>Yea Forums will defend this
Yea Forums will defend this
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I won't. Ridiculously over-sized tits are just a total turn-off.
women are only good for sex
the more sex appeal a woman has the better woman she is
are trannies still seething about this?
actually the whole internet bandwagoned on attacking it for some reason when it's just a sexy rabbit lady...
why are you gae
why do you have shit taste
What's to defend? It's just making a good looking woman character. Only faggots and niggers hate huge tits.
Not furry enough
Pretty. But devs really shouldn't attempt hairstyles like that unless they have the physics/rendering quality to back it up.
It's really funny how the internet ragged on Dahlia for being a sex fantasy made by horny men
When it turned out she was designed by a woman.
wat game?
Here's your character designer, bro.
Safe something nice about her.
It's honestly the worst design in the game and weebs chose a dumb hill to die on defending it
Xenoblade 2
Foreignsword Stories Duo
I can already tell you are a retard who masturbates while playing shit like Trails and Atelier.
Blame the artist. They did the best they could based on the illustration they were given.
>started out making porn games in the 90s when she was only 17
That explains everything
reminder that the bitching about the sexyness of the characters in xenoblade 2 is why there are no sexy characters in 3
this is the future you chose
The west has to put women on a pedestal, so they need to be pure and good and it's impossible for them to like stupid, sexy designs.
>ywn be an average married soldier who by chance gets a super hot female unique blade that never ages and is more loyal to you than your wife
Feels bad man
You're a sub 90IQ monkey subhuman with no sense of proportion or taste. Even faggots have some standards. You don't.
>drinking ice cream from her tits
never ever
If they decide to listen to the resetera retards, there's nothing you can do about that.
They are the loudest and western journalist made it seem like their shit opinions about something they hate are also the only ones that matter.
>Something nice about her
She's a woman which is more than her detractors can claim. Keep making gorgeous pieces of eye candy.
exaggerating a proportion is still a proportion and they have a standard for exaggeration. all these kinds of posts boil down to is "boo hoo i don't like this and draw actual self worth from pornography"
You retards will keep saying this even until the release date, and when the game comes out and has sexy girls, you will cry. Just like OP.
Why don't you just emulate if you don't want to buy the Switch?
I love XC2 and I absolutely hate her design. The uncanny face and grotesquely proportioned hands ruin her. Newt is way sexier and Electra and Finch are infinitely cuter.
Great design, very sexy
Anyone who defends this "human with animal ears/tail" shit has shit taste, which isn't surprising since shit taste is this entire game's appeal.
>It's just making a good looking woman character.
Pic unrelated?
This but the design is still pretty shitty. Making her full furry wouldn't save it.
It's funny how people will think shit designs are good just because it has tiddy
>Noooooo the game devs chose to have something more reminiscent of Xenoblade Chronicles 1 character design, this is censorship because literally the only thing that's allowed to exist is softcore porn outfits!
you can have too much of a good thing user
These proportions are ridiculous to the point of revulsion
Her dub voice is pure sex
what's there to defend?
I barely come here but I'll still defend this
Her muscles should be bigger to match her huge paws
she worked on angel blade
pretty based
This post was typed by female hands
is the game on pc?
go back, you do not belong here
life isn't fair
I'm not a woman. Cope with the projection of tranny delusions because tranime has rotted your brain so hard.
>NPC seethes at the sign of something he disagrees with
This design has convinced me to pirate this game instead of writing it off
Fuck you dunkey
keep saying it
A biological woman designed her
Post bunny girls I love them so much
Now you don't know what the hell to do, huh?
I'm just kidding, we don't hire women.
Her name reads like "fuck rice" in russian
This is an actually bunny unlike that trash in the OP
Post something that isn't furshit and we'll talk
uhmhmhmmhhmhmmm sweetie? She's been conditioned by the patriarchy, okay? She's a shame to us all wahmen.
No, I do not. The tits aren't the issue here.
The hands, the weird proportions that are further made worse by her stance, and those god awful feet are all bad.
It's sad, because as a character she's actually a sweetheart.
Really? 'Cause it looks like Yea Forums is bitching about it. (you) are Yea Forums too, faggot.
Blizzard hair bunny isn't very good, and my dick doesn't like it
Eyeball katana otaku /k/ommando with phantom muscle arms is very good, and my dick likes it a lot
Simple as
I hate the design but I have no problem with it being in the game since I'm not forced to use her.
This looks shit.
I don't remember Cortana looking like this
You are just gay, bro.
Ah, been a while since I've seen such a magnificent specimen of furreus faggeus in the wild
You're shit.
I fap to art of furry girls with ass cheeks the size of beach balls, you're just mad because you know it's a shit design and exactly why this game is utter cringe.
Yea Forums spotted a weird bug and posted an unbugged image to BTFO the tranny OP who began kvetching about bunny girl
No this just looks stupid. Why is her uniform all disolved? Why does she have retarded floating muscle arms?
I will now buy your game
I think the design's brought together with the oversized eye on the back of her head, but you can't see it from most angles
>Ridiculously over-sized tits are just a total turn-off.
Oh yeah, definitely. Post some so i can see how turned off i get.
>she worked on angel blade
Someone uncensored the ABP OP recently. It's glorious.