few hours id get less than 1 fps at populated stations.
The planets are the fps killer right now. Space mining and space combat, at least on my machine, is >59fps. That's with gpu and cpu scores being 112 and 147 respectively. Even the huge serverwide combat event that happened a few months ago was smooth.
Also I would hardly call it a game. It's a tech demo until they add substantial gameplay loops.
>Baba is You= 104 MB
you call that short space? it's a 2d pixelart game ffs
in 2022 yeah it's small
when looking at the game, there's about 50MB of ogg-format music, two font files that are nearly 8MB each, and a directX runtime that is 3MB. Most of the world-related assets are a few KBs each.
So basically if you have shit chiptunes and trim the fuck out of the font distribution you're already down to less than half that size. It's entirely possible to do that but the dev probably figured maximum compatibility with different platforms wasn't worth going from 100MB to 40MB.
At small sizes like that there's a lot of modern OS shit you can't avoid, unlike the absolutely retarded asset sizes of unoptimized 3d games
Devs just simply don't give a shit. Look at the Spyro remake, it was 60GB when it came out. So big it could not fit on an XboxOne/Ps4 disk and needed a 10GB "patch" that was actually the rest of the game. It was rushed and buggy.
Eventually one the Switch version came out they HAD to compress it, and manage to compress the Xbox and PS4 version too, which then got a massive 35GB "patch" that was actually the entire game re-compressed into something sane. Newer printings of the physical game now have this 35GB version and don't need any patches, and the PC version is 35GB now too. They didn't give a shit and just wanted to rush it out when they could have compressed it to nearly half it's size and only did it once they had to.
>Disk space is cheap
Not for SSDs it isn't, and running a modern game off HDD is pain. Not even an option on newer consoles over SSD.
bro just wait for ssds to go from like a few tb to 10tb
they're usually unoptimized trash too
By then games will be like 500gb
I mean that was bound to happen anyways
this industry is fucked regardless of what you do and try i'll be sticking to mostly indies anyways that way my games are super small
the biggest game i genuinely give a shit about is doom eternal otherwise everything else is in within 10 or 20 gb at most usually
Just go buy an 8TB hard drive retard
>short space.
what the fuck user
It's ok to be a retrofag but don't give me a surprised look at that filesize. Video games were already a couple DVDs more than a decade ago, it's not at all unreasonable to be 13G in the internet era.
You have 3 decades worth of pc games that can be played on a toaster.
>Sekiro: 13GB
Holy shit its that small? I genuinely thought it was in the 30-40GB range
Nevermind, OP sucks cock as a hobby
Its compressed to 13 when you dl it. Its 25 gb installed.
PC games are getting harder to run and the graphics are staying the same or getting worse
nope, it's 13GB
and btw there's 870MB for opening movie + stafflistmovie files, meaning it could be down by almost 1G on top of that
>1060 6GB
My smallest storage drive would have 110GB free afterwards. Stop being poor and crying that your 15 year old 250GB hard drive is struggling with modern file sizes. I bet you download all your music >implying you aren't some spotify streamfag in 128kb/s mp3 too.
>indie pixelshit
>gaymes with orange box edition tf2 visuals
>fromshit aka literally a launch 360 title rereleased across three gens
Go back.
I remember downloading School Days and thinking it was the biggest game ever
t. shitskin
>Video games are becoming far too demanding
Hopefully, so graphics can get better
Why can't devs optimize for shit?
What's the last game that actually wowed you graphically? Seems like devs gave up years ago and just use stronger PC to bruteforce through their poor optimization.
Not subtle at all about your bait, retard.
>he has no argument
>he has no sense
>he cries "bait" at all dissent
Graphics dont really need to get better than ps3/360 era
Ate modern Vidya
Luv old Vidya
simple as
rayman origins
>he needs to talk like this to continue his baits
A 1060 isn't even that good of a card. What pisses me off more about games becoming more demanding is when they are demanding because of shit optimisations. You have shit fucking AAA games with graphics that look no better than shit that came out 10 years ago but they struggle to do 60fps even on a 3000 series card when they should run fucking flawlessly.
It's not bait, child. Storage space is cheap. Even SSD storage is trivial. I just bought a 1TB SSD to replace my old boot drive SSD, in the middle of the spooky scary chip shortage meme, from a well known manufacturer, for less than an eighth of my rent. You're poor.
doom eternal is a fine example of looks great and runs flawlessly while other games that don't even look 1/3rd as good struggle to even get a decent fps
it's insane
Get a new SSD. Im poor and still have 2 m.2's in my PC that can each easily hold that.
>halo shitfinite
>1080p max settings
>still dips below 70fps with the best cards on the market despite the game looking like shit
you're switching bait mid-bait, take your meds
how much for elden ring?
what? my 6 year old dog shit computer is above recommended specs
49.2GB last time I had it installed