I don't think I can make it through this one, the first one was great but the setting just isn't interesting in 2.
I don't think I can make it through this one, the first one was great but the setting just isn't interesting in 2
DS2 was peak Dead Space,not even an opinion just facts,go jump off a cliff,nobody cares about you,your life or your worthless opinions you will die alone and they will find your rotten corpse 2 weeks later when it has stinked up the place.
i don't see how someone cannot like both ds1 and ds2
it's like the retards who think red dead redemption and rdr2 are crazy different when they're both boring ass horse riding while npc talks sims
Is this bait? I don't understand. I can kind of get liking the solitude and atmosphere of 1, but how can you not like 2 if you enjoyed 1? The Sprawl is still desolate as fuck and spooky. If you're being serious, get to Chapter 8-10. Something happens around there that will most likely instill your joy in it, if it hasn't already by that point.
it is a bit more of an action game, but it's still horrifying.
Playing it in VR is even cooler.
I don't like the setting as much as 1 but it's still pretty fucking good
Fuck I had a completely different issue. I loved ds1 you start off simple and it eases you in..
In 2 you enter that upgrade chamber and you have 20 different variants of the armor. It doesn't even tell you which one is canon because you get all the Godamn dlc in the first 15 minutes. It's honestly the fucking worst.
Returning to Ishimura in DS2 is the top peak of vidya kino atmosphere in history
DS2 is DS1 for zoomers. Everything is action packed, the pacing is so ridiculous fast; they are only superficially alike. Everyone hates DS3, but it's far better than the trash that was DS2, though still pretty bad.
I'll admit, I agree with you there. I fucking hate the multiples of Riot Security and Engineer suits. They did the same shit with Mass Effect 2 (Albeit to a much lesser degree).
Some of them look cool like the Arctic one, sure, but it still cheapens the experience when you associate it all with fucking DLC, as you said.
This didn't bother me as much since I can just ignore them. I think you can just redeem them all and move them into your bank to hide them.
Don't you need to find the schematics for level 2 etc. suit? I honestly don't remember any special suits in 2.
It was the same thing for me, though I wasn't crazy about the first one either even though I beat it. I think the break neck pacing of 2 makes everything feel "light". I can't remember anything about 2 past the starting area, beside the nursery
I've been just replaying it and holy fuck that solar array elevetor on Zealot difficulty was just pure bullshit.
The fuckers often get some free hits on me and taking 2 hits literally all it takes.
They seem to spawn nonstop too even when I 1 click delete them with the javelin gun.
Had to redo this segment 10 times, maybe it's one of those things the higher framerate fucks up.
>it doesn't tell you which armor is canon
who fucking cares?
Those sticky laser mines were kino, I used to surround myself in a perimeter of those in anticipation of an ambush.
Either contrarian or bait, but Dead Space thread is always good nonetheless
Somebody essentially cracked the DLC armors so in response they just went ahead and made all the DLC items available from the start of the game. At least as I understand it anyway. Means you can go to the first terminal you find and swap into some high-tier shit right away, which slightly ruins the sense of progression.
Dead Space 2 is way fucking better then Dead Space 1
They fixed everything wrong with Dead Space 1
>Isaac can talk now and has a personality so you care about him.
>Setting is more interesting and varied
>Combat feels way more fast and punchy
>And the game has unique ways to scare you instead of just "Lol this dead body on the ground isn't really dead"
Anyone who says Dead Space 1 is better than 2 is a retard.
thought it was in response to none of the dlc being available to pc players in the first game
You could be right, I'm just spewing some half-remembered bullshit. The end result is the same, I guess. Free spess marine armor immediately for everyone.
I do user. I do.
>Isaac can talk now and has a personality so you care about him.
>Playable characters have to talk to be good
Jesus Christ.
Dead Space 2 has the best armour sets
This isn't even an opinion this is just fact.
>I don't think I can make it through this one, the first one was great but the setting just isn't interesting in 2.
I'm replaying Dead Space 1 after at least 10 years since I first finished it, and I'm finding it a lot more underwhelming and pretty fundamentally mechanically flawed, to be honest.
Not him, but I do kinda get that point. My memories of DS2 are hazy (I'm planning to replay it as soon as I'm done with DS1's playthrough), but I do remember there being only one really memorable segment when it comes to the atmosphere.
As much as I could harp on DS1 right now because I'm finding myself almost equal parts annoyed as I'm enjoying it, the sense of a PLACE in that game is decent. It does not live up to something like SS2's Von Braun or Alien: Isolation's Sevastopol, but it's a pretty good attempt to create an enclosed, claustrophobic but still sufficiently varied environment. Ironically, the use of backtracking and the restrictive hardware budget do help this aspect of the game.
Ishimura feels very coherent, it gives a pretty strong sense of function to every environment, you are essentially learning how the ship operated as much as you are learning the main story.
DS2's wider settings prevents this kind of coherent and focused world-building. It's a city. One of which you see just a small fragment, as the game keeps shuffling you forward from one setpiece to another. It feels a lot more like a themepark, and less like exploration of coherent settings.
It's not BAD, mind you, in fact mechanically I remeber it being a lot better than DS2. But I can entirely understand why the settings may feel underwhelming in comparison.
Increased scope can lead to decrease of coherency and investment. That is a common thing in gaming, actually.
Why the fuck should I care about a protagonist's survival if they have no personality and just straight up don't speak?
Caring about a protagonist is super important in a horror game too
Imagine if Leon in RE2 never said a word? how lame would that be?
>Why the fuck should I care about a protagonist's survival if they have no personality and just straight up don't speak?
user, his survival is the gameplay
This isn't a movie where you're watching from a distance. If he doesn't survive you don't progress through the video game. Did you just let Isaac die over and over in the first game because he couldn't speak?
>It doesn't even tell you which one is canon
The one he's wearing on the cover art? Idiot
>Why the fuck should I care about a protagonist's survival if they have no personality and just straight up don't speak?
Because a decent story can work with a mute protagonist as well? This is a pretty stupid line of reasoning. You don't need to see a character have voice in order to form some kind of connection.
Also, and I get that this is something most player miss: Isaac has a pretty distinct personality in DS1, but it's all hidden in the game's journal of all places.
If you actually go and read how the individual mission objectives are written in the game, you'll find that they are very colorful. They are writen in Isaac's character with a ton of flavor and small details, his insights and feelings about the whole situation included.
It's just that nobody reads that because the goals are usually extremely straight forward, or you can just give yourself to the breadcrums and maybe open the journal to see the list of objectives, not reading the descriptions for each one.
It's a REALLY weird detail of the game I never noticed before. But yeah - that journal gives Isaac a LOT of character.
There's like 10 of them you nigger.
2 is better than 1 though.
I like both. I replay them on halloween if I can fit it in, and as much as I like the slower pacing of the first one, the second one feels more frantic to actually play as a game which is fun as a game, both are great and I consider them must plays.
If you replay them again try turning off the music, they did a fantastic job with the audio and sometimes the music will completely ruin the suspense with its shitty audio stings.
oh n-
>Dead Space = Alien
>Dead Space 2 = Aliens
Both are good, Dead Space is objectively better and scarier, while Dead Space 2 is more fun and actiony
dude wtf!!!
i'm playing dead space 2 now. i'm on chapter 13.
i would say the story is nearly nonexistant. the atmosphere is top notch. lighting and fog effects good for their time.
there was one spot where i got off a tram and a room was filled with monsters and i had little ammo and had to restart a lot because there was no shop i had access to going backwards. almost quit there.
graphics and control are solid enough. the game could've been a few hours shorter even though it's not a long game. i'm 10-11 hours in and i think i'm already tired of it but will finish since i'm this deep into it.
i can see why others love it though. it has a disctinct even horizon/alien flavor to it that i'm sure people love.
from me...first game was 8.5/10 while second is 7.5/10.
Dead Space 1 has
>Best setting
>Best horror
>Best atmosphere
>Best bosses
>best lore
Dead Space 2 has
>Best level design
>Best gameplay
>Best story
>Best suits
>Best characters
Both games are amazing but both do some things better then the other it all depends on your taste
Oh...and Dead Space 3 does nothing better then anything in 1 and 2.
Dead Space 2 is superior.
+ greater mobility while not sacrificing the vulnerable stop and go gameplay
+ faster enemies and more unpredictable spawning make for more frantic encounters
+ more varied options in combat with refined kinesis and upgraded melee options allowing for a greater degree of mastery and more depth overall
+ better weapon balance with fewer catch all solutions and more viable choices
+ greater level design with more varied settings and less retread ground
+ better cast, including Isaac who blends more seamlessly into the player narrative
+ more immersive due to a lack of loading screens between chapters
- .......
The thing about autists is they seem incapable of acknowledging improvement. I'm still trying to figure out what people's problem is with Bioshock 2
The first one is one of the most perfect games.
And also a really great case for silent protagonists.
Because it doesn't really matter what Isaac has to say when shit needs to get done anyway.
It almost felt self aware when two characters argue over which you should do first, and Isaac is just standing there in silence, because the player knows: ima do both anyhow.
The second just misfired constantly. First by turning Isaac into an obnoxious moron. Secondly by trying too hard with the atmosphere (creepy children noises and crib music during the kindergarten segment were cliche for 20years already). And thirdly by just not being as tight. Too much reliance on scripted fights too.
Everytime I replay DS, and I do it pretty much every Halloween, I also wanna replay 2 but it just never sticks. Always turn it around halfway through.
>creepy children noises and crib music during the kindergarten segment
You do realize that the same noises and music plays in DS1's medical in the stem cell research baby room, right?
I am not saying Dead Space 1 is in anyway a bad game I just think it would have benefited from a protagonist who speaks and Dead Space 2 improved on that
DS2 is cheesy sub-hollywood schmaltz written by a no-name Jew, it's trash.
>Dead Space 3 does nothing better then anything in 1 and 2.
3 was a step in the wrong direction but I have to admit I thoroughly enjoyed the weapon crafting and scavenger bot mechanics. Some people screeched about how it wasn't "survival horror" enough but to me that seemed like the exact sort of shit Isaac would do in that scenario. He's an engineer. Rigging up some OP weapon system with spare parts is very in-character.
The autosave can fuck right off, though
>I'm still trying to figure out what people's problem is with Bioshock 2
The funny thing about that is that the same people who bitched about Bioshock 2 praised Bioshock Infinite despite Bioshock 2 being way better than that piece of shit.
But the journos said Infinite was good and Bioshock 2 was bad so the sheep had to agree with them.
I liked it
i'm and i liked the story better in 1. i will say that i hadn't played the 1st in a few years and i didn't bother watching the recap movie before playing 2. the story felt like it only mattered when you met ellie later on. but that's me...as someone who is admittedly super casual about the world of dead space.
>Guy turns into a fucked monster with a melting face right before Isaac's very eyes
>Isaac fucking head butts the bastard
Christ Isaac has balls
Anyone on this board that tells you anything but 2=MD>1>Inf is just trolling you.
>Dead Space 3
>Alien 3
It's sad how all sc-fi horror shits the bed around the third instalment.
Kek that's true
I got like 3 hours into the first one and decided it's not for me. It's just not fun for me to aim at individual body parts on an Xbox controller, and on PC the entire thing feels janky and the port is a mess.
Am I crazy? Is this actually a great game?
>you now have to smash enemy corpses to get ammo drops
>but enemy corpses despawn 5 seconds after death
This change alone is enough to ruin the game. I cannot understand how this unbelievably retarded decision made it into the game. I can only assume that some popular asshole at the studio thought it up and no one wanted to oppose it, because there is no realistic scenario where it does anything other than infuriate the player.
>DS2 is cheesy sub-hollywood schmaltz written by a no-name Jew, it's trash.
Are you implying that the first game's story isn't absolutely fucking retarded?
Because spoilers: It's absolutely fucking retarded.
It's enjoyable, cheezy monster-horror schlock that seems to be half-aware of how stupid it is, and that is really all it needs to be, but my god is it DUMB.
I don't remember DS2's plot much, but I'd be really surprised it it was much dumber than the first game.
>on PC the entire thing feels janky and the port is a mess
Limit framerate to 60fps and enable fast vsync in the nvidia control panel, and disable the ingame vsync that adds tons of input lag. Now the PC version works fine.
No that's pretty fair, usually third person games on a controller are pretty good but Dead Space needs to have pretty precise aiming for the limbs and I can't imagine how annoying that would be, and the PC version is a mess. You shouldn't have to search PCGamingWiki to make a game run okay. At one point I had to lock the game to 30fps because it would constantly crash near the end when you go outside on the planet
>Limit framerate to 60fps and enable fast vsync in the nvidia control panel
You forgot the most important step, which is downloading the raw mouse imput fix. Otherwise, you'll still get terrible mouse controls.
Also, while the raw input fix works 90% of the time, the remaining 10% will fuck up anyway. The physics seem to break if you exist the game into main menu and then restart it again. You need to shut the whole game down and start it completely anew to prevent physics glitching.
And the mouse sensitivity freaks out in some of the cutscene transition (luckly, there aren't many cutscenes in the game) as well as whenever you are on the organic shit surfaces for some absurd reason.
DS1's story isn't that dumb, it contains some horror cliches sure but everything fits together well when you read the logs. The problem with DS2's writing is the sub-Joss Whedon sarcastic quippy back-and-forth tone of the dialogue, which has the exact same effect it does in shit like Marvel movies of making everything one big joke. Even the final scene of DS2 is a le epic ironic subversion of the final scene of DS1, it's so unbearably smug.
As with RE4, playing the game with a mouse completely trivializes it. The reason the mouse controls have such a laggy feel by default is to counteract how easy the game becomes when you can instantly line up pinpoint accurate shots.
I have had a weird experience w/ Bioshock 2.
>Buy it on release
>Feel it's worse than 1 and has issues w/ crashing on xbox just like 1
>Hate it and sell it
>Start pirating games around 2014
>Eventually pirate Bioshock 2
>Holy shit, it's actually really good
>At least up until you hook up w/ your daughter
>Try playing it again last year
>Hate it
>DS1's story isn't that dumb, it contains some horror cliches sure but everything fits together well when you read the logs.
It really is.
And again - I don't think it needs to be smart, I find it pretty entertaining as it is but MY GOD is fucking stupid. Ignoring how incredibly clichéd and schematic the whole breadcrumb structure is - to a point where even the fucking game acknowledges how actually TEDIOUS it is - my personal favorite moment of utter bad-shitting is when the entire fucking Valor - an armed-to-the-teeth military vessel send into the area specifically to perform a Half-life 1 marines style mop-up operation, gets ENTIRELY TAKEN OUT by a single fucking necromorph in an escape pod.
Not even a strong necromorph, literally the most basic kind.
It's so fucking dumb.
>As with RE4, playing the game with a mouse completely trivializes it.
Firstly, no because the shit hit detection still makes you miss half of the time for no particular reason, and secondly: That is a terrible excuse and you know it.
That is a Doom 3 shotgun apologist level of bullshit argument.
>devs knew that Awakening would be the end of the franchise
>they end it like this
>gets ENTIRELY TAKEN OUT by a single fucking necromorph in an escape pod.
Not even a strong necromorph, literally the most basic kind.
You can find the escape pod on the ship and the escape pod was opened up right next to the ship cock pit
It's pretty easy to tell that the unprepared bastards got slashed apart and the ship crashed before anyone could do anything to stop it
Most the military also most likely got wiped out in the crash too.
Haha swearing funny, your mom hates this game!