Single bite has a 30% chance of causing permanent debuffs of blindness, -50% vigor, paralysis and -20% INT

>single bite has a 30% chance of causing permanent debuffs of blindness, -50% vigor, paralysis and -20% INT
What kind of retard Dev developed this?

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It has really low HP and INT to make up for it though.

>Meat allergy from bite

Who comes up with these debuffs

>single bite has a 30% chance of causing a permanent debuff preventing you from drinking red potions

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fat boi


forgetting it can kill you with a chance too?

30%? Thats not correct at all or every person in rural America would have Lymes

What are some vidya enemies that stealth kill/use stealth?

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that's a girl though

Pulling off ticks is so satisfying

out fuckin skilled

lymes "disease" is a manufactured bio weapon.

murrican lyme has a vacc if i remember right. Outside murrica theres another lyme type with no vacc, there is antibiotica and if you take it asap its good but if you dont it can go chronic hiding in places antibiotic cant reach.

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fucking wallhacks how did that faggot know where exactly to peak if the enemies are out of view?

There is no fear and disgust like having a living creature stuck inside your leg and sucking your blood. I honestly dont want to ever take walks in the wilderness or woods again.

Why hasn't anyone tried to exterminate them or at least massively reduce their population? Dont they have any natural predators? They can't keep getting away with it.

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It stings. Doesn’t bite.

God was a fucking shit creator

What's with all the fucking tick threads today?

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> untreated Lyme disease may cause frank psychosis, which has been misdiagnosed as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Panic attacks and anxiety can occur; also, delusional behavior may be seen, including somatoform delusions, sometimes accompanied by a depersonalization or derealization syndrome, where the people begin to feel detached from themselves or from reality.[

What the fuck

its not only lyme. Second disease "early summer meningsomething" can give you straight brain damage.

I go into the woods a lot and I've had Lyme's before. It's treatable if you preempt it with meds, but it's annoying that I can't enjoy the great outdoors without these stupid fucking parasites trying to give me bug AIDS.


>strong enemy is just a large group of weak enemies

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i won't get the jab
yeah i know, I know, UGH!
just not getting it

Only one animal can defeat the Ixod menace
Meningitis, yeah, it's basically an inflammation of your brain.

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>enemies have obtuse methods to be defeated

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good morning sir

Ticks are actually more harmless than you think, even if one happens to get on you, which doesn't happen a lot because even in dense woods the relative amount of ticks is very small, it will most likely just walk around a couple hours looking for the sweet spot and even if you should get bitten you have about 4-7 days to pull it out before anything bad happens
Yes, they're gross af and you should burn them with fire, but they're far from the worst thing that could happen to you in a secluded forest

He’s right you know

>got eaten alive by these when i was a child
>go to the doctor, ask if we can do lyme testing because i have a lot of the symptoms
>test is negative, but it's the cheap one that has a 50% false negative rate
>ask doctor for the more expensive test, "the guidance doesn't indicate it, sorry user"
>buy a darkfield microscope on my own money
>do peripheral wet blood smears every day for a few weeks
>eventually find not one but several borrelia in a sample and take it to doc
>month long antibiotics regimen cures most of my symptoms

just give me the expensive test next time, cunt

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You're thinking of encephalitis

theres also a type of lanklet wild chicken that eats them.

>Enemies can attempt to breed with you

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I run on the roads sometimes and a few summers ago I woke up because a tick was crawling around on me I hate hate hate hate hate them fuck ticks


The kind of shit that a bug bite can do to you is all kinds of fuck, yes half of the time it's related to the shit they're carrying but I'm not going to risk it, global extermination of ticks and mosquitos when

Are those bats? What the fuck happened there? Did they all get disoriented and slammed into the ground?

What the fuck?


it looks like they were hit with something

Careful user, you'll make the Climate Cultists mad if you suggest things like that. Humans are the disease, remember. Nature is perfect.

Did you call him a faggot for having to do his job for him? Stories like that drive me up the wall.


>Enemy can be captured and bred to produce superior specimens

Attached: Elephant gets Asian GF.webm (200x200, 2.65M)

Man, I wouldn't want to clean that shit up.

i just asked for another doctor in case the previous one would be delusional and double down

It takes 12-24 hours before it bites. Unironically git gud

What country?

>asian gf
blind retard

birds are the _____ of animals


Those are birds, bats can't take flight from the ground. They need to drop and swoop.

The whole "everyone follow each other" flight model is generally good but all it takes it's a couple heading down at the wrong time

Let me guess: Germany?

Only if you're 10 or younger

Doctors are a fuckin meme



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That's what I thought. I've never seen it go wrong like that. Pretty funny.

Wtf, why would your doctors skimp on the costs when you're the one paying for the healthcare?

Yeah, but suicide rate is high among the affected I hear.

>the bird bomb

Lots of animals like birds and lizards eat the fuck out of ticks. But you're never going to fully eradicate bugs/insects/arthropods etc. They reproduce way too fast and in too large numbers to get rid of completely.

Is that real? I heard crows could bring you gifts.

Smell and hearing passive skills

I hate doctors so fucking much

Not him but doctors are constantly high off their own farts and dismiss patients' fears all the time because, "LMAO iM the MD, i kno errything"

government has a new surprise coming up

All corvids are smart and can recognize human faces. If they feel like you've been kind to them, they can, in rare cases, do kind things back for you.

Attached: Bird Tamer.webm (310x552, 2.72M)


I used to take a lighter and pop these fuckers like popcorn.

>"LMAO iM the MD, i kno errything"
Well, yeah. They spent many years getting an education in healthcare. They actually do know more than you. A lot more than you. That doesn't mean they're always right but they're certainly right a fuckload more often than their patients are. If they weren't nobody would bother going to them in the first place.


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if you played the remake of re1 i bet you chose chris to play as too, if so based

I don't think even 30% of modern american have even been bitten by a tick.
Whree the fuck do you go that you see ticks?

We told you to take "Keen senses," perk...

What happens if you do that to a person?
I'm assuming it would be extremely painful

When you're waiting for your doctor to come into the visitation room, he is in his office googling your symptoms (with a 57-year-old's googling skills.) People go to the doctor because insurance won't pay for procedures or medicine otherwise.

Birds arrived on Earth in 1975.

Corvids belong a handful of animals who understand causality and delayed gratification. It's only logical they give gifts to the ones who give them resources.

>They actually do know more than you. A lot more than you.
Debatable, knowledge isn't paywalled behind higher education anymore. I could train myself and acquire just as much knowledge as the average doctor has thanks to the internet. Often times these cunts are operating off of outdated information anyway.

I'm from southern New Jersey and there's ticks everywhere. My family live in Pennsylvania and there's ticks all over PA too.

yes corvids (crows, ravens and jays) have ape level intelligence

my parents feed one grapes and it brings them rocks

Eithet starlings fucking up one of their maneuvers or they're avoiding a predator and smashing into the ground.

Canadian here. Clinic doctors are fucking morons but the guy who discovered my cancer and got it pulled out of my leg was awesome. I can even run with very little difference than before.


patients are products

>When you're waiting for your doctor to come into the visitation room, he is in his office googling your symptoms
How could he when he doesn't know my symptoms yet, retard? And every time I've gotten a test done and reported back to him he doesn't even look at the results before I'm sitting in front of him. He just knows what the fuck he is doing is all. Maybe knowing what you are doing is incomprehensible to a retard such as yourself but there are actually some people who do know what they are doing in the world.

Doc should have just run the test, but a lot of patients do self-diagnose or have no idea what they're talking about because they'll just google symptoms and basically trick their brain into "manifesting" those symptoms.
I used to handle patient files for a clinic and it was kind of ridiculous the amount of people who would come in convinced they had something and it would turn out to be literally nothing and still wouldn't believe it even after tests were run. Eventually it gets to the point where you're just taking up time and appointment slots that could be used for other patients.

>How could he when he doesn't know my symptoms yet, retard?
Have you never been to a doctor? They ask your symptoms long before you talk to the physician.

theyre rare where I am but in some places you will have ticks every single time you go into a forest

how can one species be so based?

Attached: crow based.webm (544x800, 2.86M)

/an/ x Yea Forums crossover threads are always the highest quality threads on the board

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lost a familly aquintance a dozen years ago from it.

I wish doctors weren't such hit or miss cases. My last doctor was a retard that would pull that shit, but my current doctor seems to have actually paid attention in med school. Fucking hell, they need to do better screening, I want actual doctors that give a fuck about what they learned working in the field not these stupid niggers that had a cheat sheet in their shoe to pull out during the tests

is this why they call them a murder

For you.

one of these fukers tried to bite me but it couldn't pierce my skin, get fucked nerd

>Have you never been to a doctor?
>They ask your symptoms long before you talk to the physician.
No, that's literally never happened. The closest to this ever occurring is when I went to see the doctor during the pandemic I got asked if I had covid symptoms when I was making the appointment. Other than that every single time I've been to the doctor nobody except the doctor asks what the symptoms are and he doesn't do that until were in the consultation room together.

I had that happen to me when I was camping a few years ago. Woke up with one crawling on the back of my neck and brushed it off thinking it was just a fat spider. It wasn't until it washed off me in the shower the next day that I finally realized what was crawling all over me in the middle of the night.

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