Nioh 2

why was it not as successful as the souls series? is it too complex/hard to learn?

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they literally don't get it

Dark souls was memed to death and an easy as fuck game, nioh is a japanese game made for japanese players

*wins GOTY*

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Is it actually a complex game? I'd be willing to play it if it's more complex than souls. Pitch it to me please.

As someone who's not played Nioh I also don't understand why coom potential didn't help push its popularity, as well

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because the level design in nioh is dogshit, they have little paths with reused assets everywhere, there's no sense of scale, and I could never tell if the game was trying to be funny or not but I could never take it seriously.
The ONLY thing nioh does right is the autist-tier weapon and combat system, but even that is more about autistically comboing things and switching stances than it is about creating an epic battle

>why was it not as successful as the souls series
This is a good thing. The last thing I want is for the only good modern game franchise to go mainstream.

fuck off faggot, nobody likes spoonfeeding bitches, especially when they say shit like >pitch it to me

Its amazing how much easier Otakameru is with the immunity to elemental effects buff. That piece of shit is such a pain without it.

Way more complex than Souls, but you have to put effort into challenging yourself to use everything. A lot of Souls players try it, do their dipshit press 1 button, 1 attack string for 40 hours 'playstyle' and call it a worse clone. I don't think Souls players are capable of much more than that given how much they seethe when someone dares to use something that isn't roll and R1.

Too much japanese lore for westerners maybe? Plus the levels aren't all that great. The combat is harder. Malenia has nothing on Saito Toshimitsu.

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1. Doesn't have European aesthetics save for the some levels in the 1st game, so it wouldn't be as popular with white consumers. Also, Japan is probably not as popular with Gen Z as it was with Gen X and Millennials
2. it comes off as a souls clone and naturally clones aren't going to be as popular with people as the originals
3. It had a limited release. Initially these games were only available on PlayStation for a while and then eventually got released for PC, this gave people enough time to see it for what it was and many have probably decided it wasn't for them. Also it wasn't released for Xbox systems

The loot-tism just isn't fun for most people
You just order by level and sell all, because min-maxing doesn't even make a difference in the first playthrough
All the cool shit is locked behind finishing the game several times, which is just not something a well adjusted person has any business doing

Because it's a completely different game

Don't bother. If you're a Souls fan you will hate Nioh.

i just wish there was a mode where it automatically went to the next stage instead of taking you to the overworld map after each level. toss all the side quests into just one stage with the main quests, stop fuckin making them seperate.

>muh interconnected single world

naw man just wanna marathon stages instead of havin to fuck around with a map

well for one i don't like the mission structure, i think a cohesive world structure would make more sense, kinda like what we have on sekiro. they do have some pretty expansive areas already, i think it would work great
gameplay, they do their own thing. not a fan of obsessive stamina management but it's not a deal breaker for me

complete schitzopost, user
no soulstranny in these threads is ever complaining about the combat, they complain about everything else besides the combat
and they're fucking right because the combat is the only thing carrying this game above a 7/10

>muh interconnected Dark Souls single world

i prefer it to be lesser known

Weird title
Setting less appealing to westerners
Not actually made by From so people assumed it was a knock off.
Heard negative things about the loot system.

I've been in a bunch of these threads and I've seen it, but sure.

Gameplay is great.
Armor system is terribly unfun and prevents me from ever replaying it.

Lmao, I just realized the "you didn't beat the game" meme applies more to Nioh than ER.
>high stance axe heavy
>living weapon
>yokai form
>certain yokai abilities
>didn't switch stances 20 times on a gaki

The first game was not very good and most people buy that before the 2nd because they don't know better.

actually nioh/nioh2 players love to compliment each others' various broken weapons and playstyles since the game really incentivizes that kind of stuff
however, if you didn't beat depths 30 with a stone of penance +9 then you didn't beat the game

>noooooo you didn't beat the game if you didn't repeatedly play it over and over again for like 10 times
Yeah man, I'm happy with not beating the game.

well you discovered the secret to enjoying your time in the nioh games, which is playing as much as you like the way you prefer

I think it's less you didn't beat the game and more you didn't really experiment or have fun at all. You can beat the game doing nothing but dodging and triangle triangle triangle, but that sounds pretty boring...

Sloth is kinda dumb though, albeit it gets nerfed in the harder difficulties.

Thinking about doing a Purity Build with my dual blades Odachi. Is it basically just grab the set from the second DLC tsundere NPC samurai and then the Izanagi thing once I'm in the last difficulty? Or is there more to it than that?

How is the soul box? Should I try not to equip it? That debuff sounds like it could screw me over if I'm not careful.

Because it's actually way fucking harder and in the right ways.

There's no slow cinematic shit. The enemy just did a triple slash and you weren't mid-stance guarding or low-stance dodging. You got cut up, back to the shrine. It's basically ninja gaiden but an RPG.

I'm on the fence for buying it, I already have Sekiro. I'm bad at it but I'm having fun.
What's more complex about it? Why would it be harder to learn?
I peeked a bit at what it was about, I don't give a shit about character customization. What does the game have to offer, gameplay/combat wise?

purity is stronk because ho-oh guardian spirit is probably the best in the game
izanagi is good damage but the yokai pool buff can be difficult to upkeep. I preferred 7pc tsukuyomi/6pc susano personally which is probably lower on the damage side of things but it allows me to cast the ho-oh guardian spirit skill as much as possible, and it's absolutely fantastic for applying purity

Game is literally nothing like Sekiro. That's like saying you're on the fence about Sekiro cause you already have Ghosts of Tsushima.

If you're bad at it Sekiro, and think it complex: you should forget about this one lol.

???? I've liked every fromsoft game with Elden Ring actually being my least favorite but still liked game... and I loved Nioh 2, Nioh 1 less so.. but Nioh 2 is a great game with tons of content. There's a lot of reused missions and going back to areas but since I like murdering things with a nodachi I don't give a fuck. I actually didn't finish the epiloge missions where you go back in time to like the 1500-1600's I think? which is a whole different 'era' of japan.

I also like that I actually fucking learned about japan while playing Nioh and how it does a nice blend of actual historical events/characters with fantasy/japanese mythology.

tldr fuck off I like both

TeamNinjafags have a never ending inferiority complex
Ninja Gaiden
DMC reboot
The masses reject them

The game lacks soul in every other department.
Combat is deep and complex, but everything else feels and looks like dogshit.

>Team Ninja
>DMC reboot
Want to know how I know you're retarded?

Doesn't sound like your kind of game, stick with Sekiro. It's also a great game, so no big deal.

generic animu aesthetics and diablo loot killed it for me

>no le epic lore
>no le epic pvp
Pretty much sums it up. Nioh is a quality game (as are most souls entries.)

otakemaru is piss easy in all iterations once you realize to low stance his attacks, add minds eye and its baby mode

Play nioh 1 and see how maria makes malenia looks like the asylum demon

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Souls games are the complete package
Nioh has serviceable combat and nothing

>playing videogames for anything other than gameplay

>Nioh 1 is shit Nioh 2 is good Elden Ring is shit
So you're a poser

Videogames evolved past the atari 2600 era

>only the small ones respond at all with hitstun
>breaking the weakpoints on the big ones often feels like a lie, you can clearly see melee attacks landing but nothing happens
>low stance is often mandatory for enemies slowly under the horizontal. Why? there's no reason not to implement camera aiming like in souls other than adding an extra step for artificial difficulty
>you see most of the enemy variety for the rest of the game by the 2nd or 3rd level
>ghost players or whatever you call them don't feel like they follow the same rules even if they also have a "stamina bar". Biggest offender is the dual wielding with infinite hyper armor trading
>spirit summons is a free win button
>spell casting feels like shit for most of the game until you unlock instant casting. Why the fuck would you do this to your own game instead of lowering casting time by default
>Item looting is peak autism. Way too many drops, too much time wasted compared what's better, inventory is full every 3 or so main story stages, and the improvements of drops back to back are minimal anyway so why so many
>can't keep carrying a nice weapon you found a while ago for too long either because lvl enhancing prices become prohibitively expensive
>most of the game is balanced to die in 2-3 hits if you keep up with the armor. 2 hits including touch of death 2 hit combos from some enemies
and that's just a few of the things I can remember. I have nothing good to say about stage designs, music or bosses. In fact the only bosses i can remember are the vampire lady, toad and the big skelly

it's not, just a few more moves per weapon than souls but not many are particularly useful
and then there's partial stamina recovery from timing a button like it's gears of war. It still doesn't feel very different but gives you more time making pressure on the enemy
ninjutsu and magic are nothing new, and summons is the "i don't even want to try" button

It's not. It's just bloated.

>it's not, just a few more moves per weapon than souls but not many are particularly useful

If you're talking about Nioh 2, that's a flat out lie. Fists alone has more moves than 12 Souls weapons combined.

He's talking about 1 but still applies to 2

>Fists alone has more moves than 12 Souls weapons combined
But only two are useful, the rest are pointless or deal too little damage.

Did you not use Fists at all, it literally makes you mix up and use all your moves to keep your buffs up. You can argue this doesn't make the move inherently useful, but it is useful in that once you get a high enough stack you can do ridiculous damage. You can't spam 2 moves on Fists and perform optimally at all.

because it fails at being a souls game, simple as

fromshitters got filtered is all

I love how posts like these are full of outright lies still
>>only the small ones respond at all with hitstun
because the entire game is designed around depleting ki, which renders every enemy including bosses vulnerable to any kind of hitstun
>>low stance is often mandatory for enemies slowly under the horizontal.
except high stance attacks hit vertically and have no problem hitting enemies low to the ground
meanwhile thrusting weapons and colossal swords will straight up miss rats for no reason in elden ring
>>you see most of the enemy variety for the rest of the game by the 2nd or 3rd level
true for the first game, not even close in the 2nd
true on the revenants not following the rules which is gay
>>can't keep carrying a nice weapon you found a while ago for too long either because lvl enhancing prices become prohibitively expensive
completely false
>>most of the game is balanced to die in 2-3 hits if you keep up with the armor. 2 hits including touch of death 2 hit combos from some enemies
this is because your blocking and dodging capabilities are outrageously good, taking damage is a major failure on the part of the player
>it's not, just a few more moves per weapon than souls but not many are particularly useful
biggest mark of a shitter who understands nothing of the combat

It has Souls elements, but I would never want it to be anything like Souls games combat wise. Level design, enemy design and art, sure.

too be fair, I'm just talking about 1
left too much of a meh impression to bother with 2

2 is pretty much the same game as 1 so you aren't missing anything.

>true for the first game, not even close in the 2nd
Nah, it's true for the second game too. The difference is that you interact with 20 different enemies instead of 3, but still by the third region you're already fought against every single non-boss enemy the game has to offer.

its janky.

2 is significantly better, but depends on what you disliked about 1. The level design doesn't improve at all but the combat is much more robust and the enemy variety is better. ie. you don't fight only Yokis for 20 hours.