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Game is dead so who gives a fuck

Stunning. Brave.

he gay

Yeah, what the fuck? When was this a thing?

means "IN ASS" its more inclusive than just saying gay

>you can now put a confirmed faggot on the hook with rainbow flag

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>dude check out this character! it has sex but not in the normal way!!???!
>yeah I know can you freakin believe that? thank science!!!?

...two souls?

What was his name again ?


As someone who identifies as a K- I find this incredibly offensive and exclusionary

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why do you care about a faggot?

Intersex (Don’t know what this is), Asexual (not horny) and 2-spirit (some old Native American ritualistic spiritual stuff remade to be sexual/gender based in nature)

+ represents anyone not listed
A is asexual
and I is intersex
that's what i found at least

How will this help them sell more game copies?

I assume it's Intersex, Asexual, and then the + to cover their asses for people bitching that pansexuals, etc. aren't getting the same representation. What I find interesting is that I used to remember seeing a second Q sometimes but that seems to have been dropped - what happened?

>Proceeds to get banned for playing the game how it was intended

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>You can murder a fag now
I don't think they completely thought that through.

This shit is turning into FFX challange run names

Don't care about the game, but acronyms are meant to be simple and easy, unlike OP or Pic related.

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Is that Johnny five aces?

They really want to increase how much of a laughing stock they are. A mental illness inclusive movement.

"T" should not be grouped. Totally different issues. Neither should "I". "Q" already encompasses "+".

They're just fucking with us now, right? If It's a fag, then say it's a fag.

Faggots have been ingame since beta, we call them survivor players
Now the real question:
Cunny killer when?

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Game copies?

>Dead by Wokeness

I remember when they added some sort of pride flag keychain and the gays complained killers kept camping them all game if they had it equipt.
I assume the same would happen to people that use him also.

LGBTQIA+ stopped being supported years ago. We've been on v2.x ever since

What letters numbers or symbols will the mentally ill fags add next to signify some new, obscure, nonexistent gender or sexual orientation of degeneracy to pander to next?

>running from killer
>dude next to you tells you he's gay
Shit is worse than veganism and crossfit, for fuck's sake.

Don't care I'll be playing VHS and the evil dead game which don't use lgbtbbq's to cover up how awful their game engine is. I wonder how many times I have to turn off maps like they did for the dumb tumbler witch.


Why do they need to keep adding additional letters if the + already exists? Isn't that already meant to encompass everything not cis? Or do some people find it offensive in a Gilligan's Island "and the rest" type of way and want their own special letter included?

Anyone still playing at this point is retarded, Behaviour had their chance to fix the game when they cut off from 515 but all they do is trying to cashgrab in any way they can.

Interesting selection for the killer. So it’s the players job to prevent it from killing itself?

Looks like a kike.


more letters, including the E for ephebophile (pedo)

Pedos are people too

is the killer a gay pirate?

2? What the fuck?
Does LGBT+ have a sequel or is 2 a gender now?

ok, but how does this affect gameplay?


Refuse to believe this is real


Pretty much the latter. Since if their weird sexuality isn't perfectly represented, then it invalidates them as a person or some such shit because they have no personality.

>dude next to you does this
>killer kneels and instead goes for you for fear of getting banned for targeting

Makes sense, their community is full of fags and women.

It may legitimately be the lowest testosterone community in gaming, just go look at the twitch directory and be amazed at how every 2nd stream has LGBT tags.

Game won't die because at this point it is an identity for a bunch of mentally ill faggots and shut-in women.

Yes, I never said otherwise

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Isn't this game incredibly popular with trans people? How did it take this long?

It really should just be LGB. Trannies are delusional, intersex people are fucked and I have absolutely no idea why you would lump in asexuals with a bunch of people known for being sexual deviants

>The ABC people

Bisexual doesn't count either since they have normal sex to, like fucking men butt and then you realize that pussy is better, BAM you are fixed.

It isn't, but the original is still fucking nonsense.

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Who even decides this garbage anyway

unironically feel sorry for gays and dykes, having their movement hijacked by loonies
also it should just be LG. people who identify as "bisexual" are just turbo-coomers

>No zoophile

Fucking bigots


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looked it up for all the other anons who were confused by the "2". Apparently it's "2S" and it's some crackhead native shit
honestly yeah

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>...two souls?
Two spirit. You were very close.

>Feeling bad for fags



THese people are clowns.

so tired of this inclusion shit and everyone needing to be represented


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No Injun was ever "two-spirit". It's bullshit invented in the 1980s by a faggot named Will Roscoe.

Did they solve the hanging problem in this version?

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maybe we need a nuclear war, do your thing banan man and send them already.

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Moldova is nex'

I thought Poland was based??

how could nea be anything BUT a raging dyke

Does he kill himself because hwnbaw?

Nope, and it is having some serious memory allocation issues where T gets all the resources

just marketing to keep there dying game alive

he's just gay, not a tranny

Faggot here.

I literally can’t stand what they’ve done with this lgbt+ shit. Trannies and all these non-binary freaks have turned us into a joke. It’s fucking sad.

>Trannies and all these non-binary freaks have turned us into a joke
Fags did that themselves too

I've never been an advocate of genocide before, BUT...

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Perk: "Don't look up", where cunny killer purposedly strolls around the area lifting her skirt and you get instantly impaled if you take a look

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When do we get the first straight character in the game?

Why do you people always want to be treated equally yet you cant stop attention whoring? Your literal first sentence was
>Faggot here.

Inter-Asexual 2 Plus, it's the premium tier incel

Homos started the whole thing because there were genuine legal restrictions imposed on them particularly with marriages and inheritance. It's disgusting to see it become the freak fetish parade.

Kate is obviously a dom lesbian

Some of you guys are alright, don't come to Poland tomorrow

They should LGBTFO.

Stop gaslighting the board. Yea Forums is not responsible for this shit, it's just talking about it. Blame the developers and publishers that are forcing this into their games.

Don't fool yourself fag, you have ALWAYS been seen as a joke. We have NEVER taken you seriously and never will.

I quit playing DBD when they removed my cosmetics I had to earn because some sheboon streamer went on a rant about Leatherface being racist for literally wearing a black person’s face

Can’t wait to see all the permabans because David players think killers are camping them for being gay

at this point, why doesn't people just say "non-straight"
just like with the bipoc shit, why don't people just say "non-white"

Post hours or none of your complaints matter as you don't play the game.

I can not believe they made a sequel for LGBT

How is it at all relevant to the game? What the characters look like or what they are makes no difference to the gameplay. They could all be fags and trannies, or midgets, and it wouldn't matter. It's such a shallow, pathetic and desperate attempt at grabbing attention and approval.

Now I can kill faggots? Cool.

I knew as soon as I saw this that Yea Forums would be triggered as usual.

>Can’t wait to see all the permabans because David players think killers are camping them for being gay
Kinda tempted to do it.

who cares dead by daylight is a shit game

any game as killer is technically you trying to kill faggots

Intersex people hate gays and trannies because they fetishize them so they made up an intersex group that isn't people born that way.

>Become the freak fetish parade

Oh, sweet, sweet, deluded summer child...

LGBT Queers in action 2

I have never seen the first one to be honest

may as well just smash my face into the keyboard
I'd have a pretty good chance of writing that garbage

It would honestly be fucking shorter if they just said "everyone but normal people"
kinda like how "POC" is "Fuck Whites and Asians"

>How is it at all relevant to the game?
it wins them goodboy points and like another user said, to help draw attention to their dying game.
but in all honesty, almost everyone knew david king was gonna be gay

>no N in sight

I was still fairly pro-gay even as I went more and more right over the years. Sad as fuck that the slippery slope proved so horribly correct.

You bastards give them attention! Shit that barely deserves a click, you bring this nonsense onto Yea Forums and it becomes a circlejerk of bitching.

But now it's official

It's a screenshot of a GameInformer post about a video game, it's as on-topic as an off-topic thread can get

A majority of "Gays" are gay purely because of a profound sexual perversion, it is literally a choice. only a very small percentage of them can genuinely not experience attraction to females/vaginas/be straight. Those who can't are ACTUALLY gay, the rest are just turbocoomer pervert pedos.

You identify as this?

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When will these people stop this shit? They're a parody of themselves.