Removed kick (Forward + R1)

>removed kick (Forward + R1)
>removed plunging attack (While falling + R1)
>removed jumping attack (Forward + R2)
>removed one button running jump (awkward claw grip required now to hold B and tap A)
>removed weapon durability
>removed armor upgrading

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>removed weapon durability
This one is unironically good though.
There has never been a game released in human history, ever, where equipment durability made the game more enjoyable.

It's not a direct sequel so I think that's all fine even if you can call it a downgrade.

You forgot your shazam picture

I just want to upgrade armour, enemies hit too hard.

removed from what retard? its not dark souls 4

>removed weapon durability
>that's a bad thing
You can tell how good ER by how assblasted it's haters are, YWNBAW and ER is bound to be goty

>removed kick
you can kick you retard, just press L2 with no weapon equiped
> (Forward + R1)
that shit was cancer, many times I kicked when I didn't want to

ok then armor starts out worse and caps at their current value

durability was an actual good mechanic you had to engage with in DS2

in the other games no so much it might as well not have existed in them

>that shit was cancer, many times I kicked when I didn't want to
This, so many fucking times, like literally every single combat. So glad it's gone.

That's not what i meant and you know it.

>If you want to guard break just unequip your weapons and kick with L2

yeah because why would you use all the other mechanics for guardbreaking, like jump attacks, charged attacks or counter attacks, right?

Durability is garbage and especially so in DS2 where it was tied to framerate for some ungodly reason.

Correct, it's a brand new game with all the exact same controls, exact same animations, etc except they removed shit that was actually good

I know but that's how I'd expect them to implement it.

>removed weapon durability
good it was shit in every souls game
>removed armor upgrading
They removed this is previous Souls games, not unique to ER
>removed one button running jump (awkward claw grip required now to hold B and tap A)
If you can't naturally and quickly claw-grip you're probably a woman gamer
>removed jumping attack (Forward + R2)
There is a jumping attack though, its one of the most OP things in the game

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Armor upgrading is pretty bad, without it you can dress your character with what you actually like instead of having to worry about not being able to use certain pieces 'cause you haven't upgraded them enough

>removed originality

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this is fucking pathetic

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They could've done it like bloodborne, that game was perfect.

that was a bug that was fixed it's not a valid reason to dislike it

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imagine not playing it on KB&M
I'm LMAOing at your life

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There was an old spinster called Maude
At whom everyone laughed and guffawed,
Until handsome young Bert
Noticed a tent in her skirt,
Which revealed she was really a Claude!

user, it's the first image that comes up when you google search "elden ring sucks"

ummm shazamsisters, are we really this mentally ill?

>kick is now a 0 fp Ash of War that can be applied to weapons and is on your bare fists by default
>jumping attack is now done by jumping then attacking, with the option of 2 different attacks on most weapons
>just use the side of your thumb to press A or rebind; nobody complained about this in Sekiro
>it's an open world game that is built to let a competent player wander at great length, hence the flask restoration mechanics; weapon durability is antithetical to this (especially DaS2-style where it often risks breaking while simply fighting your way to the next bonfire)
>only DaS1 and DaS2 had armor upgrading; more games in the series have lacked armor upgrading than have had it

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not even a bad idea, everything in this game hits way too hard, pve and pvp included.

>except for small weapons, one of your air attacks IS a plunging attack

>doesnt understand hash data
Coping already I see

>game is a bug-ridden POS that didn't get fixed till much later
>dd-doesn't count

You don't understand hash data, stupid faggot. If they are all from the first google image result of "elden ring sucks" of course they will all have the same hash.

>shazamtranny seething at being discovered

kick doesnt even work it takes like 4 kicks to guardbreak someone with fingerprint

Computer illiterate retard

So, this is the people Im supposed to believe about video games. Christ, it really is a hobby for the mentally ill

To this day DS2 is so hilariously bad compared to literally any of the other souls games. Feels like a free mod some fans put together

>removed kick (Forward + R1)
having a guardbreak move for every weapon was good but the input method they went with sucked ass and never worked properly. I have thousands of hours across the trilogy and I still either fail to input it when I want to, or I do a kick/shieldbreak when I'm trying to attack
>>removed plunging attack (While falling + R1)
you can just hit r2 while in midair
>>removed jumping attack (Forward + R2)
similar issue with kick. Jumping attacks fill the same niche
I have a lot of problems with ER combat but these are pointless nitpicks so I assume you're a troll

>tfw you fell for it

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Yeah, I agree that ER will be GOTY. I was still pretty disappointed with it, though.

>shazamtranny still seething
Lmao, yeah im sure this thread will be the one that kills Elden Kino

I heckin love durability
It's soooooo engaging!
Instead of carrying one rapier, I carry TWO
Sometimes I use repair powders when I'm feeling extra frisky
Soooo innovative!

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my god are you E N G A G E D

Those people don't play video games.

>>removed kick (Forward + R1)
still in
>>removed jumping attack (Forward + R2)
still in, you even get two of them
>removed plunging attack (While falling + R1)
still in for one specific enemy
>>removed one button running jump (awkward claw grip required now to hold B and tap A)
"noooo holding a button for a while then releasing & repressing is so much easier than just pressing a button"
>>removed weapon durability
the only games with weapon durability were DeS & DaS2
>>removed armor upgrading
if you find something better or cooler you no longer need to worry about having to upgrade it before you can wear it

maybe don't hit the floor so often retard

>Another coping thread.
Thanks for yet another ER thread though.

>Armor upgrading is good because.... WELL IT JUST IS OK?!

wtf is a shazamtranny? take your meds

user just glancing at the vocabulary and post formatting of those makes it very apparent that its being spammed by one schizo.
It is even more suspicious when you get really defensive about it.

>wtf is a shazamtranny
Is this your first day?

>he can't handle keeping his weapons durable

git gud


doesn't match the op

>durability was an actual good mechanic
Stopped reading there
Obvious bait

not OP but DeS, DaS1, DaS2, DaS3, and BB all had durability.
>DeS: scraping spear fucks you up
>DaS1, DaS2, DaS3: moonlight sword lasers cost durability
>BB: using cursed bloodgems with the WPN DURABILITY DOWN curse makes your shit break real fast

>taps right d-pad to switch to identical backup rapier
You could say I'm a Hardcore™ Souls Gamer.

>it's bad because i don't like it!

>eating rancid shit is just personal preference
You are objectively wrong and objectively gay

imagine doing this for going on a year now and still having no affect, when Elden Ring wins GOTY there is going to be mass shazamtranny suicides

Rapiers can't even hit the ground while on a flat surface unless you jump attack. You niggers don't even play your favorite game.

Shazam lost. Now dilate.

I'm not a filthy thrusting sword user