What is more likely to succeed in making LIVING money? (so I don't have wageslave)

what is more likely to succeed in making LIVING money? (so I don't have wageslave)

patreon or kickstarter?

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Game development its just a hobby.

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A chinese drawing tablet and a furaffinity account.

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This unfortunately. If you want to make money in a creative field independently, it's porn art for you.



bear in mind that not everyone is a degenerate like you

Being a furry is the natural state of the white man

but what if I just literally need 600$ a month

Have you see how lucrative porngame patreons are? And for how little they update their damn games

those often at least have a certain niche going for them though. you need to find a hole in the market that isn't being filled and exploit it if you wanna make it as a weg dev

don't point it out, I did it on purpose

Want to focus on my game dev projects(s).
But keep banging thots on tinder.
Feel terrible and regret it afterwards. Then in a day or two i'll just do the same.
Never get round to finishing my initial projects or weekly deadlines.

What do lads?

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Return to reddit or /soc/

>patreon or kickstarter?
Can you even do game development on Patreon if your game isn't free at the end of it? Asking people to pay you monthly and then buy the game too seems weird, maybe you could set up a system where anyone who ends up giving you as much or more than the game's price in Patreonbux gets a key for free.

>a slave to base desires
Learn self control, numbskull

some wegs on patreon just make the game free, some let you download an older version and only patrons get the most up to date build

Several games do patreon and sell the game. Paypigs still get the builds and non-paypigs pay once

I know, I feel like a retard.

Seems like it would be messy, with Patreon-only builds, rewards, and other shit. At that point it's not so much game development as learning to milk your Patreoncucks as efficiently as possible.

Might be lucrative but also seems like something that would make me want to hang myself after a few months.

Either make a fun game or do porn. Those are your two options.

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OP here
I have a game in the making, it's gonna be fun.
However it's not nearly ready to sell and my mum is nagging me to get a job (I am 25 years old)

>Learn self control, numbskull
I should probably just hermit myself in my house like Eric Barone did.

Are you making a coomerbait game? Patreon.
Do you have some social media clout, but want to make a non-coomer game? Kickstarter.

Describe your game's art style, Yea Forums

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You just need a couple of whales. Suckle off thier teets.

KS with a $5k goal if you're a literal nobody
Patreon if you already have a fanbase

>However it's not nearly ready to sell and my mum is nagging me to get a job
Then find a job, holy shit

im socially incapable

>im socially incapable
>somehow socially capable to market a game and manage patreon or kickstarter

>post big furry ass
There did your marketing

>post big furry ass
Patreon then

it's not hard to write something online
but existing among real people in am office is terrifying

>job can't be remote

Get a job at a supermarket. It will help,

My game?
Looks like its hand drawn on a piece of notebook paper with a pencil.
Its surprisingly technical to get the aesthetics right, its not like I can just copy omori's static battle portraits since things need to be in motion and look good.

^ユニ⑅Elfenfairi yni^Princess subculture ArtStudying game^
yni Harajuku fairi Subculture game ^
ユニ妖精のティーパーティー 彡
l'imagination et la magie mignonne。^◌⑅ 𖡼 .𖤣𖥧𓈒◌ހ𓂃𓂂𖡼⑅^(académie
Gameplay's core is perfecting world by imagination and cute magic。^yni art-game (fairi cute magic academy)。^ultra dreamy and pure/cute magic project for everyfairi for studying cute magic& perfecting world by imagination and cute magic。^◌⑅ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𓈒◌܀𓂃𓂂𖡼⑅^(

Fairy play for cute&dreamy thoughts and emotions。An educational game for sweet magic of fairy world,fairy languages and mathematics & elven pastel castles(art studying) , so players should think like a fairy in order to understand it more and became an elemental archmage/unicorns of pastels and rainbows。

^#ユニ #かわいい魔法
How do I find a job in Tokio or fairiElfenAlienKinderAngelic residence permission in Japan with mental yayness as a forever innocent&virgin Δελφοί cute&kind and dreamy ElfenAlienKinder fairi Princess with only imaginary friends?へMental Yayness is not bad at all(do not worry) it is good and healthy fruitypure and innocent and cute&kind dream magically truly for you and public too… yay
^A new shop was built in the fairy academy It was a very grand, beautiful shop with white walls and a pink pointed roof. The faeries looked in the windows to see what kind of shop it would be. Everynyan thought it would be a jeweller’s shop. But then one day, a delicious smell came from inside. “It’s a cake shop^ yaaay!” cried the chocolate pudding fairy. “yaaaay^” cried the raspberry fairy The faeries were very happy about the new shop, yay...^

yay thanks for your wonderful message, thanks for continuing the magic of your yni^
only antifairi do all bad things and fairi are cute and pure angelic and associate only with cute and dreamy and Harajuku fairi shop and castle is their home country empathy111%The stars in the note are example of how to cure dark magic & turn it into mentally yay dream magic state
I have devoted my whole life to development、support and fruity intersubjectivization of yni subcultures yni^fairies、so I do everything possible and impossible for this、after all, to succeed, you need to go beyond the rules of "reality" of evil anti-magic masses、more than once proved their thirst and propensity for cruelty, destruction and treacherous curses, which create all nonentities、sorrows for life innocent magical fairies; I reunited the dark side elementals of KUROMIfairi into yni^, and now ユニyayDepression, Anxiety, SchizoBipolarDysphoria, Euphoria, Asocial fairy LIVE and so much more have united into yni pentagrams and become one and magical EMOyni fruity in the quintessence of the world and the portal to the dimension of dreams, the place which is so hated by anti-fairies: MentalYayness is available to all fairies I can't wait for what will be available to you with your mental yayness,

As long as we're posting shit no one's gonna read.

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i've got 2 projects with significant progress and now i'm stunlocked every time i try to decide what to work on

picture is wrong.
to make a good game take inspirations from other good games and make what you find fun

>take inspirations from other good games
what do you think is in those books, genius. The average zoomer wasn't alive when games were worth taking inspiration from and they sure as shit aren't going to go back and play the massive library of classics. Secondary media is the only way
>bro just take inspiration from modern games
see pic related

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Make a GDD, or plan, or to-do list. It's much easier when you schedule your workload so you know what exactly you need to do for today

How are you going to sell a game on patreon or kickstarter? Those sites are for scammers who want to get paid for doing nothing every month.

>scammers who want to get paid for doing nothing every month
Read the thread. OP is a personification of this

Work on your game and post progress, learn how to social media your progress (you need to do this anyway, at every scope of development). Grow your patreon over time, either with a long term project or multiple jam type projects. When you get about 200 patrons consistently, you can start reaching out to publishers and show your patreon as proof of stake. 200 patros is small potatos but publisher's like to see dedication more than anything. Remember that they don't give a shit about content, they just want to know you're worth working with. Learn what kind of deals you can get. Most publishers won't give you cash up front but they might roll you up in their marketing fleet, give you access to free game testing, hook you up with partners, shit like that.

how good do I have to be to do this? I'll yiff before going back to being a wagie

The site is open to non account holders, there re plenty of people showing their art and rates, you be the judge.

I'm in a pretty strange place where I need to add juice/polish to the game but I don't have a clear idea on what exactly, I feel like I'm not able to understand what is missing. Is getting feedback my only way out of this, or is there some methodical approach I can try first?

The first book might help.

thank you, I'll give it a look

it can't be that easy

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The more cringe and degenerate things you do the lower the skill required

It goes through the trouble of explaining why various methods of adding juice work, as well as giving examples. Probably worth a skim more than cover to cover reading in your case.

>play vidya everyday
>need a book to tell you what game design is
If you play other games than lol and cod you already know about game design

>Is getting feedback my only way out of this
Yes, let me play it and I'll tell you what you can add

>you need to do this anyway
No you don’t. Just make a good game and release it when it’s finished. If it’s good, people will buy it. Nobody needs to see your progress while you’re working on it. The whole early access thing is a scam to extract more money out of people.

I wonde, is Godot is easy enough to program a 3D rpg? Asking for a friend.

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Making connections to get people to buy your art is also necessary.

>No you don’t.

How many 3d RPGs have you made already? If it's zero godot is not for you.

peak Dunning-Kruger

3 minigames are now in a good state w/ CPU controls. how many should I shoot for before a demo?
started thinking how I can add a singleplayer experience - currently playing with
>tower of floors
>enemies on the floors can only be pushed back with your character
>each floor has a different theme for example 'reflexes'
>reflex floor has reflex based enemies / puzzles
>at a certain point in the level you'd reach the minigame for the level - beat the minigame and unlock the weapon for the floor
>weapon for the floor actually destroys the enemies and lets you complete the level
there's lore there too but I wont bore (anymore)
Minigames would be unlocked for multiplayer by default, but beating the story mode stuff will unlock armor / different CRT heads for multiplayer.

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