During a shift break my boss asked me if I have any hobbies and I told him that I play video games...

During a shift break my boss asked me if I have any hobbies and I told him that I play video games. He laughed at me and said that I need to get a productive hobby. Was he right ?

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Only thing I can thank video games for giving me the ability to type at 120wpm so there's that I guess

yeah, you should be doing more to make sure mr. shekelstein gets his 10th yacht
entertainment and relaxation are for pussies

video game... bad!
have... sex!
trannies... bad!
high school love... never had!

All mine does is golf so I doubt he cares.

I learned English from playing video games though

Vidya taught me English & it’s teaching me Japanese right now.
>implying your incel ass leaves the house, much less have a job.

>Was he right ?

Yes. Your boss obviously liked you and wanted to go out with you but you proved you're some no life virgin. Why would he want to date a loser like you now?

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Poetry is fucking trash. I can understand reading a book, learning a language but POETRY? Also implying you can't play games as well as do those other things as well

What a fucking FAGGOT

>"... A fun fact he never memorised."
Is that what people nowadays calls "NPC behavior"? Christ, that's retarded.

>productive hobby
he wants you to work more for the same pay

Stop ban evading farquaad

>a poem he didn't read
>a fun fact he never memorized
how retarded do you have to be that it takes you the length of a video game to read a poem or memorize a sentence or two?
>muh learning a language
takes years, and video games in that language can unironically help the process

yes, you should have a productive hobby, something that would benefit him instead of just getting you self satisfaction

>trannies... bad!

Yes troon, trannies... bad! Cancer eating away at western civilization.

>learning any language other than japanese and english
>fun facts
woah it's fucking nothing. thanks I will game harder

Happened to me as well. Except that my conversation didn't happen in English, because the people telling me to be productive never learned it.
Roru. Rumao.

Whats with the obsession on being productive?

>board games good
>strategy games bad because screen

No one likes you Farquaad

You do realize that playing videos games in your spare time is exactly what KEEPS you working for Mr. Shekelstein

Don't get into poetry, get into pottery. Actually useful hobby.

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Of course
If he wasn't playing games he would be elon musk by now

the elites love to demean their slaves and work them to the bone

>Don't play video games, keep working for me!


Productivity is a joke, hobbies should be fun. That said, consider taking up something in addition like painting, sketching, weight lifting or martial arts. That way you'll have something to physically show for your efforts besides a collection of discs and electronic trophies.


Poetry is great, but most normalfags just bring it up to seem sophisticated.

You should have a productive hobby but that doesn't mean you have to stop playing vidya

pottery is too easy learn leatherworking instead

NPCs were sold on the lie of the American Dream™ which hasn't been a thing anymore since the 80s.

You can study, go into student debt, and kiss as much ass as possible and you'll still be a writhing, wriggling worm who will get cucked by Jamal and owe alimonies, barely afford to live and have no upward momentum. Better to just check out and kick back while society accelerates its downfall.

>Actually useful hobby.
It gives the illusion of being "useful". Why the fuck does a hobby have to be useful anyway? Are we not allowed to enjoy something just for the sake of enjoying it?

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>hobbies need to be productive
Absolute brainlet take, only the dregs of low IQ society would encourage such a poor life choice
My boss is a classic cars guy, the definition of money sink the hobby, I showed him a shelf of my vidya collection, he said it looks cool

Productivity obsession was bred into the boomers by their corporate slave drivers and you should feel pity for him.

I don't take anyone who uses that font seriously.

Define "useful".

what the fuck is a 'productive' hobby
i do not want my enjoyment to be commercialized and monetized for someone else to purchase
if i am taking part in a hobby it is purely for personal reasons.

Slurp every inch of my veiny and dirty cock, mr. goldenberg.

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>Willingly learn more languages
>Willingly subject yourself to understanding more of people's bullshit.

Leave me alone with my pots, they're my friends

isn't the original one DYEL cope?

>boss wants you to spend your free time doing things that might make him more money
Should I be surprised why? Just do whatever you want.

What's his hobby?


No it isn't. You're the next brand of moron they rolled out when the one in OP started going out of fashion. Enjoy your sigma grindset or whatever gay crypto scam you think you're gonna use to escape.

who cares about being productive when you can have FUN instead

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Me on the right

>hmmm yes don't have fun keep grinding forever

Daily reminder to all dark enlightenucks that Jordan Petersen is a pill popping moron who ruined his career because he wouldn't give the most basic respect to a person by calling them by their preference.

if you are not making gaming a side hustle then you are simply throwing money away

Your hobby doesn't need to be productive, oldhead probably spends more time chugging beers in front of the sportsball tube than he does woodburning or whatever boomer hobby he does.
You should definitely find some sort of creative thing to do as well. It can be a video game, just something where you need to think and apply yourself rsther than just go through the motions and react to challenges a game throws at you.

I'm almost 30 and never had a real hobby. I'm quite pathetic in retrospect.

What does Jordan Peterson and him not respecting some tranny's pronouns have to do with my boss laughing at me ?

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I wish I was that twink.

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No, even if he had good intent.
If you're stuck in a rut, finding yourself wanting to accomplish other objectives but crippled by a lack of time, then yeah pissing away time grinding away in games is a poor decision.

Though for most people there's nothing wrong enjoying their leisure time as they want. Being bullied into devoting your spare time for another's satisfaction/benefit without reward is the greatest cuck, you may as well be moderating online Mongolian throat weaving forums for zero compensation. It's still worth it on a personal level though to try out other hobbies you're interested in, variety enhances every experience, and even picking up basic things like cooking raises your quality of life immensely.

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Something where you "produce" something. Works different parts of your brain when you make something new. Could be drawing, carpentry, pottery like another user mentioned, even making your own vidya. Just making stuff for yourself.

If video games are your only hobby, yes. People seriously underestimate the value of having even a basic creative outlet and if all you do is consoom I feel bad for you.

bro, I learned english and spanish while playing video games. soon it's gonna teach me japanese too.
keep seething EOP.

Many people are treated like slaves by their bosses, yes, but if my job allows me to keep my house and car, have holidays and WFH when office is not needed, why would I try to escape?

Until you are financially independent, none of your time should be wasted on hobbies.
You can't complain about Mr. Shekelstein, and at the same time do absolutley fucking NOTHING with your time to get out of that situation where you are his slave. I mean well, you can, but it makes you look like a utterly foolish retard.

>you must be productive and make money for your jew owner even in your free time!!!
why are americans like this?

Learning a language is hard as fuck past a certain age. I did it once (Spanish) and am trying to do it again (Korean) and am hitting a wall hard. Writing is hard work too. You need an outlet to relax.

sounds like you know an awful lot more than youre willing to admit. its ok user, id be embarrassed to have taken him seriously too

Even writing smut on AO3 is more creative than cosnsooming bideogames.

so you're not dependent on the whims of your owner

>Until you are financially independent
For 99% of people that will never happen even if they spend 48 hours a day "improving themselves".

Boomers and by extent gen xers because they are the main offshoots of the "by your bootstraps" generation
They are absolutely salty and seething at the fact that their "hard work" created a much easier world to live in by proxy and can't bear to accept the fact that current and future generations, for the most part, have it easier than them so they have to waste every breathing moment making their superiority known, its beyond cringe and hilarious, fuck old people

>You gotta clean your room, bucko!

Daily reminder to all mutant simps. Forcing people to do something they're uncomfortable with is not basic respect. Respect is earned not coerced.

>financially independent
that doesn not exists. Even mr. shekelstein depends entirely on both his employees and the brainlets that buy his shit to live.
It's literally impossible to be "financially independent".

The process of learning other languages makes me feel like a clueless little tyke, but actually having learned another language is a profoundly gratifying, mind-opening, and impressive thing.

No such thing in CivEng jobs, thankfully.

if gaming is your only hobby that might be a problem but that’s also dependent on other factors in your life. if you’re getting social and emotional fulfillment from friends/family/coworkers and choose to enjoy your free time in ways that contribute to that general sense of well being there’s no problem. if you sit at home never talking to anyone and play vidya all day that is a problem, my guess is you’ve got a problem

I couldn't give two fucks about JP, it wasn't hard to guess who would bitch about being called 'he'

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Boomers didnt work hard, they were born into the most prosperous world ever created by man, and pissed it away because of their narcissism and greed. They are butthurt that younger people know this and hate them for it.

Videogames teach you to deal with frustration and assholes.

hahaha wagie cope. you will never not be a slave, you untermensch faggot.

Its less hard because of the material and more hard because by the time you are in adult life you are more likely to be locked into a routine and sphere of existence. You can't easily study abroad as a wagie no matter which collar color you sport cultural immersion as well as daily conversation practice is what makes language stick fast, book learning will only get you so far until you get that intangible stuff to lock in
But no one who says "just learn a language and be productive" actually takes this in to consideration

Just mix them both.


uh you do know that money is a store of value
as in you can store value with it
as in you do not need to constantly have people buying your shit or working for you in order for you to have financal net worth so long as you save your money?

Right but don't tell them that, they get to revel in the spoils because their actual parents, the ones who fought for the new world are all dying or dead at this point so being the top of the totem pole by default in terms of age they can sell themselves on whatever lies they want while pissing and shitting their pants the minute someone turns on a microwave lol

Everyone should have a productive hobby, if "productive" means the hobby involves making something. Being able to show someone what you like to do, instead of just telling them about it, is much better. It makes you far more interesting and it feels great to be able to share your hobby with someone in as complete a way as showing them the result of it.

you work for a wage, you have an owner
even if you dont work for a wage you have an owner in whoever it is your client is
i guess you could sell drawings and stuff and never have to deal with people

My bosses only hobbies are drinking and watching sports. I dont take the opinions of anyone that does either of those things seriously and neither should you.

>as in you can store value with it
oh you mean gambling in stock exchange and depending entirely on whether some CEO didn't do something stupid and crashed his market value?

Not necessarily, but I'd make sure it isn't your sole hobby.

I agree with resting and not working yourself to death. But, this is the type of faggot that's just a neet and ends up living an fulfilled life and living a slovenly life in a trash heap of a home.

That's why you just say "Nope".

Normalfags can't process that answer to having hobbies and just shutdown.

Uh not at all. Currency stores value all by itself.
Well, for the most part I guess.

Haha no

Why? Give me 3 good reasons

Lmaoing @ you, hobbies are your free do whatever time, otherwise it's just an unpaid job

oohh I see what you mean. Depending on whether someone didn't mine too much of a metal or if someone needs a lot of said metal is totally finantial independence

>each game you play represents an amount of money your boss doesn't get to make
yeah i'm thinking BASED

My "owner" is also an engineer, not some faggy new "leadership profession" who will fire me at whim because i can't explain to him what I'm talking about when I explain what he thinks it's a mistake.
And behind the employer there is the Professional College that regulates actually liveable wages and actually has the authority to enforce it on private settings.

Thats a boldface lie and you obviously have only ever had one job in the profession

yes and he still owns you. Whether he has 500 phd titles or not doesn't change that

If you need a reason to understand why consooming media as a sole hobby at this point in your life you are either underage or a generic capeshitter/soiboy npc.