Literally impossible
Literally impossible
Other urls found in this thread:
Wario in Warioland 2
Yoshi is literally shooting his own fetuses at enemies in service for his country
Fuck you.
Niko Bellic
It doesn't count if it's self-inflicted
women in modded skyrim
Invoker in my last 70 minute game of Dota 2
Big Boss
Imagine never having consumed tragic media before
Naked Snake
>betrayed by his mentor
>broken limbs
>loses an eye
>goes down a river of the damned to make you feel guilty about all of those throats you accidentally slit
>has to kill mentor
>used by his own government
>gets tricked by a sloot in a beige jumpsuit
The last one doesn't really count since he got laid.
Literally any old codger in fromsoft games.
>is Black
>tricked in to killing wife n kid by the retarded god Ares
>once you kill him and become to new god of war, the nightmares dont go away. Infact you are told they will never go away as punishment
>spend eternity reliving the nightmare of killing his own family over and over
>Even after you kill all the gods that did this to you the nightmares never go away
>when he finally find peace and happiness, its ripped away by some more asshole gods
at least he got a sweet fucking gun out of it
Is there a source or is that just a one-shot art?
Nibba, is you serious? That's Berserk - Mangaka died before finishing it so don't bother
Not vidya but
We wuz greeks and shiet
What is this slash-through the eyebrow style shit? What does it convey? I see it EVERYWHERE IRL now.
Noble 6. Fucking zooms.
Indeed, fuck off.
>cock and balls torture
>you're the cock
how can you be this retarded
Even replaying the game you have this feeling of dread knowing what kind of shit awaits you at the next town.
It didn't ask if it was deep it asked who got hurt the most, you retard.
Your twitter screenshot doesn't specify the source of the character. Kill yourself zoomer retard
I went through more pain having to see your shitty Twitter screencap thread again than this fictional character ever did.
Fuck off.
A good chunk of people in Yoko Taro games to be honest with you.
Kratos is literally a nigger.
>the skin tone
>that nose
>those lips
>his penchant for violence and fucking random white bitches on sight.
Your pain is not worthy of sympathy when you bring it on yourself. If it is avoidable, and you didn't, then that's on you. Good job.
doomguy's rabbit got killed
Megaman X
I really hope this is bait, otherwise you’re a massive retard.
For having to tolerate your shit bait threads.
Jackie Chan
Even in her own game, Ellie didn't go through the most shit. Joel or Tommy went through way more shit.
Ayo hol up
hitler in wolfenstein, sniper elite, persona 2, and every other game that has him killed or defeated
Our noses don't point down like that.
Kratos is a med through and through.
>South America
Fucking died