Why does the monk class exist in fantasy games...

Why does the monk class exist in fantasy games? They’re useless fucks and using fists and kicks are retarded against larger opponents.

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Not a porn board.


the entire series should have just been snuff and rape

>my lack of imagination is everyones elses problem
Yeah faggot the people unlucky enough to know you are well aware.

What are some games where the healer class is also the party DPS?

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Dragons Dogma

STR wins again baby

I remember this fine lady being quite effective both at healing and casting Photon

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shame this series pussies out hard

Is she gonna be OK?

Con/Int combo wins again, baby

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because punching the shit out of things is fun
Now give me games with with martial artists/monks/etc.

>both can summon
why even

>your healer will never be this cute

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What's the worst that could happen?

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>t. retard
Monks are based and you can fuck off with your degenerate betacoomer cuckfag rape fantasy

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she'll be fine, just a struggle snuggle

>If I throw in a bunch of twitter buzzwords, I'll surely fit in

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>against larger opponents
then create a size modifier like ragnarok does.

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High level monks can punch so hard and rapidly that doing internal damage to larger opponents or crippling limbs is still viable, nevermind turning smaller mobs to paste barehanded. They're only pansies at level 1 before they're able to go full Gohan Blanco and can barely throw a punch.

Disc Priest in wow.

Shut up candyass roodypoo foreveralone newfag

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>martial arts aren't cool
shut the fuck up faggot

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It's FANTASY dumbass.

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Rape is so horrible, but at the same time so hot.

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If you're gonna kick for center-of-mass maybe.
Larger people have a lot more strain and pressure on the knees and leg joints. Smash the side of their knee with a proper kick and they could honestly be limping for the rest of their life.

Also, monks aren't always bare-fisted martial arts.


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Imagine if that brown cutie was gobbed haha

Would it be hot if I raped your mother?


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So, how graphic is the scene? I've never seen it.

thats the reason ur here, respect it


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There's an extended version with full penetration.

>why doesn't fantasy make sense

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Mother 3.

what fucking where I need to see this



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Give her the kitty gloves and this robo-ditz will show you a world of pain

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>Equip claws

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its basically the poorfag class
>cant afford sword or armor
>pretends to be some martial artist god
>get carried by party

meant for

Blizzard should've added Runemasters in Wrath instead - behold the useful monk.

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It would be hot to you, yes.
haha oh no not a cute thing like her

To get raped by gobbos like in picrel

Kokomi in Genshin impact

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Not pornographic, kind of a pg13 rape scene
Ryona is a better description

You should look at real monks and not the jobber in that picture

manga has nudity
anime censored it

Yes, but with female goblins instead.

>monk is... le bad!

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Do people even play Monks in WoW anymore? Feels like the whole class got forgotten after Pandaria. Much like pandaren, really.

Kokomi was literally built for rape.

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>Do people play monks in WoW anymore?
Do people play WoW at all anymore..?
Wouldn't know, all I can relate to is playing a pandaren, but he was a warrior.

Godamn I hate this bitch so much she reminds me of my ex when I was younger so fucking innocent and sweet to me. She later became a nun. Fucking hell.

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Clearly, you've never killed Chaos in a single turn.

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How the fuck do you draw a manga tagged with "ugly bastard, rape, ntr" and get published in a normal magazine?

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Fair to say.it a little after pic related.

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I want a Gobbo Slayer game

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Don't forget 'guro', 'impregnation' and 'genocide'.

goblin slayer fans are so fucking retarded

Publishers are weirdos, user. The same people who binned the Interspecies Reviewers anime for being too naughty okayed an adaptation of Redo of Healer.

Monks are supposed to be a flex off tank who uses buffs to control their phase of dps or tank. Some games make them quinggong mages so it's the niche of tank mage or dps glass cannon meleemage. The issue I that the setting has to define what a monk is or it makes nonsense when one shows up. That's why western rpg monks shouldn't be anything besides friar badasses or whatever.

Sex bad, violence good.

*I quit a a little after pic related. Not sure what happened there.

>raping girls for shock value
>raping evil women with righteous cause to make them into loving housewives

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Hottest and cutest guys getting banged by a bunch of she goblins. Ah yes, very precious.

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yeah honestly I feel it was a pretty major bait and switch

Shadow priest in WoW. Sages and Valkyries in Fire Emblem.

Redo of Healer involves the main character raping his enemies into mindless devotion to him.

healer is full of rape and sexual violence while reviewers was 100% consensual sex

i fucking wish the monk class existed

You wanna get gobbed?

the world of goblin slayer is so fucking dumb goblins are only a problem until they are not and the popularity fell off so fast its crazy

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Let's be straight here.
When japan say monk, they mean this.

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