Manipulative plot

>manipulative plot
>needlessly melancholic in many points
>~le jumpscares
>many plot holes and inconsistencies that only exist to facilitate the grimdark story
Why is this game so popular again? Is it because of the (admittedly) great art?

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Other urls found in this thread:

seethe more andrewcuck

I don't know but I like it.

Attached: aubrey what.png (2388x3067, 3.23M)

Its only liked by psuedo intellectual hipsters that wasted their life on vidya and try to convince others and themselves that games are art

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Where's the feet?

Tumblr (twitter) trannies

Bros, recommend me good Earthbound-inspired RPGS, I'm tired of this tumblr-tier games.

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Red Riding Woods
Black Souls 1
Black Souls 2
Jackie Chan

>another omori thread
Will this one at least have porn for fuck sake

I said this ages back into an RPG thread but you are basically correct. Omori doesn't do anything special, everything it does has been done by older RPGs and arguably done better. The gameplay is pretty shallow, excluding its thematic purposes.

I think Omori just came out at the exact right time for it to be a massive success. It was a period where RPGMaker games weren't as popular as they once were. Omori is probably the first RPGMaker games the new generation of gaymers would have played. They had nothing to compare it with.

With all that said Omori is far from a bad game. I would call it good, a solid 7-7.5 out of 10. The artstyle is lovely and the story is decent. It's just, as someone who played of a lot of these types of games, Omori doesn't really do much to set itself apart.

Of course you are a huehue favelafag
Why Redditors are so spiteful?

>Red Riding Woods

user I love RPGs and Black Souls as much as the next guy but even I will admit RRW is a shite game

>>many plot holes and inconsistencies that only exist to facilitate the grimdark story
Such as?

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>space funeral
>yume nikki
>earthbound inspired

It just does, ok?

i guess "rpg" and "unconventional setting" are all you need to qualify anymore

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Yume Nikki isn’t even an RPG.

>jump scares
name them

There’s one when you open the door for Mari, you dense fuck head.

Even if the game was bad (which it isn't), Aubrey's ass alone would justify its existence.

Attached: Aubrey's butt.jpg (327x298, 27.05K)

>>many plot holes and inconsistencies that only exist to facilitate the grimdark story
I mildly hate Omori as well, but what are the plot holes?

>Manipulative plot
what the hell does that even mean?
>needlessly melancholic in many points
That's just the game's general tone
>jumpscares are bad meme
>many plot holes and inconsistencies that only exist to facilitate the grimdark story
such as? Also you don't know what grimdark means

Cope, seethe, you didn't beat the game.

>manipulative plot
the fuck?

>jumpscares are bad and not scary because... because... because they just ARE, okay!?

I don't understand this. Jumpscares are fine. They make tension happen if they're sparse enough. Overusing them ruins it, but that's literally any thing scary.
Good read.

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he said good


I'm convinced that person never had friends as a kid with how wrong they are about how bonds are formed as children.

holy fuck lmao this was definitely written by someone who has never actually experienced a friendship

It’s good if you’re retarded, sure.

How is it grimdark?

Of course he didn’t beat it. I bet he just looked up plot summary, or watched the ending.

This REEKS that they never had friends

>young boys couldn't have come up with a plan that sick
Kids are weird. Not saying they were psychos, but I don't think kids would realistically be able to truly understand how horrific their actions are. That's even a huge point, is that when the deed is done and the rush of emotions is really starting to be processed, they turn around and see the body and start to get exactly what they just did. Like yeah, it's contrived and out there, but isn't that the point? It's really fucked up trauma that kids would have no way to handle

Retarded tumblrite needs to go make friends

ok game

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>4. Sunny’s friends forgiving him and Basil for what they did to Mari

>Last but not least, the story heavily implies that Hero, Kel, and Aubrey will forgive Basil and Sunny for what they did to Mari. I found this to be almost as unbelievable as the staged-suicide stunt.

This person was literally too retarded to understand an ending that was intentionally left ambiguous and up to player interpretation

im gonna be honest i never played this game, i just like this guy's art

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Unironically what plot holes or inconsistencies. I thought the game was pretty straightforward
>manipulative plot
reddit term


Having characters act different than you might expect because you were a lonely faggot child doesn't make it a plot hole, coon.

Mari looks cute and remind my niece.

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It’s better than Omori.

That's retarded, why wouldn't a bunch of kids who spent like years of their childhood together not feel a bond.
>The writing fix would be to make it MORE clear that Sunny is intentionally running away from Basil. Make it a cutscene, or, give a false choice such as “Leave Basil? Yes / Yes”.
>ie im too retarded so I need it spelled out

Cope, seeth, and dilate, shills. Your story is garbage.

nice try, shill

According to one weird shut-in on Tumblr?

This person has to be blind. There’s literally a scene where Basil is begging Sunny not to leave him again.

>no arguments

>too retarded to understand why the bathroom scene is the way it is

at least name the artist user

I've never had true friends, never will given massive trust issues on top of clearly unrealistic expectations of a friendship due to past experiences, and can accept that reality, I've been through worse.
And I don't have issues with most of what is said to be "writing problems" here. I do agree on focusing about received forgiveness instead of a redemptive attempt through honesty but I don't care about it as much.

Look through the thread, dummy.

Literally already has been posted in this very thread.

oops replied when i saw pic thats all

the final scene of the true ending is Sunny owning what they did and getting ready to confess. This author's fixation on the presumption that they will forgive him is purely editorial speculation based on how they already feel about the writing in the game.

To be fair, this is literally a byproduct of the ending being left intentionally vague, but I think it's dishonest to say 'it's vague BUT what they actually wanted you to feel is ____'

Omori doesn't really have plot holes. At best, it has a couple of plot contrivances that feel forced in order to make a scene happen. Two notable examples of this would be

Basil getting pushed in the lake, and Kel inexplicably needing to "keep Aubrey busy" for literally no reason. Whole scene is just there to force Sunny to nearly drown so the water phobia + Mari flashback scene can happen.

Next example would be Basil deciding to hang Mari's body instead of just calling 911 and saying she fell by herself on accident. Simply lying about it is much easier to pull off and much easier to believe than a shy autistic femboy suddenly having knowledge of tying nooses and cleaning up a crime scene. It's obvious that the writer wanted the hanging imagery and had to force the plot to accommodate it.

Neither of these ruin the story though. Most of the game's issues are with the pacing and boring RPGMaker gameplay rather than the story itself.

>Neither of these ruin the story though. Most of the game's issues are with the pacing and boring RPGMaker gameplay rather than the story itself.
the battle system really falls apart by the time you get to Humphrey and there's basically no need to deviate from the exact same strategy every battle, especially once you start getting the accessories that set you into a specific emotion at the beginning of the battle.

It's like SMT4 but somehow more amateurish

i actually half agree that the scene is kinda structured weird as fuck and couldve been better with more rail-roading (though the example they used was corny). i only say this because i've watched a few of my friends get to it, exhaust everything they can do in the room and realize they need to leave the room with a "oh okay i guess" on their breathe. the moment just isn't sold as well as it couldve been.

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Fun Fact: Tying a noose is actually really similar to how you tie a flower crown.

out of fairness, gaming in general, but especially in the genres omori at least expects familiarity with, if not outright being part of, basically force ocd clicking of literally everything to squeeze out even little bit of content you can get, even for just a line of dialogue even in a notable case, different dialogue from opening chests in a certain game series
railroading as you suggested is probably for the best, at least to sell "no, there's nothing else to click here

Speaking of SMT.

These are pretty bad examples and more nitpicks than anything else. About the only one that makes much sense is the third one where he questions two kids coming up with an elaborate plan after Mari fell down the stairs and while it is a bit strange I don't think it's THAT erroneous.

It isn't really implied at all they forgave him at the end of the game in the "good" ending, all you really know is that telling the truth is a huge weight off of both Basil and Sunny's shoulders because they finally don't have to live with this horrible lie anymore. It would be bad writing I think if a character like Hero for example actually did forgive Sunny right away since it's pretty obvious he's still extremely hung up about it and thinks he wasn't there for Mari enough, so it's a good thing that doesn't happen then!

>Basil getting pushed in the lake, and Kel inexplicably needing to "keep Aubrey busy" for literally no reason. Whole scene is just there to force Sunny to nearly drown so the water phobia + Mari flashback scene can happen.

Yes this one is very strange, Kel is an athlete with a potential scholarship and he asks the hikki boy who hasn't left his house in years to save another human being from drowning? Keeping Aubrey busy makes no sense either she doesn't like Basil but she doesn't want to kill him and he didn't even push him in on purpose.

>obvious bait thread
>tumblr retards seething ensues

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Oh neat, thanks user

The fact that he forgot Sunny can’t swim is even worse. You’d think he’d remember the time his friend almost drowned before.

I'd say the ending of the game (pre/post basil fight) shows that omocat is capable of creating a well paced linear framing that is intriguing so its a real shame of a mistep. the first time you stab yourself in white space is a great exercise of the "lemme try literally anything else" dialogue exhaust too

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Sounds interesting. I’ll give it a try later.

I think the combat is unique enough to be notable but I will concur that it's not the combat that makes the game good.
The real frustration about the game is
>Wow I heard about all this cool content, can't wait to do-
>Oh that's an entirely route I have to do that's essentially the entire game again?
Why isn't this complained about more.

i'm genuinely having fun discussing the game idc if the thread was bait

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That's not a jump scare, it's absurdly slow-paced. The mirror stuff (real world and Headspace) are the only real jump scares and the Headspace one is RNG.