Will you buy there game now?

Will you buy there game now?

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what the fuck does THAT stand for?

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It's the sequel.

Stop shilling this shit. Also from all the gay porn of David we all knew he was gay.

Keked out loud

Gay Tony?

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>(2) two-spirited
>bisexual but different


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What is the 2

>look it up
what the fuck is even going on anymore

>LGBTQIA2+ Electric Boogaloo

I'm a schizo with a dead bitch in my head, does that make me a two-spirit?

Looks like that dude that failed at hosting E3, the thanks nig guy.



No, how do I refund it? It was fun years ago and I even got some DLC
I hate it now

It's all virtue signaling. They must continue to fight battles for groups that have zero involvement and are nothing more than rounding errors population wise so they can feel superior and like they're helping without actually exerting themselves or risking anything.

2 spirit. Not kidding.

Damn, that abbreviation is becoming less and less brief.

How does one make use of homosexuality to survive against supernatural psychos with sharp instruments?

Wow that's fucked up they're not monsters


I want everybody who supported gay marriage to take a long look at what you have done.

What is the ia in lgbtqia2?

intersex and asexual

the funniest part is its a character thats existed since launch (david) that they've suddenly decided it gay. literal dumbledore shit.

Okay I get asexual what the fuck is an intersex

incest and anal

>some wack injun term for injuns now coopted by caucasians for caucasians and niggers who wish they were white
Very funny and sad.

this has to be edited or a joke or something, no one who is a part of the LGBT community actually uses that

mental ilness

A genetic mishap with the sex chromosomes.
The literal triple triple digits of these people around the earth need special labels too, I suppose.

2019 was DBD golden era, don't @me

everyone who actually plays the game knew that faggot david king was gay, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they confirm ace being gay as well in the future.

idk i think its hermaphrodites or something


Okay, this shit is just becoming a South Park joke now.

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Please add some weird shit like symbols or something

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Mikaela is trans!

Sucking my wife Mikaelas cute small cock!

This is hilarious when you realize that DBD got popular because it was one of the few modern games that let you be an asshol and get away with it.
Hell I remember a shrink talking about stressful this game could be to people.
He was from /vg/ too I think

>Implying it isn't already

why do you need 8 characters to spell "fag" ?

and it's you, the player!

I thought this was a shitpost until I read the thread.

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What's the point of the '+' if they keep adding letters and numbers? Isn't the whole point of the '+' to include everything else?

the + is everything else which would make the abbreviation like 20 letters long if included.

im a based ace main they fucking better not say hes gay

Lmao they announce him as gay and give him some fucking cutoff shorts like he's a floating lip smacking bottom, what did bhvr mean by this

Yeah but it started as LGBT, so why isn't the plus for everything after that? Who is determining what is part of the main sequence?

David stop trying to shove totems up your ass and do gens!

Dead by daylight is a game tailor made for brainless consoomers

How do like regular homosexual people even navigate this shit now?

It's not just the sequel, the + means it's an enhanced port too.

Help how to refund

THEY are...

Damn, I want off this ride

This LGBT nigga faggot shit needs to end. Fucking kikes. Just calls them gay, homosexuals, child molesters, or faggots. SHEESH

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Imagine having something called "two-spirited" in your group and still not thinking it's a cult

Would you be mad if you got hooked on the gay hook?

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yes of course

I was thinking of buying it but not now fuck them

Troons were a mistake

>announce character as gay
>they pick the violent alcoholic that was abused as a child
What did BHVR mean by this?

They don't engage

Really falls in line with the corruption that faggots love to inflict on straight, normal people. Just constantly turn regular dudes into flaming fucking faggots, Blizz and Riot of course being guilty of this as well.

>gay men can't be masculine


Two spirit refers to some backwards tribe of native Americans that believed people with “masculine” and “feminine” traits were “different.”
This is purely, dictionary definition virtue signaling because
1. Such beliefs were very isolated, this was never something that all native Americans believed so you’re talking about a minority of a minority of a minority of peoples
2. Most native Americans find the notion of including them as “lgbt” silly at best and offensive at worst. Imagine having a culture where men and women have reversed roles and white liberals claiming you’re “lgbtq,” like it’s just their culture. Has nothing to do with lgbt
>t. Native

Can't wait for LGBTQIA2+: Hyper Fighting #Reloaded

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