Father Gascoigne
>Rapidly spams flurry rushes of hand swipes and aggressively chases the player
>Divebombs the player if they try to get distance
>Bloodborne's health steal mechanic synchronizes with this unlimited aggro boss design by rewarding you for getting aggressive along with him
>Rapid quickstep is designed to help you get around to his back and avoid the nonstop combos, further rewarding aggression
>This is especially true when follow up attacks can come out so fast that you're still in the middle of swinging, forcing an HP trade
>Is parriable, teaching the player that the gun they're carrying around with them at all times has value
Hoarah Loux, Warrior
>Moveset consists of divebombs and flurry spam like Gascoigne
>But let's remove the parry
>And remove the player's lifesteal
>And lock the quickstep behind a weapon art
>And give all his divebomb attacks arena-wide AoE follow ups
>And throw arena-wide AoE attacks on everything else too
>And make every other move he can do a grab attack that OHKOs you, which he can chain into and spam however he wants
>And just for fun have all the grabs feature outrageous animation delays where he literally freezes in place midair just to throw off your timing
Elden Ring boss design: bigger, louder, imported from other games without those games' features designed to help deal with the bosses, more annoying, unnatural delayed animations, and spam AoEs out the ass. Why do retards defend this shit, again?
Clusterfuck boss design
Other urls found in this thread:
I am glad combat is this fast-paced now. Don't wanna go back to the "good" old days of slow ass xanax gimmick bosses.
Godfrey was the most honest boss of ER
How terrible are you to complain about Godfrey, seriously
You people are so garbage at video games it’s embarrassing
Bro. It's a character made for hardcore faggots.
Some retarded buff gay dude that rips off this shirt and wants to wrestle you. It's 2022 and FROM are trying to please their faggot portion of the audience.
And yes his boss battle is a pile of steaming dogtard too.
Hoarah Loux's one-liner would have been more impactful if they had mentioned him at literally any point in the game between the opening cutscene and that very moment.
You have been malding non-stop for more than 2 months now, it's kinda sad to see to be frank fampai
>There can only be one person who doesn't like this thing at any given time!
Complaining wont get you anywhere
>Let's see how this guy is solo killing the bo-
>80 dex katana build
Every time
he did not beat the game
All the bosses are shit and probably better suited for actual action games like Bayonetta than a game still using Demons Souls controls.
>open webm
>close webm
It's not that you're the only one with the opinion. It's that everyone with your opinion is too butthurt to post about anything but getting filtered by a game they suck balls at. It's been 2 months user, there are other games.
Lmao at the seething replies. Shitters just can't fucking accept that is their fault, not the games.
i mean the guy in the webm is playing very well, but he got 100% optimal move rng
>lucky stagger on the move that is not dodgeable in melee range
>absolutely no low downtime moves like swipes
>Having trouble with the game? Just respec your character to use the head-and-shoulders strongest build in the game so you do so much damage he dies in 2 hits
May as well just tell people to give up and summon the mimic
>this game is impossible bullshit I can't beat it boss design is trash literal garbage for complete fags
Bitches please. Without the katana this guy has learned the dodge timings. That's not why he's dunking, you all just suck.
He knew what it takes to stagger and planned it. He also knew what attacks he can safely do and when, just good ol fashioned gittin gud. I had similar results with my great mace guy.
Fast-paced combat only works if the player is also fast. Bloodborne was extremely fast compared to previous games, but it was completely fine because the player could keep up with every boss at baseline mobility. Post-BB Souls games keep bosses extremely fast and make them ever flashier, but the player lost all the tools that made it possible to keep up.
Unironically yes. If you aren't using all the tools at your disposal to win and thus cannot win, you literally didn't beat the game, rofl
i dont see what you have in BB and don't in other souls games. dash? its just a double roll
I beat him him as STR/FAI with a slow weapon.
Or you can get good with the stuff you have.
t. finished the game with str, dex, str/faith builds
I can't accept that it was planned without a proper posture bar in this game. If he did it with an unsheathe I would agree, but a light jumping attack does significantly lower stagger buildup.
I don't disagree that he's playing well but my gameplay would look that good if godfrey only did those moves for me honestly
I beat the game just fine with the Zamor CGS user, not sure why you're projecting. i'm just not watching your shitty kiddy katana webm
Nah faggot he got a way with a bunch of jumping attacks and in-between attack punishes that would be otherwise impossible to leverage with a heavier and slower weapon.
>How 2 beat game: use a guide to figure out which weapon attacks as quickly as a straight sword while dealing the posture damage of an ultra greatsword so the boss dies before he gets a chance to attack
It's like I'm watching webms of players using rivers of blood to delete Malenia's HP before she uses a single waterfowl dance in a thread complaining about how obnoxious waterfowl dance is
I wonder if Nepheli's quest line was supposed to involve Hoarah Loux in some way. It was unfinished on release and then has a giant gap between stages, and ends in a way that barely makes any sense. Maybe at some point in development, after being being thrown out by Ofnir, she decides to track down her real father, and you learn more about him, and then the big reveal makes sense and actually has an impact. You could summon Nepheli for the fight, and she may have some dialogue, I don't know. And then they scrapped it for time and hastily patched in some other ending.
About half as many recovery frames between your roll and when you're allowed to roll again or attack, for one.
>here's a webm that shows technical skill in the fight is the primary determinant for victory
>but the guy is using a katana so the point is invalid
Godfrey literally has the most consistently punishable attacks and he does them constantly
Dash is not remotely comparable to a double roll. It is much, much faster and costs a smaller portion of your stamina. The difference between the quickstep and Souls roll is massive.
A single katana with no bleed infusion isn't actually the strongest build though. That's just standard dex territory.
>I can't accept that it was planned without a proper posture bar in this game
I agree that having no posture meter is an objective flaw but even without it you can gauge how many attacks it takes to stagger a boss. I beat Malenia pretty handily on my colossal weapon STR build by just learning her break points and playing more aggressively when she was near one.
Yea Forums will take literally any excuse they can to justify blaming the game and not themselves for their failures.
>I beat Malenia pretty handily on my colossal weapon STR build by just learning her break points and playing more aggressively when she was near one.
Malenia is even worse in this regard because she becomes unstaggerable during hyperarmor animations which she does so frequently that you will often be cucked out of a stagger unless you can quickly poke punish her next move which isn't always possible
god I fucking hate how this game is designed
Katanas are the best weapons in the game bruh it's common knowledge at this point
You don't need a posture bar. with my Great mace, I was able to determine what it took to stagger a boss fairly quickly. Once I had a feel of what it took, I could ramp up my aggression.
as I said, I did not watch the webm to begin with so I have no idea what the point was, user. I saw a katana so I closed it immediately
>Malenia is even worse in this regard because she becomes unstaggerable during hyperarmor animations
Yeah that shit was pretty annoying but admittedly it did keep me from utterly rolling her so I guess it counts for something.
All the dex hating faggots are zoomers who started the series with Dark Souls 3 and think they're hot shit for using LE EPIN SWORD GATSU REFERENCE
The posture damage katanas do it literally fucking insane. I need to do like 4 consecutive jumping R2s with a fallingstar beast jaw, spacing my attacks carefully and being conservative in my openings because the attack recovery is so much slower than he can attack. Meanwhile a katana posture breaks him with a single pair of jumping attacks. It's absolutely retarded how broken katanas are in this game.
I have a katana guy right now, used nagikaba for most of it. It's bretty gud, but unironically had an easier time with my STR guy overall.
Elden Ring was really unsatisfying to finish. There was always a sense of accomplishment with the previous games but I couldn't wait for Elden Ring to be over and when the credits rolled I was just like thank fuck now I never have to touch this fucking game ever again.
The only thing a katana has with large posture damage in unsheathe which leaves you pretty open and costs FP, making it a limited-use tool.
Duo colossals deal more posture damage with jumping L1 which is free and has less recovery frames,
Jump attacks were a mistake i think. They are a little too good. Maybe you could make it like sekiro as a unique punish to sweeps but keep combat mostly grounded.
Colossal greatswords are slower and do less damage. This guy is doing 1300 damage per hit for some ungodly reason.
Though colossal builds have been buffed so maybe its different now.
Mah boy Morgott!
>impossible to leverage with a heavier and slower weapon
Just jump+L1 lmao
You did not beat him
I've cleared DaS1, 3, Sekiro from start to finish. Dropped ER midway and haven't touched it since. Bosses aren't fun or interesting to fight against and no amount of build variety is going to salvage it.
What? My katana run has taught me that the only good posture damaging move is unsheath. I couldn't posture break for shit otherwise. Jumping R2s did not feel that strong.
>A Minority.
>TOGETHAAA being that low
you niggas will never be part of the family
>responding to bait
It's the same replies copy pasted. No use giving them a (You)
Don't try to reason with an anti-katana copelord. They cannot stand, even in a fantasy world, when 'foreign' looking weapons outperform some of the 'western' looking weapons. They were complaining about katanas in DS3 too when katanas aren't even that good in that game.
And they go around calling anyone who uses katanas a weeb, dexfag, etc. Just blatant xenophobia.
dexfaggots are the mainstream build, therefor the majority of players who jumped on the band wagon onto DS3 are dexfaggots, because the slow swings of a strength weapon scare them, and they'd opt for the easier to use weapons instead.
don't be a retard user, use your brain.
Obviously powerstancing colossals staggers everything, but that's not an option for people who aren't creating a minmaxed pure STR build
You are replying to a post chain that was initiated by a WebM of Godfrey getting posture broken by just 2 jumping katana R2s, user
Katanas are not even OP. They just happen to be better than they were in the previous games.
>that's not an option for people who aren't creating a minmaxed pure STR build
I'm running a STR/ARC build and I get the benefit of jumping colossal staggers on top of constant bleed procs.
Honestly STR/ARC is being totally slept on right now and the RoBkiddies are missing out.
Do bosses maintain their posture damage between phase changes?
I ass raped him with magic only, you need to learn how to play.
Yeah your right. You got me there, I thought I saw an unsheath there before the stagger. I wasn't able to reliably posture break with jumping r2s in my playthrough, nothing like my STR guy.
you didn't learn how to play
Cope. Actually fun and engaging boss fights > whatever garbage this game throws at you where half the strategy is just running straight away for 20 seconds or using bloodhound step.
they do, but afaik posture damage decays over time