Yea Forums killed this game

Yea Forums killed this game

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What happened? Last thing I heard about this game is that the whole dev team got covid

Retard is probably implying cunnyposting killed the game when the dev literally (formerly) called himself Chocololi.

Yea Forums can't even kill itself, let alone any game.
OP is a fag, like always.

there's a large difference between someone's old username being "Chocololi" and "every time this game is brought up it's just "UUOOOHHHH" shit, giving the game a bad look when really there's nothing sexual in the game.

Which one? There's like 5 people working on this game.

>there's nothing sexual in the game
Right… The guy into loli stuff just made the main girl a 7 year old for funsies.

please, point out the sexual content in the game, instead of just going "well the dev might be a lolicon!"

Every time one of you retards gets horny in the discord I have to wonder why I bother going on this site
Learn to control your fucking power levels

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>"discord trannies aren't real and if you say so you're a schizo"


Soon bros, soon.....

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pedo game for disgusting closeted pedos
>nooo I'm just a noraml 30 year old that likes playing as a little girl I promise!

>for disgusting closeted pedos
Someone post the picture of the actual little girl playing this game.

why? so you can jack off to it? Does your degeneracy know no bounds? Kys ys yourself to death

You should have seen the Nobeta discord after they posted a link to in the Steam news and people posted it here.

>Does your degeneracy know no bounds?

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yup, pedotranny game

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>"if i don't say a thing it isn't"
You can call a man a woman, but it will never be one.

>this falseflag is absolute proof

Taking pedophiles mushroom foraging and telling them deathcaps are actually puffballs

Link me the rest of your erotic fanfiction

>onirism update still not out
>nobeta 1.0 still not out
I bet if I start playing a long RPG right now they will both release at the same time.

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take one for the team, user.

oh I killed it alright

how is the game?

It's cute and funny.

There is no new content yet of course it died down.
I would still fuck and cum on carols feet tho. Love me that cunny

>the dev might be
check the artwork/concept art lol

Why aren't there more pedophiles like us sisters?!?!?!?!

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it's similar to the early Ratchet & Clanks. a collectathon focused more on combat and lots of guns.
there's also tons and tons of references to classic games, and I don't just mean a nudge nudge, I mean like, an entire level based on the Dam from TimeSplitters 2, a drivable Metal Slug tank, a reimagining of TranZit from Black Ops 2 Zombies, including a working bus that has a route. really in-depth fun shit like that.

Today I will remind them

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How does this goblina make salesfags seethe so hard? Is it because Yea Forums actually likes this game?

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>shilled hard, even tried to piggyback on success of other cunnygames
>nobody plays it anyway
the absolute state of goblinism

and as usual I will remind you that this is only because it's a single-player only game (well, there's local co-op) so we aren't all jumping on at the same time to play. there's over 200 reviews, that alone proves there's far more players than the daily peaks would have you believe.
maybe when online co-op is added we'll see the daily peak skyrocket.


Cute gobbo, would breed.

Will this game ever have cloud saves?

I just think it's pretty funny that nobody play this game despite how much it's shilled here, user.

Yea Forums is not as big as you think it is, my man

There wouldn't be a single thread about this game on Yea Forums is the protagonist wasn't a little girl.

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Carol killed bllions

what the fuck, where is this from
there is no way they put this girl into a game

>he lacks the critical info

yes, I do

Moar like, ONANISM ammirite guise?

It's a mod. I'm in my comfy bed so I can't link atm, maybe another user will help. Otherwise search the archive for "Onirism mods" and it'll come up.


Whenever you're not locked into an arena filled with enemies it's a lot of fun. The enemy AI likes to just rush you and shoot. There are webms of a player running around, zipping through portals and whatnot during a big fight, but there isn't really any reason to actually do that.
That's pretty much my only complaint.
>the side areas are great
>the soundtrack is literal 10/10
>Carol a cute, and she's on your screen pretty much the entire time
>the combat when it's just a handful of enemies to provide spice to exploration is great.
>the movement and platforming is a lot of fun now instead of being default unity jank
>the current game is long, and it's around half done
The other problem is how slow the updates can be. Sometimes they can work really quickly, and other times you have the current situation where they release a Christmas update and it's still in the game despite almost being May.

do you have to use the commands to get the outfit or can you find it ?
I'm still not in the first town

one autist spamming his porn mods (which are bad quality) killed this game.

you don't belong here

Taking a massive shit in the shittiest thread on Yea Forums!!! Goblinfags should feel honored

>shitting on a thread shitting on the game
Based goblinCHAD

Based and gobpilled.

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>in the game

alright thanks for the responses, will probably pick it up on a sale

>which are bad quality
Nice joke. They are ridiculously good, especially for such literally who game.

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>all-time peak 26
>for a game i see shilled on here all the time
holy shit

Is this the new cover? Lame

In terms of gameplay this looks incredibly appealing to me, but I'd legit be embarassed to have it on my account because of all the pedos

>update about to be 4 months late
onibros... we lost

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I hope it's cause people stopped buying fucking early access shit

Devs make these threads a lot to try to get people interested in the game I guess. I bought it ages ago but I'm still waiting for it to leave early access. They need to add real online already as well.

More like it's because it's a literally who game from a literally who.
>but it's shilled here!

Nobody gives a shit you coping groomer. It's time to take the shill campaign to greener pastures.